Would You Say That I'm Skinny-Fat?



  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Having seen the new photo (which I suggest you remove*)

    * - now that I've downloaded it. ;)

    ^ LMFAO

    LOL And NO you are not skinny fat.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Not skinny fat or any other kind of fat.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    Nope youre fine but lifting weights would give you more of a flat belly look and also some core exercises. :flowerforyou:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    the only sensible definition of skinny-fat, is when it's used to mean "normal weight obesity" Normal weight obesity is where your BMI is in the healthy range, but your body fat percentage is in the obese range (which is 35%+ for women)..... so if you have a normal BMI and a body fat percentage of 35% or more, then you're skinny fat. If not, then you're not. All other uses of the term are basically body shaming on people who don't have visible muscle definition or who are more slender, or who otherwise don't conform to someone else's narrow definition of what bodies should look like.

    This ^^ OP, you are not skinny fat.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have a problem with the belly flab/excess skin appearance when I'm in the nude. I don't like looking at it, it's gross.

    Eat at maintenance and do core strengthing exercises.
  • Dana31601
    Dana31601 Posts: 41 Member
    Describing your body parts as gross is so sad. You are gorgeous, and honestly, you weigh 97 lbs and are still worried about being fat? Time to get some therapy before you do some real harm to your body.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I have a problem with the belly flab/excess skin appearance when I'm in the nude. I don't like looking at it, it's gross.

    you look excellent. the parts of your body you aren't happy with are the parts of models and celebrities that get photoshopped before you see them in magazines. trust me, you're in better shape right now than 90% of the women that you see photos of.

    don't let photoshop ruin your self image
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I have a problem with the belly flab/excess skin appearance when I'm in the nude. I don't like looking at it, it's gross.

    you look excellent. the parts of your body you aren't happy with are the parts of models and celebrities that get photoshopped before you see them in magazines. trust me, you're in better shape right now than 90% of the women that you see photos of.

    don't let photoshop ruin your self image

    QFT!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • wanderingarcher
    wanderingarcher Posts: 694 Member
    Like others say-- NO you are absolutely not fat in any way. Even just the way you are, you are beautiful. You don't *need* rock-hard abs to be beautiful.

    Whoever has been feeding you with the idea that you are fat-- they are LYING to you!

    Please do 2 things:

    1. Take the second pic off the net. As a mom to 7, it hurts my heart to see you so exposed.

    2. Find someone who can help you talk through and get rid of the lies you've been believing.

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member

    After checking your profile, and seeing one of the posts above from your friend, I'm guessing that you are not 18. You absolutely should not be posting pictures like this on the internet and you need to be cautious or providing more pics to those requesting. And, frankly, you shouldn't even be on this site. Try sparkteens.com. Please.

    As for your question, as I said before, you look great. I also agree with DavPul above that you need to stop basing your body image on photo shopped magazine postings. You're a beautiful young lady, and need to work on your self image. Talk to your parents and/or a counselor and get some help.

    Good luck!
  • WannaBLoser2013
    You look good to me. If you want some muscle definition to feel better try some strength training. May I suggest Jillian Michaels Dvd SIX WEEKS SIX PACKS.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    take the nude pic down... now. You don't even look 16, and it's just wrong. This is a site full of adults and some of them are quite predatory. Please, do not put yourself out there like that.

    Even if you are in fact 18, you are still growing into your body. Your body will keep developing and changing even after 18.
    I kept growing in height until I was in my 20s.

    Focus on learning to eat right and healthy. Incorporate some strength training into your week, and learn to love your body as it is.
  • tworthen79
    tworthen79 Posts: 1,173 Member
    No, you're super thin.
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    I could agree with this post more. I agree with most of the people that have posted that it sounds like it is more about having low self esteem.
  • leonardramirez
    leonardramirez Posts: 4 Member
    First of all, I wouldn't use any adjective with the word fat in it to describe you. You are plenty thin. It's hard to judge whether you're toned or not, but if your goal is to achieve a healthier life to avoid health issues that are hereditary, watch the types of foods you eat, rather than how much you eat. And there is a test you can take from a physician that can literally tell you now, whether or not you have the diabetic hereditary gene or not. This could alleviate a lot of your concerns in that area. I was reading about it and spoke to a friend last week whose mother had diabetes and eventually went legally blind from it, confirmed it. Stay active doing those things you like to do, rather than those things you are being told to do because someone else tells you they're better for you. If you do what you like to do, you're more likely to stick with it! There must be some exercise, some form of it, that you like to do - do it! Good luck.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    As I said in Friends channel, based on the first photo, you are not skinny fat. Based on the second photo, again, you are absolutely not fat. You have a body many women would kill for. If you want to go for a more defined look, you can, but I'd rather look like you.
  • CaliforniaBarbie
    CaliforniaBarbie Posts: 346 Member
    Having seen the new photo (which I suggest you remove*)

    * - now that I've downloaded it. ;)

    ^ LMFAO

    ^^^^^:wink: ^^^^:laugh: ^^^^
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    You're thin, beautiful, under age, and take that photo down before people call the moderators.

    Good idea. It's too revealing. I didn't realize the OP was underage as well.
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    Good idea. It's too revealing. I didn't realize the OP was underage as well.

    I actually don't know that, her profile says 18. I go by the photos. It's disturbing.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    Um, a not a suitable for work would have been nice. You weigh 97 pounds for crying out loud. I would say you could stand to gain a few pounds and lose some body fat, but definitely do not lose anymore weight.

    ETA: I gained weight and lost body fat.

    You probably don't realize how short the OP is. She is 4'10'" and a bit and 97 pounds is as she is small boned perfect for her. I am five feet and my weight, albeit higher than hers is also quite low. She could gain a couple of pound ( which she would if she started to lift heavy) if she wanted, but she is fine as she is. The ideal range for someone the OP's height and age is 95-115 pounds. So yes, she is at the low end, but there is imo nothing to cry out loud over.
    I do agree that she should not lose any more, because that would be detrimental to her health and looks. I think she has reached the absolute low limit.