Gaining weight with the least amount of food

I am trying to gain weight as directed by my physician. I have a problem with my adrenal glands that makes it nearly impossible to gain weight. Please spare the 'I wish I had that problem' comments because its really not fun! My hair and nails fall out/off I'm so tired and very under nourished. I have two small children that require way more energy than I have. I downloaded the app to try to help me meet minimum daily nutrient requirements, but I come up short every single day. I am 5'8 and weight 110lbs. I've been eating on average 500 calories a day. I know that's not healthy-- and it is NOT intentional. Just eating 500 calories a day, I feel stuffed. I am forcing myself to eat even that much. Complete loss of appetite goes along with the previously mentioned adrenal condition. Since I can't seem to eat the proper amount of calories in a 'normal' manner, I am wondering if anyone can recommend foods to help me get the most bang for my theoretical buck. I only am able to eat small quantities per day, but I what I do eat needs to be more nutrient dense. Any suggestions?


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Eat more.
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I just Googled nutrient dense foods and got
    A good way to start at any rate
  • itsscottwilder
    This should get you started
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    I am trying to gain weight as directed by my physician. I have a problem with my adrenal glands that makes it nearly impossible to gain weight. Please spare the 'I wish I had that problem' comments because its really not fun! My hair and nails fall out/off I'm so tired and very under nourished. I have two small children that require way more energy than I have. I downloaded the app to try to help me meet minimum daily nutrient requirements, but I come up short every single day. I am 5'8 and weight 110lbs. I've been eating on average 500 calories a day. I know that's not healthy-- and it is NOT intentional. Just eating 500 calories a day, I feel stuffed. I am forcing myself to eat even that much. Complete loss of appetite goes along with the previously mentioned adrenal condition. Since I can't seem to eat the proper amount of calories in a 'normal' manner, I am wondering if anyone can recommend foods to help me get the most bang for my theoretical buck. I only am able to eat small quantities per day, but I what I do eat needs to be more nutrient dense. Any suggestions?

    Find things that you like that are full of fat and/or starch and sugar. Use lots of oils while cooking, if you can.

    Don't buy lean cuts of meat. If you're currently eating chicken, try to switch to beef or pork.

    Are you more likely to drink than eat? Make some sort of shake that has a fair amount of sugar in it, along with some vegetables for vitamins and nutrients, and drink that instead of water.

    potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. load 'em up with butter, bacon, sour cream, whatever.

    If you like chocolate, add a piece after every meal. Or ice cream... the full-fat stuff. Or milkshakes with whole milk, if that's more appealing.

    A big bagel with cream cheese in the morning could be good for almost 500 calories.

    Look for foods that are "portable" so you can move them place-to-place with you during the day... that way you're not tied down to the meal table in order to can just eat wherever you are.

    Good luck. It's not easy to have to force yourself to do something you have no desire to do. Think of eating the way the rest of us think about exercise: "I may not feel like doing it right now, but I know I have to, it's good for me. Here we go."
  • overthehill777
    advacodoes are very nutritious and supposed to be fattning:) pasta with cream sauces
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    What exactly are you eating now?
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    If you've talked to a doctor I'm pretty sure you know what foods you should be eating. Honestly you COULD eat nutrient dense foods, but honestly I'd go the opposite way.

    High fat and high carb meals will trigger your appetite and helping you get calories in. A trick you can do is if you don't feel hungry is ask yourself "Can I eat?" not asking yourself "Am I hungry?" If you can physically eat just eat something whatever.. an apple.. some peanut butter... buttered rice.. doesn't matter.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    calorie dense foods are your friend in cases like this. Peanut butter, avocados, cook with lots of olive oil, full-fat dairy. Simple tricks like this can add up to a lot of calories really fast, with out adding a large volume of food.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Dissolve sugar in water. Drink it.

    Eat peanut butter with a spoon directly out of the jar.

    Protein shakes.

    Drink milk instead of water.
  • athenasurrenders
    athenasurrenders Posts: 278 Member
    Can you give us an example of what you eat in a typical day? There might be ways you can add calories just with simple substitutions.

    Other than that, I agree with the others. Adding cooking oils, butter, sugar, full-fat dairy and dressing, nuts and cheese will all boost your calories without you having to eat a bit chunk of food.

    High calorie drinks are also your friend. You can buy shakes specifically for weight gain aimed at people recovering from illness (I'm sure the doctor has mentioned these). Orange juice is packed with sugar. Even coca cola - I know you need actual nutrients, not just calories, but you could add in the odd soda alongside the rest for an energy boost.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Yep, yep, and yep. Carbs and fat together. As in the same meal.
  • Jasano1234
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
  • Angelikajohnston
    The nutrition comprises of fruits that meet all the body requirements of the person & cannot take the risk of relying on a food that fills their stomach but does not provide necessary nutrition.
  • DrPepper000
    DrPepper000 Posts: 48 Member

    This recipe for home made qwest bars is delicious. It has been the undoing of my weight loss. I made some for a little girl that doesn't like to eat. She won't eat them, but I can't stop.

    They are discussed on this thread.
  • nichelle0126

    Find things that you like that are full of fat and/or starch and sugar. Use lots of oils while cooking, if you can.

    Don't buy lean cuts of meat. If you're currently eating chicken, try to switch to beef or pork.

    Are you more likely to drink than eat? Make some sort of shake that has a fair amount of sugar in it, along with some vegetables for vitamins and nutrients, and drink that instead of water.

    potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. load 'em up with butter, bacon, sour cream, whatever.

    If you like chocolate, add a piece after every meal. Or ice cream... the full-fat stuff. Or milkshakes with whole milk, if that's more appealing.

    A big bagel with cream cheese in the morning could be good for almost 500 calories.

    Look for foods that are "portable" so you can move them place-to-place with you during the day... that way you're not tied down to the meal table in order to can just eat wherever you are.

    Good luck. It's not easy to have to force yourself to do something you have no desire to do. Think of eating the way the rest of us think about exercise: "I may not feel like doing it right now, but I know I have to, it's good for me. Here we go."

    I really like this answer. I forgot to mention in the initial post that I can't get too crazy with the processed sugars and carbs. Because the adrenals aren't working, my body over compensates and makes insulin. Insulin isn't as effective or as efficient as cortisol (the missing hormone) so it takes a LOT of insulin to process foods. That over compenensation causes my insulin levels to sky rocket and I crash, even from just a bag of Cheetos for example. I am not diabetic though.

    But I think I will heed your advice and make smoothies. I would rather drink than eat. The lack of appetite combined with the lack of time I have sometimes makes me forget to eat. After chasing babies all day I look up and it's four in the afternoon and I haven't eaten yet.

    As far as what I am eating when I do eat: granola and peanut butter, part of a banana or a whole date, cashews or any type of nut, all of that is normal food I eat during the day. And at night, mostly to keep up appearances when my husband gets home (my entire family thinks I'm losing weight on purpose) I make something so rich and heavy with carbs that I can't eat it because I crash. He needs that food though because he works all day. For instance I made chicken fried steak with gravy and mashed potatoes last night. Obviously something I can't eat.

    I'm going to do the smoothies and portable foods like you said and maybe come up with something dense enough with calories and nutrients that we can both eat for dinner. Thank you for your answer :)
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    Ask you doctor to refer you to a registered dietician.
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    Are you being treated properly with hormone replacement or whatever is done to treat the condition? Endocrinology isn't exactly most physicians' forte. It sounds like your low appetite is a downstream result of the lack of cortisol release.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I'd honestly try bingeing, thus leading to a 'stretched' stomach and wanting to eat more in the future.. Just a try though, works for me..

    Otherwise I'd invest in some sort of medication to assist your appetite...
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    You can buy weight gain powders that you can mix with water or milk that have 1000 calories or so each.