Busy teacher and mother trying to find time to exercise



  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    I can relate as a working Mom, it is tougher to carve out "me" time. I am not a morning person either BUT having said that, that is also what has worked for me in the past. Getting in exercise BEFORE the day begins - often by the end of the day I am just way too tired. Also, having a fitness buddy can be very helpful. Routine is also a big benefit.
    The hour window at the end of your day sounds like a great time - you just need to defend that time for you, and remember you are worth it!
    I agree with the comments on running, you can do it anywhere and in pretty much all weather. If getting out to a gym or class is not easy to fit it, workout DVD or a bit of equipment - you can fit that into your day at home. Good Luck!
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    Hey! I'm a teacher as well (i teach band, so I'm SUPER busy right from the first day). As of March, I just took in my 9 year old niece and it was a challenge at first, but you just gotta figure out your strengths and go from there. I am TERRIBLE about getting up in the morning to workout so I go after work. The YMCA in my area has a child watch for kids 2-7 that members can utilize (not sure if it costs), but as for my niece I just suit her up in her swim suit and let her swim away while I work out in the gym above. It's handy because I can see her from where I am working out too. Also, you could get a work out partner... having a workout partner at the gym will help keep you accountable :)

    Or you could do a dvd program. I have that also for days/weeks where I am so busy I can't get to the gym in time (it's a 20 min drive for me). I've used P90x, Insanity, and my newest is Turbo Fire and I think it's my favorite because it combines dancing with kickboxing is very fun. I'm not thinking about the fact that I am sweating my butt off. Good luck and feel free to friend me if you'd like additional support!
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    I am a high school teacher. I make copies in the work room that is at the other end of the building. During my prep period I walk at least one lap in the building. I have a large exercise DVD collection, so I don't have an excuse not to exercise. My set time (dating back to Jane Fonda on vinyl) to exercise is 7 PM. My family and friends know to leave me alone during that time. A few of my co-workers and I are going to do a mile with Leslie Sansone as soon as school is out 2 days a week.
  • candajoy
    candajoy Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also a high school teacher (on maternity leave now). I'd love other teacher friends, so add me!
  • kwilson18
    kwilson18 Posts: 42 Member
    Lots of great ideas about fitting in the exercise! You also mentioned the daily making dinner routine, which can be a huge hassle! I love to use a crockpot, so that I don't have to spend so much time on prep, or freeze ahead meals, which you can cook on the weekends and then pop in the oven on weeknights. It's nice to have more time to spend hanging with the family.

    I also love to cook a big pot of soup, and freeze in individual containers for lunch- it's easy, healthy, and portion controlled.
  • Aquabird
    Aquabird Posts: 38 Member
    I walk the halls if I have a break between classes to get a little but of cardio here and there. One of my schools is a figure 8 (in a bad neighborhood), so a lot of people just circle the inside of the building on breaks.

    Does your school have any facilities you can use (gym, track, weight room, pool, etc)? When I was in high school, some of the teachers would meet before classes and do laps in the pool. It was before students got there, so the only evidence was their wet hair. I saw others running on the track after school. Would this be an option?
  • SaberEsPoder
    SaberEsPoder Posts: 130 Member
    Also a high school teacher here and worried about the same thing. I have been trying to get up earlier but adjusting summer to fall has been really hard for me, so not sure if I will make it. I guess we will have to tear ourselves from work and actually get home/to the gym! :) Would love other teacher friends, feel free to add me!
  • 3mamabear3
    Hey everyone - I've started a program that was created locally, but is available nation-wide, called Fit Moms for Life. It's been created specifically for busy moms that want to take care of themselves. There are groups being created around the country and leader opportunities if you don't have a group in your city. Check out the website, sign up for Dustin's blog and see what you think. I followed him (and his results) for about 6 months before I put any money down. Absolutely no regrets now - seeing fantastic results and learning important nutrition information. DVD programs are 20-30 minutes. Group meeting once a week. Supportive and amazing people in the group that I'm in. This program covers everything that is critical for moms. Highly recommend it.http://www.fitmomsforlife.com/ Check it out and see if it's something that would work for you. Best of luck! (p.s - I have three daughters and work full-time +) this is the first program where I've been able to do the entire program with no conflicts/excuses/problems.