Just starting today and having a REALLY bad day!

Hey there,
My name is Joyce. I'm just starting off with this site. Was on a different site for 2 weeks-last night my computer had issues and I lost everything I had put in. To add to my frustration, I am TOTALLY hormonal. I told my family that I wanted to be shut out for a day or two. What I really want to do is eat my way through town!! I am trying super hard to dismiss all of those urges.

The short(ish) version of my story:
I'm 42ys old, been with my high school sweetheart for 25 years. I am a stay at home mom... I laugh at that because one of my two daughters is married and not living with us, and my baby will turn 21 in December... :-) I was on antidepressants for years because I had been diagnosed with PMDD, which is basically PMS on steroids. One of the meds caused me to gain 3-4 pounds a month. Because I had other symptoms, the docs kept adding meds to the pot...hormones, etc (I didn't put it all together until like 2 years later). I went to a new doctor (endochronologist) about 6 months ago because I was tired of not being 'right' and he ran new tests...9 vials of blood worth of tests!! So he found that I have Hashimoto's disease- which means that my body produces thyroid- but it also produces antibodies against the thyriod my body produces. So my thyroid is basically useless. I wanted off ALL of my meds to start over. Now I am taking thyriod supplements only. Don't seem to be making a difference to me- but the doc says my thyroid 'levels' are improved to normal status.... but my cholesterol, and lipid levels not so much. If I continued in the direction I was heading- diabetes for sure, along with who knows what else. He suggested lapband. ???? I agree, I AM over weight, but LAPBAND? I am only 70 lbs overweight... only... ha! Plan B, get my *kitten* in gear, and make a change. Boy is that easier said than done. So here I am, trying to do just that. Making better food choices- even when my family and friends do not. I HATE to excersize. Love to walk...UNLESS it's for excersize.... but I have been taking baby steps to do better. I lost 6 lbs my first week. Yay, I know... but I was hoping for more... I was taking in like 1000-1200 cals a day and burning 3000 or more in a day. (special circumstances, was working for a friend- 6 10-14 hour days, on my feet the eintire time). My thinking is sick I know.... that's why I'm here!!

I am only weighing myself once a week (Friday), and measurements monthly. Weigh day is tomorrow, and today, all I can think about is eating all things horrible... chocolate covered, deep fried carbs would be perfect! LOL I need to hear from you guys to snap me out of this. ...hurry.... ;-)


  • gibsons
    Hi Joye - You hang in there. The fact that you have dealt with years of frustration and still have the stamina to tackle ths is really inspiring. Good luck!
  • oonafey
    oonafey Posts: 42 Member
    In my opinion, start with the exercise before going through with any surgery. My boss has an inactive thyroid and was about 50 lbs. overweight. Her doctor put her on thyroid meds. and she started eating right and working out 4 days a week. In about a year she lost all the weight. She looks amazing. She's 40.

    If you are diligent about what you put in your body and you are honest with yourself, the weight will come off.
  • k_eye
    k_eye Posts: 18
    Take some me time and if you are somewhere that's like Ottawa then the leaves are changing colours.
    A nice little walk should give you some you time, a chance to enjoy the outdoors and hopefully get you away from a deep fried chocolate something - altho not gonna lie not I want some..., <glare> meanie. :P

  • kaffro
    kaffro Posts: 199 Member
    Don't give up!! :happy:

    One day at a time. That's my motto.

    You can do it!
  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    It's very hard to change your diet, especially when you have spent years not eating the best food. When I started on this website, I was going to try it for 30 days. Really be good and record every bit of food that entered my mouth. After the 30 days, I was going to reevaluate and see if I wanted to continue. 30 days went by and I am still here. My new goal is Thanksgiving. Even though I have not lost as much weight as I wanted to, I feel better and have more energy. I also like reading people's success stories. It inspires me. I only want to loose 20 pounds, but there are a lot of people that have lost more than 70 pounds. There stories are amazing. Find a group that will help you reach your goal whether it's a work or on MFP.
  • mistyme
    You are doing great so far. Keep it up!

    6lbs in one week! Wow! I know you want to lose more but keep in mind, it is recommended to lose between 2-3lbs a week so anything extra is BONUS and you shouldn't feel bad about it.

    If you are not used to exercise, I would focus on getting consistant with the diet before adding any "major" workout. Exercise will make you hungry and if you haven't got the eating part under control you might set yourself up for another bad day. Take it slow :)

    As for the hormonal/stress/depression... Just remember... Don't worry about things that don't matter. If you stress out it is really hard to stop those cravings. So try to relax and think about how great you are doing! You are getting your thyroid in check and losing some pounds... you've got this! Stay positive keep doing what you are doing and you will succeed ;-)
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    You came to the right place. For the most part, we are a kind and caring bunch, and are more than willing to give you a shoulder to cry or lean on when you need it or a kick in the rear should you need that.
    I totally agree with everyone else, you should most definitely not schedule the surgery right away. Weight loss is something that is definitely doable. It may not be something that is going to happen overnight, but the weight did not get on overnight (even though that was NOT your fault, and no one is saying that it was in your case). Take things one day at a time, log your food, try to get some exercise, even if it is just 10-20 minutes to start with, and you will be surprised at how quickly things will turn around for you. I would love to have you as a friend on the journey and cheer you on every step of the way.

  • eaglemonster
    eaglemonster Posts: 156 Member
    Keep at it.. Be strong... Keep up the good work...
  • CeciHarper
    It's never too late to get your *kitten* in gear! :) Congrats for taking that first step! What you will find here is a huge positive support system with tons of encouragement! I have a Bible scripture for ya: [i love it!]

    Dont worry about anything; instead, pray & tell God what you need & thank him for all he has done. Philipians 4:6

    Bad days are rough, but you'll be okay! =D Just try to stay focused & remember those deep-fried choclate bars are the devil! hee hee

    Everything will be fine, I laughed at your "stay at home mom" deal! That's just funny!! I hope your day gets better!!!

  • lisagammons
    lisagammons Posts: 1 Member

    I think you are being a bit hard on yourself!! You've took the first step & thats the biggest!

    Try to think about 1 day at a time only, I plan my meals for the week so I know what's to eat everyday, but concentrate on the day at hand. Some days are harder than others! Try and find lower calorie 'treats', Malteasers, Curly Wurly's, Milky Way's, try Alpen light bars (chocolate & fudge) they are only 68 cals!

    You should try & weigh out tins to match your weight loss, put them in a bag & feel how much weight it is, it's amazing!

    You sound like you've gone through a lot, so I bet you will find the strength to keep going!! Good Luck, :wink:
  • jgarmon03
    Hi, Joyce! I hate to exercise, too, but what really helps me is that it makes me FEEL so much better!! Lower stress, higher energy and self-esteem and it helps to play some really great music on the ipod!!

    Keep up the good work and be PROUD of who you are!! :happy:
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement- I really don't want that surg. I don't WANT to HAVE to eat only 3oz of food per meal. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be able to conquer this myself. I have never been one for goal setting/achieving but I am trying now. I know there are people out there like your friend who have done this. I am trying to convince myself that I can too. :-)
  • andeeinevansville
    Hi! You're on the right track by acknowledging your weak spots and also asking for help!! Alot of us are in the same boat and can offer alot of support and encouragement..6 pounds is awesome for one week! Just never give up...I say take it one meal at a time...You can do it!! Add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Hi Joyce! You came to the right place!!! I have the same thing as you Hasch. . . . . in other words a thyroid gland that is basically useless. I was diag. Dec 2009. I take Levothyroxine. Did you read all kinds of things that said it is nearly impossible to lose weight when you have this condition? I did and that was the worst because I have been over weight my whole life, so maybe my thyroid never did work LOL! You should consider a new Dr. if that one thinks you need lapband!! I think that's throwing in the towel WAY too soon, and I thought they say you have to be at least 100 pds overweight?? Anyway, WELCOME!! You can lose the weight you need to! It's not easy, but then nothing worth doing is ever real easy. I have been here since August 2010, I love it and wonderful people are here to help you and encourage and support you!! I will add you as a friend if that is okay. I have 2 boys a senior in college and a senior in high school, and I have been married for 28 years. I will be 50 next Feb and I want to be almost at my goal if not at it by then!
    I hope you like this site, be patient and if you have questions just post it and you will get tons of help.
    Have a Great Day!!!!
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Oh and Joyce, I HATE TO EXERCISE TOO!!!!!! I see all these people on here working out and they are doing so great and I just can't get excited about exercise, I wish I could!!
  • heyjude78
    :drinker: Congrats on the 6 lbs!!!!!! That's a huge accomplishment and not easy to do. You could focus today on just maintaining your 6lb loss instead of sabotaging your work/health etc.

    Go outside! Go hang out with a buddy- you'll feel better :heart:

    Good luck! We are with you :flowerforyou:
  • DonnaMaas
    Stay with it Joyce and with this crew here you can do it. I have only been on MFP for 25 days and have only lost 8-10 lbs. partly because I have no metabolism and also because I HATE TO EXCERCISE!!! I have been trying to walk in the evenings for about 20 minutes so I figure its better than nothing. It has been good to put all my food in and see exactly what I am eating and how much because I usually have no sense of portion control but with this its very easy to watch the portions. Keep it up, we are here for you!!!!I will ask you to be my friend.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    You can do this! Take baby steps.... As I began to understand that THIS IS NOT A DIET THIS IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGE I mentally adjusted as well as physically adjsted. I have thyroid diease and had PMS with many excuses that this weight was from medical issues, but as I began to feel better the weight started to follow suite. I wish you well on your journey. The food diary is a must for me to be successful. Log every single thing you put in yout mouth, it takes time but it is worth it. As I eat smarter and healthier calories that fried food no longer appeals to me. Let me tell you I never thought I would be saying that. lol
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    Hi Joyce! You came to the right place!!! I have the same thing as you Hasch. . . . . in other words a thyroid gland that is basically useless. I was diag. Dec 2009. I take Levothyroxine. Did you read all kinds of things that said it is nearly impossible to lose weight when you have this condition? I did and that was the worst because I have been over weight my whole life, so maybe my thyroid never did work LOL! You should consider a new Dr. if that one thinks you need lapband!! I think that's throwing in the towel WAY too soon, and I thought they say you have to be at least 100 pds overweight?? Anyway, WELCOME!! You can lose the weight you need to! It's not easy, but then nothing worth doing is ever real easy. I have been here since August 2010, I love it and wonderful people are here to help you and encourage and support you!! I will add you as a friend if that is okay. I have 2 boys a senior in college and a senior in high school, and I have been married for 28 years. I will be 50 next Feb and I want to be almost at my goal if not at it by then!
    I hope you like this site, be patient and if you have questions just post it and you will get tons of help.
    Have a Great Day!!!!

    oh sure... thanks for the bad news about hashimotos!! haha ;-) I am going to a different doctor now. He kind of 'fell' into my lap.. not the original doc that I chose, but he is a very smart guy and seems to be on the same page as me. I too am trying to be aware of portions, they are really small... no wonder I gained weight. I'm first focusing on better food and doing small bits of excersize. When I feel like I have a handle on the food, I will add more excersize.
    You're right about the people here being friendly. I have had many friend requests and TONS of support. My day has improved greatly. With this kind of support, how can I fail?!
    And yes, 20 mins of walking a night is much better than nothing!! Maybe you can increase it as time goes on. I'll be right there with ya.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    you will get there, just stay positive and come up with a mantra, whether you change it daily or keep the same one. My new one is, I love my kids! Both parents died of cancer and I hate that they only have one set of grandparents. I want to be there for my kids and grandkids if there are any! As for exercise any type will do, when I dont want to "workout" I put on my mp3 and dance around the living room. get a pedometer and try to do 10000 steps a day.good luck!