1300 calorie day-suggestions



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Check my diary...it's totally open I am on 1360 a day with exercise burning appx 250 a day...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I've been eating 1300 calories for the past month and will usually log in all of my food first thing in the morning/around lunch.

    Breakfast - I choose not to eat breakfast.
    Lunch - Today I had Laughing Cow Cheese Triangles, 37 Gold fish crackers, a hard boiled egg, and a granny smith apply for a total of 310 calories.
    Supper - Roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, and corn niblets for a total of 410 calories.
    Snacks - unsure yet - still debating whether I'll be walking to get myself a Tim Hortons Iced Cappaccino, which is 230 calories.
    I have 580 calories still left in the day. Usually I am under my 1300 by 10-400 calories depending on how busy I was that day and exactly what I have eaten. I also do not log my 75-120 minute hike with the dog as I choose not to eat back those calories and I feel that mfp is most likely wrong on the calories.

    Bet your grumpy

    Losing muscle mass too I imagine.

    Seriously .... you eat back ZERO calories because MFP is likely inflated? Yes, I agree MFP is likely inflated ..... but wouldn't 50% of MFP's number be closer than zero?

    This is what I have been told: My leg are amazing and look great in a skirt/shorts; my back is well muscled and looks great; my arms are great with clear definition of my biscepts....my only "problem" area is my stomach - but hey, after 4 full term pregnancies I don't expect anything from it and must learn to accept it the way it is. But thanks for the assumption, your clearly a higher species of talking monkey on an organic planet rotating around a star through outer space. Way to go!! :)

    I've been told I'm white.



    ...a guy makes *one* little mistake and people have to keep blabbing about it all over the internet.

  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I've been eating 1300 calories for the past month and will usually log in all of my food first thing in the morning/around lunch.

    Breakfast - I choose not to eat breakfast.
    Lunch - Today I had Laughing Cow Cheese Triangles, 37 Gold fish crackers, a hard boiled egg, and a granny smith apply for a total of 310 calories.
    Supper - Roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, and corn niblets for a total of 410 calories.
    Snacks - unsure yet - still debating whether I'll be walking to get myself a Tim Hortons Iced Cappaccino, which is 230 calories.
    I have 580 calories still left in the day. Usually I am under my 1300 by 10-400 calories depending on how busy I was that day and exactly what I have eaten. I also do not log my 75-120 minute hike with the dog as I choose not to eat back those calories and I feel that mfp is most likely wrong on the calories.

    Bet your grumpy

    I was at 1200, but since upping it by 100 I feel more energetic and able to keep up with my potty training toddler and my 7 yr old. But thanks for assuming....this is a great quality in someone and one to be greatly valued.

    Not to get into an argument, but if you're under 1300 by 10 to 400 calories and don't eat any exercise calories back you haven't actually upped your calories. You're still ending up below 1200.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am a diabetic and the doctor says 1300 calories. He also says not to eat back the calories if I am going to lose weight. My dietician advised me not to get caught up in the word breakfast. She listend to what my normal schedule is. I go to bed late and get up around 11 AM so she calculated my meal plan so that my first meal of the day is usually lunch type foods. I have have yogurt for an afternoon snack, try to eat a healthy supper, I like a lot of salads and watch hat I put in them, no croutons, cheese, then eat some veggies. I have an evening snack around 8 PM and then a larger snack around bedtime. So I changed the name of the meals her in my diary. Instead of breakfast it says first meal of the day. There is a rare occasion, like when we are traveling when I do eat at 8 AM so I have to adjust things around. I don't have the most ideal eating habits, we eat out a lot in the evening but I always have my snacks and lunch at home. My diary is open. I have lost 41 pounds since starting in November and I have never felt deprived. Well at first your body has to adjust to it but then I'm OK. Good luck, it can be done. Oh, before we go out to eat I do a lot of research on the internet from the place we are going to see what I can eat so I don't leave it to chance. And I also prelog. I think it holds me more accountable. Every day I log my lunch, two snacks and bedtime small meal all at the same time.
  • goal85inmind
    low sodium vegetable broth with carrots/beans/whatever i really feel like that day. the broth is 15 cals a cup and if you choose to add other things, you can add those cals in as well.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm hoping by gradually decreasing my calories, my stomach won't be growling 24-7.
    I REALLY need to make more of an effort. I always feel like I do make an effort, but that its never hard core enough to follow through.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    I'm at the 1300 calorie a day setting as well. Breakfast is usually egg whites with turkey sausage or ham or oatmeal with fresh fruit. Lunch and dinner are loads of veggies and lean proteins. Not a big snacker but some days I eat 4 smaller meals rather than 3 larger ones. Play with your days. You'll find foods and combos that work in your life and with your body for the best benefit!!!
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    I've recently gone up to 1300 from 1200 after being disatisfied with my rate of weightloss, and find I'm eating a HEAP of food now.

    My usual day looks something like this;

    Breakfast - blueberry overnight oats
    Lunch - ham, cheese, spinach and onion omelette/steak, mushrooms and egg or leftovers from the night before (I'm lucky to be able to go home at lunch time and cook)
    Dinner - lean meat and lots of veges or curry with rice or a pasta bake of some kind
    Dessert (ALWAYS have dessert) - icecream
    Snacks - protein bar/dark chocolate/mixed nuts

    Doesn't even seem like I'm restricting myself to be honest, am eating pretty much as I always have but just monitoring it more. The only thing I've cut back on is my alcohol consumption and takeaways.

    I really struggle to eat back my exercise calories but challenge anyone to tell me I'm undereating with that amount of food going down my gullet on a daily basis.

    All the best on your journey!
  • Steph_in_Mississippi
    I normally eat high fiber oatmeal or fiber one bar for breakfast. Omelet on weekends.

    Greek yogurt for one snack and fruit for another.

    Lunch is normally sandwich made using 40 calorie bread which is high in protein and fiber. (turkey or ham) or
    Tuna or salad or sometimes a lean cuisine (too much sodium so I limit)

    Cucumbers and baby carrots are my go to snack. Low cal, crunchy..

    For dinner. I don't have an exact. I normally eat one meat, one carb, one vegetable. Seems balanced to me.

    You can add me if you would like.
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    I eat 1400 a day but the best advise I can give you is to make sure you eat a good breakfast, I have porridge with unsweetened almond milk then I add blueberries and a small banana too to keep me going till lunchtime. my lunch is typically something easy as i'm a chef and kinda have to eat while i work. I usually have a chicken or turkey breast wrap with added salad, spice or sundried tomato, dinner is always random as I mostly eat at work so it can sometimes end up being a wrap again. All you need to think about is making sure your putting enough protein and fibre in your diet to keep you full so instead of eating those sugary diet cereal bars or crisps get yourself some fruit or veg like carrots or cucumber, they all have really low calories and fill you up more! make sure you drink 2 litres of water a day too otherwise the extra protein and fibre will make you very bloated!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Congratulations on the birth of your child!

    -3 eggs or 2 eggs with 2 oz deli turkey
    Olive Oil
    Feta Cheese or other cheese
    1/3 cup baby spinach or other vegetable(peppers, onions, mushrooms, scallions)
    Berries or 1/2 cup grapefruit

    -Hot Cereal
    1/2 cup Cooked Oatmeal
    1 scoop Protein Powder or 6 oz yogurt
    1/2 cup fruit or small fruit banana
    add milk, cinnamon

    -Protein Drink
    8 oz Almond Milk
    1/2 cup Berries
    1 scoop protein powder
    3 Tbs light cream

    -Salad greens, cucumbers, red onions, black olives, tomatoes
    4 oz Grilled or Baked Chicken; Tuna fish; Fish
    2 Tbs Salad Dressing
    Piece of Fruit: Apple

    -Stir Fry
    2 cups stir fry vegetables
    4 oz chicken
    1 Tb coconut oil

    -3 cups spinach salad
    4 oz tuna in water
    1/4 slice avocado
    1 Tb oil & Vinegar

    -Lean or Grass fed Hamburger with 100 pack guacamole and 2 cups broccoli

    -4 oz Fish or 4 oz Chicken or 3 oz Beef or 3 oz Ground Turkey > Grilled/Baked/Broiled
    2 Vegetables (Asparagus, Green Beans, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Think Green)
    1/2 cup Brown rice or 1 small sweet potato

    Tons of water and a sense of humor…smile:
    Best wishes.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    Like I said, I can't work out for 3 more weeks due to having a C-section, but I have 17 "baby pounds" left to lose, and I know its soon after having a baby, but all I can do is focus on foods and diet right now until I get the green light t work out.

    Right now I rock at breakfast: egg beaters with salsa and spinach, 35 cal toast with simply fruit apricot spread, or smart ones oatmeal
    Lunch is alright...usually lunch meat with no bread, or tuna with spicy mustard and no crackers, some type of fruit, sometimes baked chips.
    Dinners are so so--sometimes too big, sometimes too many carbs.

    The thing that's eating all my calories right now is that I am craving shelled peanuts and although they are good for protein, you can only have about 10 for 160 calories and its killing my counts because I always want them around 10pm.

    I'm excited to be able to use the treadmill again though in 3 weeks, but I was hoping to have shed about 5 pounds just from dieting alone. :-/
  • stinkypoopy
    stinkypoopy Posts: 24 Member
    Are you breastfeeding your 5 week old baby?
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    Nope! Bottle!
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I've been eating 1300 calories for the past month and will usually log in all of my food first thing in the morning/around lunch.

    Breakfast - I choose not to eat breakfast.
    Lunch - Today I had Laughing Cow Cheese Triangles, 37 Gold fish crackers, a hard boiled egg, and a granny smith apply for a total of 310 calories.
    Supper - Roast beef, gravy, mashed potatoes, and corn niblets for a total of 410 calories.
    Snacks - unsure yet - still debating whether I'll be walking to get myself a Tim Hortons Iced Cappaccino, which is 230 calories.
    I have 580 calories still left in the day. Usually I am under my 1300 by 10-400 calories depending on how busy I was that day and exactly what I have eaten. I also do not log my 75-120 minute hike with the dog as I choose not to eat back those calories and I feel that mfp is most likely wrong on the calories.

    Bet your grumpy

    Losing muscle mass too I imagine.

    Seriously .... you eat back ZERO calories because MFP is likely inflated? Yes, I agree MFP is likely inflated ..... but wouldn't 50% of MFP's number be closer than zero?

    This is what I have been told: My leg are amazing and look great in a skirt/shorts; my back is well muscled and looks great; my arms are great with clear definition of my biscepts....my only "problem" area is my stomach - but hey, after 4 full term pregnancies I don't expect anything from it and must learn to accept it the way it is. But thanks for the assumption, your clearly a higher species of talking monkey on an organic planet rotating around a star through outer space. Way to go!! :)

    I must say your choice of insults are amazing :flowerforyou:

    completely agreed... 10/10

    Also, your horse is adorable... is that a Belgian? draft cross? whatever he/she is they're really cute!
  • Shaan_12
    Shaan_12 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been following a 1300 to 1200 meal plan for the last 3 days and have to stick to it until I reach my goal....at the beginning I was thinking it would be very difficult but trust me finally it's not that hard, I am eating almost like my colleagues who are not counting calories....!
    you can check out my food diary since 20 August. One important thing, I never quite breakfast!