Have you ever been hurt???



  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    Yes a couple of times. I was also in a bike crash, 3 weeks before my daughters wedding in 06. I hit a rock in road and it threw me off of my bike. No broken bones, but I was a banged up mess. It cracked my helmet. Another time I was helping my husband carry in a big box. It was open at the top. I lost my grip and the big box staple went through my bottom lip. I knew there was a problem when my husband turned white as a ghost and said "oh honey". Blood splattered all over the wall. It looked like a crime scene. I had to have 35 stitches in my lip. Another time I was putting together a Total Gym. I did something wrong and the resistance went crashing down on my foot. I turned black and blue from my foot up to my thigh. I thought for sure I broke my foot. Everyone was surprised it was only a sprain. Someone told me it was like having 200lbs fall on my foot because of the resistance. I have never had a broken bone. I have been told I have very healthy and strong bones.

    I tore my rotator cuff last year. I had 3 months of physical therapy. I had to take pain pills before each therapy because I was in agony. I called it the torture chamber. Hopefully yours won't hurt that bad.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I played organized soccer until i was fifty-one. During that time, guys went down to the right of me, guys went down to the left. But I sailed through and never had a serious injury. Surely, I was the iron-man. Invincible.
    Then, some guy kicked me. Just kicked me, from behind, as hard as he could. I must have had my leg in exactly the wrong position. I fell over. It didn't really hurt. I just knew my leg didn't work anymore.
    When the swelling went down, two months later, I went back out. I started to run, there was a loud POP and I fell over again.
    Course, I waited again before doing anything about it. I did not want to unduly alarm any doctor. But, three months later, when the swelling still had not resolved, and I had been called an idiot by more than one person, I went in to the clinic.
    I had my ACL repaired and an OATS procedure to fix some torn cartilage.
    Twelve weeks on crutches with no weight bearing. The OATS procedure is an amazing surgical technique -- I am as good as new -- but it is a pain in the butt! You have to stay off your leg until the bone heals completely, absolutely completely.
    Since my leg had been unused for that long the recovery has been very long.
    On a positive note, there was not much programmed, specialized physical therapy. I guess that is because the surgical procedures are that good now. You heal, and you can go. At least, that is what I was told, at a reputable, academic medical center.
    But, I did not run for six months. And, when I first went out, I was told to skip, not to run, for a week or two. Somehow, skipping is easier on the body than running.
    It has been a year-and-a-half recovery.
    I used to be a runner mostly. Now I lift regularly, because I haven't always been able to run like I used to.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I've had all sorts of stitches, but never broke anything.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I've had shoulder issues for five years. So, five years of physiotherapy. I finally had an MRI last year when I was in severe pain. It's calcific tendonitis but it's large and I can hardly move my right arm now. Good news is I have surgery to remove it and possibly repair a rotator cuff tear. Wish I could say I injured it doing something badass like you, but apparently it's just an "aging issue":-)
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    I didnt do anything bad *kitten* I crashed!!! Lol
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    Let's see:

    I broke a toe jumping out of a pickup truck.

    I broke my left elbow getting thrown off a horse.

    I shattered my left shoulder, umm yeah, with help from a horse.

    That's about it. And yes, I still have horses and pickup trucks!

    Gotta get back in the saddle, whether it's on a horse or a motorcycle!
    did all 3 of mine on 2 wheelers, and yes I plan to ride again :) Hopefully :smile:
  • irboxer
    irboxer Posts: 1 Member
    Hit by a car on my bike 20 years ago. Fracture two vertebrae in neck, skull fracture, broken nose, cuts, bruise, severe whiplash. Went through cars windshield to back seat. Ran two NYC marathons before that. Did multi-day 200-300 mile bike rides for charity after. Took up boxing seven years after bike accident, fought in NY Daily News Goldne Gloves, got 2nd place in my weight division.

    Got into karate 15 yurs ags, broke two toes since then and currently recoverying from arthroscopic hip surgey. Earned my Black Belt September 2012. Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 13 yrs ago and still going strong. Not too bad for woman approaching 50. :-)
  • idabentley
    idabentley Posts: 59 Member
    Let's skip childhood stuff. At age 19 years, road traffic accident, compound fracture to left leg, in hospital 9 months, 19 operations and 5 years off work. 9 years later, came off horse fractured L3 and L4 and damaged a kidney. 2011 lorry collided into me, spun my car across 3 lane of traffic on the motorway and I ended up in the fast lane facing the oncoming traffic, this was at 6 in the evening on the busy part of the M6. Walked away without a scratch, merely a dented ego!
  • idabentley
    idabentley Posts: 59 Member
    Hope your recovery goes well!
  • I was wincing reading that description of the tendon ripping. Ouch! I'm currently in recovery from a back injury, and it is so, so frustrating. I can barely move still, despite getting physio and religiously doing the exercises she's given me. I'm feeling sluggish and lazy, and I want to be able to work out again. I miss running most!
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    In my entire 26 years I have only had my tibia fibula fractured from a car accident, that was 2 years ago and now I am half bionic with a rod, plate and 12 screws in my right leg :) Only time I have ever been hurt.
  • igoleft6
    igoleft6 Posts: 13 Member
    Lots of times and I'm only 35!
    Broken collar bone and fractured skull(horse)
    Broken tailbone and stitches (horse)
    Open knee surgery(blood clot), and laparoscopic knee surgery (torn meniscus) from soccer
    Broken hand (cow)
    Broken nose (fist)
    Numerous broken ribs (soccer and horses)
    Broken foot (horse)
    3 broken toes ( soccer and running)