going to hard?

I used to work out on a regular basis till I moved and I have recently started back, hints why I am back on MFP.
I have been hard at it for a week or so now and while I'm working out I feel fine, I push myself but that's what I'm supposed to do right? No pain no gain. But today I really feel it. It hurts to stretch, cough laugh etc.. before I never felt it this much but I also didn't push my limits, is this normal or am I over doing it?


  • CycleFlow
    Its ok to "feel" your work out the day after or even 48 hours after (Delayed onset muscle fatigue - some people to take longer to "feel" what they have done)

    But you should still be able to carry out your daily activities. If you cant move a certain muscle / joint - or feel alot of pain in regular daily activities you have probably over done it. Try a little less (could be less time, reps, sets or weight) the next time.

    It might take your body a little while to get back into the swing. If you were lifting weights then completely stopped you cant expect your body to do exactly what it did before. Just like if your a runner who never runs you cant get up and complete a marthon (well you might but would probably be crippled the next day)

    Push the limit within a resonable amount but not so much you injure yourself right from the start.
  • danadarling123
    Thanks. I don't think I have but I have always heard that if you keep on when u have already over done it your just damaging the muscles. I took a break today either way, back it it tomorrow though:)
  • CycleFlow
    Good Call. Eventually if you dont take a break it your body will force you to do so (e.g your work out will totally suck and you will feel like your body is not doing anything you want it to.

    Also good to take a day between work outs if you plan on working full body or the same muscle groups.