Where to Begin?

Hi everyone! It's my first time on myfitnesspal... I am 19 years old and looking to lose some weight. More importantly though I'm looking to fix up my eating habits. I have an issue with emotional eating and its becoming a problem! I'm going to college this year so I'd really like to stop my current habits. If you can relate, feel free to become my myfitnesspal friend! (or however it works). I could really use some support, and it'd be cool to feel like I'm not alone in all this. Thanks!


  • Cjlee360
    I struggled with emotional eating, it was rough! but when i realised i was only making me take steps back and not forward i decided it was time to change!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Colleges often have cheap or free health clinics, so it would be in your best interest to see if you could take advantage of that and talk to either a therapist or a dietician about your emotional eating (or both). Getting to the root of why you use food for comfort and developing a healthier relationship with food will be a huge help for developing healthy eating habits. Good luck.