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5 foot 1 I Lost 42 pounds... and still obese.



  • Who cares if you're classified as "Obese" when you look fine. Accept that you lost those 42 pounds and be proud of yourself cause that is an achievement that is very hard to accomplish.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Girl, you are doing an amazing job!!! Don't get upset or depressed (and I do know that it is easier said then done), stand back and look at where you started 4 months ago, and where you are now... Absolutely amazing A-FREAKIN-MAZING... You have become my inspiration for more water and to get up and move no matter what.


    WATER BOMB! :wink:
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I understand how you feel. :flowerforyou: Great job losing those 42 lbs!
    I'm 5'4" and my high weight was 215 and I had to get to 174 to get out of the obese category.

    For a while I was focusing way too much on the BMI chart. I had been lifting weights and eating my TDEE-20% and was seeing great changes in my body. But I wasn't losing many pounds. My weight loss was really slow. I decided to cut my calories and switch to mostly cardio to get out of the obese category because at that point I was about 179-180 so I was pretty close to being in the overweight category. So I did that and it took about a month. And at the end of that month I had almost no visible changes in my shape or loss of inches. So I got to some stupid number on the scale and had no obvious results or benefits from it. At that point the BMI chart went out the window for me. I've only lost 2 pounds all summer long but I've lost lots of inches and that's what I care about. Keep doing what you're doing and be proud of what you've accomplished.
  • atlcajun
    atlcajun Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, I am 5" and weigh 218 and just starting this journey and reading these posts makes me kinda sad that someone that loses 40+ lbs can be still obese according to a chart. I say throw out those charts and just try to live a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising. I once had a doctor tell me that I should weight 100 lbs. Really, I used to weigh that I looked sick and did not feel good. I would be happy with a 125-135. So my journey begins.

    Good luck to each and everyone of you on your journey. We can do it!!

    My doctor would be so happy if I lost weight instead of gaining. Some people know how to bust our bubbles.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    It doesn't just suck for shorties trust me. I wear a size 6-8 and I'm still 7 pounds overweight even though I've lost 119 pounds. COME ON! Luckily when measuring my body fat I'm not considered overweight which is what's more important to me. BMI = annoying! (Btw I'm 5'10")
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    First congrats on the 65 pounds that is freaking awesome! I am pround of what I have done so far, I guess I know rationally, I shouldn't let it get to me but I was actually surprised because I don't look at myself and see ans obese person, you know. It kind of made me question if I was just in denial like I had been so many years like I had been gainining the weight.
    I am 5'1" as well...started at 235...lost 65 pounds....I am still obese. My goal is 100 pounds lost. We are very short so we will need weigh less to be in the "normal" category if you are going by the "charts". Be proud of what you have done and don't worry about what they are saying you are. If you like the way you look and are healthy then great! If you feel you have more to go, then keep going. Do this for yourself though.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I will still be obese after losing 75 pounds. It is what it is.

    Don't be crushed, you have done great things, and you will make it through! The charts are not the be all and end all, there is so much more to you as a person. Keep working and get where you feel you need to be- does not matter what others think because it is not their body, it's yours.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    Yeah, us shorties have to be at a pretty low weight - approximately 159 lbs. - to get out of obesity. When you get there, it'll feel great. I'm 5'1'' too. Only think about how far you've come - 42 lbs. is a huge amount of weight to lose. Go pick up two 20-lb. weights and just feel them. :D

    It's amazing what a difference body shapes can make, though! I'm 145 lbs. and I could only squeeze into a size 10. I'm a 12 now.

    Thanks for the encouregment! Shorties unite =-P
    Seriously, though my regular doctor did say 136 was the max for normal for 131 for my height some times I wonder about that...not alot of wiggle room there.

    It is amazing how people are shaped so differently, when I was this weight before I don't even think I wore a 10! Things that make you go hmmm.
  • I'm also 61 inches tall, I am not obese but because we are so little we have a lower ideal weight and we definitely show the extra weight more. This is why I hate scales, you can be feeling great and it ruins your whole day. I understand why you're upset but if you're seeing changes and feel good about yourself then just ignore it. You'll get there. Whether its 1 lb or 100 lbs you have something to be proud of.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm overweight too according to BMI. My dr used to pull out a little chart and show me where I was on the BMI scale at every visit. I am 5'2 and I am not counting on ever being in the normal category. It's all about body fat for me.

    Well, surely no one questions you! Lol, you look like a freaking fitness model. If I looked like you I would not have writen this post or be having any of those concerns and laughed in the doc's face...we would have most likely been laughing together. But I am clearly no hard body so the issue of it being all muscle or (a lot of muscle) is not m MY problem =-)
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    I know right!
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    I've seen your pics...you're not obese :huh: and you've made tremendous progress!!!:drinker:
    BMI - shmee em eye....pfft :laugh: :laugh:

    Aw, thanks! *blushing*
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    you keep losing weight
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    5'0" here. I completely understand your pain. I'm down 47 pounds now and I still have 20 pounds or better to go to get solidly into the "normal" BMI range. Look at your body, look at your happiness, look at your health, and look at your plan. If all of these are looking good or at least better than they were to you (and you alone), enjoy your accomplishment ! It is a great accomplishment to lose that amount of weight! You are doing great. Always remember that the scales don't tell you what you body fat and muscle masses are. The BMI scale is only a reference. The Dr will even tell you that a very muscular person will be way over on that scale too. Just keep going until you are healthy and happy. Don't listen to what the family or friends say ( I hear the same from my mother who is 5'0" as well only 54 years old and has high blood pressure, diabetes, and all sorts of health issues related to her weight). YOU have to be happy not them. They are responsible for their own happiness. Just keep going girl. You got this !

    You're awesome! Congrats on your weight lost! According to the doc my body fat is down about 7% which doesn't seem like a lot to me...but they use wone of those hand held machines (the ones you grip and it takes an electirc reading) anyone know about how accurate they are? (Seems like with 42 pounds lost like 20% of my body lost that my body fat loss should be higher. I know I am not lifting heavy but I an running and upping my protein so seems I should be gaining a little more muscle and losing a little more than 7% body fat?)

    But in the last few days I have had 3 people tell me "Don't losse any more!" I am not skinny it's the weirdest thing. What do you say to that?
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    So, whatever makes my body feel energetic and makes me smile when I look in the mirror at my reflection, is the "normal" I'm going to go by! You have come so far, don't let "neigh-sayers" spoil your moment of glory, you've worked hard and you should be proud...after all, isn't your approval the only one that truly matters? Just a thought... ~Lucretia

    Thanks, I knkow I can only please me...I just don't knw what that is yet =-)

    thanks again!
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks, for the positive words and support! You totally rocked it out on that post!
    I am 5' 0" and I weigh 175

    I don't even look fat, and people have told me that I have a pretty body

    Yet I'm obese

    It's really easy to be obese if you're short, and it's a lot of bull, but DON'T let that doctor get you down!!!

    42 lbs is A LOT, and yeah, maybe it's not quite enough yet, but it's awesome!!!

    Besides, you're well on you're way to a healthy weight, and your doctor should've recognized that.

    So who cares, as long as you look good(:

    I've got 65 lbs to lose, so hopefully, by the end of it, I'll look super awesome, and even better than I do now!!!

    And the same goes for you!!!
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    I'm also short. I've resigned myself to always being obese. I'm pretty sure my skeleton weights 135lbs :/

    However when I look at what I can do? I'm pretty proud of that skeleton and everything that holds it up and propels it.
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks, and congrats to you on your awesome weightloss!
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks so much for your post, you hit on like everything I mentioned =-D. I think you are most liely right I think my Doc wasn't trying to be a jerk, but was just tactless...he himsel was SEVERELY obesese at one time and I he has said I havedone very well has never complained about anything I have done, never scolded me I have always come in and done exactly what I was supposed to do and then some. ( I am a good little student!)

    As far as others, I think some people remember me before and I was VERY SMALL I was very muscular but very thin I was a zero and 112 pound solid muscle witha 8 pack so they very well may remember that (at work where they called me "bobble head/crackhead" as a Black woman they most def did not find that attractive so they very well may be "overreacting to my weightloss because of fear of that. excellent point I hadn't thought off.

    No matter where you fall on that chart, realize that you're healthier now than you were 42 pounds ago. It's not just the weight lost (although that's part of it), it's the activity you've taken to get there: better food choices, moderating your calories, getting more active, etc. I think the dr may just be trying to encourage you by saying you're on the right track and you can get there, but he's pretty tactless about it. Don't let his poor people skills today rain on your parade.

    As far as those you say you've lost enough, don't get to thin, etc …. Ignore them. There's a lot of posts about this, and I believe that we have been so accustomed to seeing overweight people that normal doesn't look normal any more. The other possibility is that they just aren't used to seeing YOU this way, and are genuinely concerned but lack perspective. (Okay, there could be some jealous people in there too). If you are content where you are, that's fine, and you can stay there. But if you want to lose more weight, then keep up the hard work, and enjoy the way you look and feel along the way as well as when you get there!
  • aliciaaw
    aliciaaw Posts: 180 Member
    I'm also 5'1, I have only lost 15 pounds still have about 40 more to go. I'm alot older than you I'm 57 and find it hard to still with it and exercise. So do feel bad. In my book you're doing great. :wink: