Feeling down after biking

megannnn15 Posts: 36 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I biked for twenty minutes today... and almost died. I remember when i used to be able to bike for an hour straight and still feel like i could go for another hour. Just kind of discouraged me. Any one else encounter the same problem?


  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Me!! But my husband bikes all the time. So I know you can do it :smile:
  • jheller
    jheller Posts: 194
    Oh, yeah, I'm there with you sister. In my twenties my husband and I use to do regular 20-30 mile rides along San Francisco Bay. I started riding again this past spring and couldn't believe how HARD it was. I figured it had to be because we now live in CO at 5100 feet and it was the altitude. Not! It was the fat and being out of shape.

    I still have that old mountain bike and after switching out to skinny tires with no tread I can almost keep up with him on his new rode bike. Its getting easier after 9 months of constant physical activity and losing 34lbs. The 10 mile loop I did in 60 minutes I can now do in 45 and I plan to start adding mileage to my rides. I'm up to 14 - hope to get up to 20 before winter sets in.

    Keep at it -it'll all come back!!
  • Robrowald
    Robrowald Posts: 64 Member
    Don't get discouraged. It takes time to get back to your former greatness. I used to be able to bike for 50-60 miles before stopping, These days i'm at about 12 miles, but thats up from 5. It's all a matter of perspective.
  • Hey I was proud of myself for going 5.49 miles in 30 minutes lol :)

    just be proud that you can even do 20 minutes and you didn't stop at 15 or 10 when you really started to feel it :) next time push it to 21 minutes.
  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    When I was i highschool I could do a good ten miles a day, and didnt even realize I was exercising, now I'm silly proud when I do twenty minutes. But I ty to look at it this way: If I could literally think nothing of doing ten miles once, I can do it again. I'm just actively working towards it now.
    Keep at it and one day, you'll look back at this and smile.
  • LettyM62
    LettyM62 Posts: 130 Member
    Look at it this way...that's 20 more minutes than a lot of people! Keep going and don't give up, you'll soon build up your stamina.
  • taken4life1226
    taken4life1226 Posts: 1 Member
    I know exactly how you feel.. Going to Hawthorne trail with my hubby and sis last time I about died.. We biked for about 4 hours and I whined the whole way.. I felt like jello and couldn't get my legs to move!! I had to stop like every 1/4 of a mile to rest... so I know how you feel.. Just do a little more each day and in no time you will be able to go non stop for hours! Good luck girl!
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Ooooohhhhh keep it up, and don't be too hard on yourself!!!!!! When I first got my exercise bike towards the beginning of this year, I could hardly ride 5 minutes at a stretch without feeling like I was going to die...... now I can easily go an hour at a much higher intensity (it's actually FINDING the TIME to do it that's tough, not the riding part!). Just keep it up, try to add a minute or two per time, or per week, whatever is comfortable for you, and try to watch for your "second wind" - mine is typically after a mile or two, and then I feel like I'm invincible. :laugh: good luck to you!
  • I'm with you! We have a beautiful path going to the park by my apartment, and I for some reason decided that bike riding would be a really easy and fun way to get back into shape, because when I was little I could ride all day long, when I was little.... LITTLE!! I'm so not anymore, and I almost died after the 2nd mile. All of the experienced bike riders were zipping by me in their little spandex shorts and shirts.

    I cried as my boyfriend picked me up from the side of the road. Couldn't make it home!!!
  • Try to think a little bit less about what you used to do, and more about what you will do tomorrow.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Only like 3 years ago I rode my bike to work and back, which was 10 miles a day. I tried to take my bike around the block (our block is big, so its almost a mile...but not quite). And I was huffing so bad, I wanted to cry when I got home. My goal is to be able to bike 10 miles a day again......But so far the outlook is not very promising.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Hey, everyone starts somewhere.

    18 months ago walking to the end of the block was a "work out".

    12 months ago I gutting my way through Couch to 5K,

    Yesterday I ran for 2 hours straight in training for a half marathon....and tomorrow morning I'm getting up and doing a "short" run of 5 miles before work.

    It takes time, be patient, and enjoy the process.
  • izobel
    izobel Posts: 116 Member
    Hmmmm ... I wonder if you were going too fast or your bike needs a decent tuneup?? Unless you've got some mean hills you should be able to find a gear that makes it feel effortless. I'm sorry you are feeling so demoralised - 20 minutes is better than 15 and you have to start somewhere. Get out there again and try pedalling in a higher gear. Good luck!
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