5'6" - 169 lbs - GW: 140 lbs :: Let's Cosplay!

Hi! I'm Luna!

I figured I'd introduce myself on here and see if I could connect with a few more people to help motivate me to reach my goal weight. I want to lose weight to cosplay, but also to be able to participate in things like marathons and long biking trips. I also would like to get into martial arts one day.

My start weight was 275 lbs. Nearly to my goal now! Last 30 lbs is by far the hardest to lose so far.

Feel free to ask me questions or message me if you'd like a workout buddy!


  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    Hi Luna! My name is Lisa, I will help motivate you in anyway I can.

    I just have a question for you! Have you ever looked into having your body tested for your body composition? It will tell you how much fat you approximately have, versus lean tissue - which includes everything from muscle to water to organs... When I reach your weight (and I'm also 5'6"), I will be around 22% body fat, assuming I don't lose any lean tissue while training for my 1/2 marathon on October. (This number is also at the low end of the healthy range for body composition.) (Oh, I'm currently about 34% BF, fyi.)
    You're probably fine participating in anything endurance at the weight you are now.

    Also, CONGRATS on losing over 100 pounds!!! That's simply amazing!

    What is cosplay? (ok, that was actually two questions.)
  • KatieOrange09
    KatieOrange09 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow! You look smokin'! : D
    I'm Katie and I'm so enthralled by cosplayers. There is so much skill and dedication!
    I'm here for any type of support!
    Add me if you like!