First Half Marathon! Excited!



  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    Congrats on signing up for your first marathon! I've run 5 half marathons and 3 full marathons. (3 Goofy Challenges) I'm training for my first Dopey Challenge but struggling to find my love of running again. I use the Jeff Galloway program 3:1 or 4:1. I'm not fast and my PR (personal record) is 2:19 for a half. I'll be running a half on Nov. 9th at WDW! Good Luck and happy training!
  • mike_usmc
    mike_usmc Posts: 105 Member
    November 9th is my first so we will see. I'm running a 5 miler on September 25th I just signed up for. Which shouldn't be to bad. Starting October prior to the big run I'm going to try out a 10 Mile run to see where I'm at. Thanks for the grats, I look forward to it although I'm a little nervous at the same time.
  • eaglefish
    eaglefish Posts: 130 Member
    I've done 2 half's myself & have another one this fall. 13.1miles is a long way. While I'm certainly no expert like some of the others I can say that you shouldn't underestimate the importance of eating something before & along the way. I like the GU before & then a couple along the way. For me the peanut butter GU just didn't work as it was too sticky & just didn't go down well when trying to eat it n keep running. I liked the chocolate n raspberry chocolate. Whatever you do try them before race day. You don't want to find out the hard way something you just ate gives you the squirts halfway into a race.

    Hydrate before hand & during the race. I'll switch back n forth between water N a sports drink along the route.

    One thing that caught me off guard.. you'll chaif. I mean really bad like red raw.. in places you didn't expect n don't want to be red/raw. Nipples & well you can guess where else. A+D First Aid Ointment was recommended & worked for me. It's not greasy like vasoline. Sure made a difference for me.

    have fun & enjoy it. Remember, run thru the finish line & not to it :)
  • kajohnson70
    kajohnson70 Posts: 7 Member
    I just signed up to do one on November 2nd. Good luck with your training and your race - they are addicting!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Awesome! Go get it!
    If you are at all like me? You will sign up for a full marathon training almost as soon as you finish your half! :-)

    Have fun training and on your run!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    bumping for the advice. I am hoping to do my first half next April. I have been running 5ks and took a leap into obstacle course racing which was the last race I did last month.

    Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Whether you are training for your first or 10th, you need a training plan for gradually adding miles. This will also help you figure out what you need to do in terms of fueling and hydrating, and help you figure out gear and personal issues like chaffing. There are LOTS of training schedules online, lots of good articles in running mags with expert advice - read them. Take what works for you. Set yourself up to succeed! Do not make big jumps (more than 2 miles or so) past your longest distance on a training run - that's a good way to end up injured, and it's no fun.

    For me, I take a calendar and work backwards from the race day in scheduling my runs. (I do boot camp 4 days/week, which involves 2-3 miles a day and only do long runs on the weekends) Then I alternate weeks of increasing my miles, and backing off a bit. So, my long runs from now until the race are:
    8 miles (tomorrow)
    6 miles
    9 miles
    6 miles
    10 miles
    7 miles
    11 miles
    7 miles
    12 miles
    8 miles
    5 miles
    Race day

    (This schedule started at a 5 mile distance a few weeks ago, so we also hit 6 & 7). Put together a gradual plan, and hit the road!

    (PR = personal record!)
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    Have fun training and good luck at the race! I would love to be able to run a half next year. Make sure you let us know how you do!;)
  • mike_usmc
    mike_usmc Posts: 105 Member
    Oh I will!! I will post pictures of me passed out at the finish line !
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    Good luck on your half marathon. I loved reading this thread as I recently signed up for my first half marathon on October 20. I don't love running yet, but have done several 5Ks and a 7K so I wanted to push myself and do a half marathon. Excited but nervous. I hadn't even thought of fueling yet so this has been helpful to read.
  • daver38
    daver38 Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck to all doing Halfs - I have my first one on October 6th so know how you are all feeling! I've run the distance once but haven't used gels, etc., just kept hydrated. I know that isn't what's recommended but think this works for me - might stick to energy drinks.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I dunno what a PR is.. =o( thanks for all the info everyone, very helpful. The longest run I've ever done was around 8 miles and I did not need to replenish or anything during. Until after the run of course. Thanks for the info about the crowded area for the race, I'll keep that in mind for when I get there. I look foward to it. Im going to have to keep a closer eye on the tough mudders and spartan races, cause when they hit GA or SC or NC, I'm going dang it !!

    PR = Personal Record -- your best time at that distance. Since it's your first half-marathon, you'll definitely have a PR!
  • rachelmaria33
    rachelmaria33 Posts: 16 Member
    My fist is September 21. I don't know what the GU is that everyone keeps talking about, but I found some gel packs by clif that I am using for refueling on my longer runs, along with water as recommended on the pack. The race that I signed up for says they will pass them out at the 8 mile mark on race day, so that might be a good goal to try to refuel at. I am using the hal higdon plan (someone else mentioned above with a link) and it's been wonderful. Ran 11 on Saturday, right on track for race day and feeling great!

    I may have missed a post or two, but I didn't see anyone mention your running every day. The plan I'm following has 2 rest days in addition to one cross training day. I have always heard that the legs need a rest day and I'm wondering if that is contributing to your shin pain. Just a thought. You research and make your own decisions, but I think that especially as your miles increase you may find you need those light days or full on rest days.
  • daver38
    daver38 Posts: 29 Member
    Got round in 2:13:07! Well pleased with that! All the best to everyone else doing their first Half
    Good luck to all doing Halfs - I have my first one on October 6th so know how you are all feeling! I've run the distance once but haven't used gels, etc., just kept hydrated. I know that isn't what's recommended but think this works for me - might stick to energy drinks.