Is hard to lose weight ?

I'm scared that time will pass and i will not see any results ... or i will become obsessed

I want to lose 6-7 kg in3-6 months
I will eat healthy food... maybe some chat days kept under control
1000-1300 calories per day
exercise 3 times per week (cardio 1 hour)

I need an advice... I want to know how you losed weight !
Thanx !!!


  • TheBitSlinger
    TheBitSlinger Posts: 621 Member
    It's pretty simply really... eat less, move more, repeat. Do these things faithfully, and you will lose weight.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Yeah, it's hard. No point in lying. It's also the best thing I ever did.

    I lost ,my weight by eating 1650-1800 cals/day plus exercise, running, and lifting heavy weights.

    I seriously think you're making it way harder than it needs to be with that calorie limit. You can lose that much weight in that much time while eating a healthy amount of food, and then at the end you'll even be able to keep it off.
  • ladynocturne
    ladynocturne Posts: 865 Member
    Hi. Please remember that the way this website is set up is so we can lose weight healthily. A 1000 calories a day is not enough, the lowest number MFP recommends for an adult female is 1200, and that is NET.

    Net calories means you need to eat your goal calories PLUS what you burn during exercise.

    So if you burn 400 calories working out, you need to eat 1200+400=1600 calories that day, because:

    1600-400=1200 NET calories, which is your goal.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi. Please remember that the way this website is set up is so we can lose weight healthily. A 1000 calories a day is not enough, the lowest number MFP recommends for an adult female is 1200, and that is NET.

    Net calories means you need to eat your goal calories PLUS what you burn during exercise.

    So if you burn 400 calories working out, you need to eat 1200+400=1600 calories that day, because:

    1600-400=1200 NET calories, which is your goal.

    This. With only 6 kg. to lose, your goal should be set to the slowest loss per week. (in pounds, they say 1/2 pound a week-- not sure what they say in kg.)
  • vale_m624
    vale_m624 Posts: 33 Member
    It's def possible, I've lost 6 kg in 2.5 months, I workout 5x week (circuit training) 50 min - 1 hr a day, weights 2x week but I just started weight recently like 2 weeks ago, I try to eat very healthy during the week 1200 calories + I eat back 1/2 exercise calories, I take weekends off I eat what I want but it's all about moderation. I'm super short so it's a bit harder to lose weight, I'm 5'1 started @ 132 lbs, and my CW is 120 lbs. Try to mix up a bit don't just stick to cardio..try resistance, interval and circuit training AMAZINGGG for burning fat, hope this helps!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    It's a lot of work but isn't complicated.

    As mentioned above, eat less and move more. Figure out your numbers, and do things in a way that will be sustainable for you. And there you have it!

    Last year, I was trying to shed some poundage (pre-MFP). I was doing lots of cardio, but not regularly (2-5x per week usually). During the week, I was eating as little as I could without dying and then going wild on the weekends because I figured I "earned" it during the week. Result? I lost a whole 4 pounds in about 8 weeks. Then I hurt my back and gained that 4 plus another 10.

    Then I found MFP, started doing things the MFP way, and look & feel better than I have in years.

    If you keep at it, you'll get it!

    ETA: I also added weights to my workouts.... strength 3x per week, cardio 2-3x per week.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    for me it has been extremely hard! it took me a year to lose 20 lbs where so many it's done in 3 months. don't make the mistake of eating to little, 1200 cals MIN net! and don't over do exercise if you are not eating enough.