Awkward Moments



  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Everyone ready for some really embarrassing TMI?

    After a 60 pound weight loss my boobs shrunk from a DD to a small B. Unfortunately, one of them shrunk A LOT more then the other, leaving me embarrassingly lopsided. Today at the gym while I was lifting weights my nips got a little hard, and a guy pointed out to me that one of my nipples was a lot lower then the other. Almost cried I was so humiliated... :indifferent:

    Some people truly have no class. Even if I noticed it I would never say anything.

    I know!! Did he think I hadn't noticed I was lopsided or something? :P It's funny now, but when it was happening it was awful.
  • bloominheck
    bloominheck Posts: 869 Member
    Today I was tucking in my shirt in the break room, when a co-worker (boss's daughter) walks in, had both my hands down the front of my pants, she turned around and walked out.

    Anyone have any awkward moments?

    ****snort*** no I'm not laughing at you.....just with you....:smokin:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Every day.

    I figured you would have had the operation so you didn't have to tuck.

  • ohsnapitssummer
    ohsnapitssummer Posts: 581 Member
    2 years ago, I had this burst of confidence to try a field day sack race at my school. As the race starts, with full force. I pull the sack with my fingernail, as a result, I rip off half my fingernail, faceplant the floor, pants fall down to the lower part of my butt and my shirt goes up to my head baring my whole backside.
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    Nothing is more embarrassing than accidentally walking into a ladies restroom while there were women inside.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    My akward moment of the day was reading this thread title "What to do with a 3 lb zucchini"
    :noway: :laugh: :blushing:

    No but seriously... I was at a rock climbing gym, walked into the restroom, used the restroom, looked around wondering why are there urinals in here.... walked out... crap it was the men's room.... you would have thought urinals would have been a dead give away but it was hard to find the ladies room, I'm convinced it was a set up :blushing:
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    The following would probably be considered a little more then awkward. It is still the most embarassing moment of my life.

    When I was about 22 I was dating a guy whos mom was a very serious Irish Catholic. I was over at his moms house (only the second time I had met her). My boyfriend was on the phone and I decided to tease him a little and I ended up orally 'pleasing' him while he was on the phone (not sure what you are allowed to say on this forum). His mom was supposed to be out for groceriese but she had come home and neither of us knew. She ended up walking in and seeing everything from a nice side view!! She ran out of the house in tears!!!!

    So, that was the most embarassing thing to happen to me and the most "awkward" thing was when I needed to sit at the dinner table with him 3 hours later in silence!
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    The following would probably be considered a little more then awkward. It is still the most embarassing moment of my life.

    When I was about 22 I was dating a guy whos mom was a very serious Irish Catholic. I was over at his moms house (only the second time I had met her). My boyfriend was on the phone and I decided to tease him a little and I ended up orally 'pleasing' him while he was on the phone (not sure what you are allowed to say on this forum). His mom was supposed to be out for groceriese but she had come home and neither of us knew. She ended up walking in and seeing everything from a nice side view!! She ran out of the house in tears!!!!

    So, that was the most embarassing thing to happen to me and the most "awkward" thing was when I needed to sit at the dinner table with him 3 hours later in silence!
    And we have a winner!
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    HaHa! Thank you...I will take a bow!
  • syedsaad
    syedsaad Posts: 156 Member
    The following would probably be considered a little more then awkward. It is still the most embarassing moment of my life.

    When I was about 22 I was dating a guy whos mom was a very serious Irish Catholic. I was over at his moms house (only the second time I had met her). My boyfriend was on the phone and I decided to tease him a little and I ended up orally 'pleasing' him while he was on the phone (not sure what you are allowed to say on this forum). His mom was supposed to be out for groceriese but she had come home and neither of us knew. She ended up walking in and seeing everything from a nice side view!! She ran out of the house in tears!!!!

    So, that was the most embarassing thing to happen to me and the most "awkward" thing was when I needed to sit at the dinner table with him 3 hours later in silence!
    And we have a winner!

  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    The following would probably be considered a little more then awkward. It is still the most embarassing moment of my life.

    When I was about 22 I was dating a guy whos mom was a very serious Irish Catholic. I was over at his moms house (only the second time I had met her). My boyfriend was on the phone and I decided to tease him a little and I ended up orally 'pleasing' him while he was on the phone (not sure what you are allowed to say on this forum). His mom was supposed to be out for groceriese but she had come home and neither of us knew. She ended up walking in and seeing everything from a nice side view!! She ran out of the house in tears!!!!

    So, that was the most embarassing thing to happen to me and the most "awkward" thing was when I needed to sit at the dinner table with him 3 hours later in silence!
    Ding, ding, ding, winner, winner, chicken dinner! Close the thread!
  • mike_usmc
    mike_usmc Posts: 105 Member
    When I was a young Marine in about my 2nd year, so about 2001. I decided to try to get 'ripped' and just 'bulked' to high heaven. Mind you at this time I was a fit, 150-155 pound pile of skin and bones with a bit of muscle thrown in. lol. Anywho. So I get the bright idea of buying all these supplements, and what not's pretending I know what the heck they even do. At this time even though it wasn't that long ago, I didn't have access to a PC or smart phone to do research. Also as Marines, we don't ask each other how to stay or be

    Anywho so I take two creatine pills BEFORE I decide to go on a run at the base gym. So I'm on a treadmill, and I'm running, there's ladies, and guys all around I'm going at about 8mph thinking I'm some 21 year old bad__, when all of a sudden this white cocaine looking powder shoots out of my nose and onto the treadmill! It burned!! So I put my feet to the side of it.. Of course my first reaction was to look around and make sure nobody seen me. Of course a few ladies down the way did.. They looked at me like I just sniffed a pound of cocaine. I finished my run trying to save what little bit of self image I had left..I then threw every single supplement I had away in the trash. What I've concluded was, I didn't drink enough water to get those two pills down far enough and they were just sitting there somehow...Was so embarrassing when I think of it now, I want a Snickers.
  • NinjadURbacon
    NinjadURbacon Posts: 395 Member
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    This topic needs to be resurrected.
  • ChiChiDoesStuff
    ChiChiDoesStuff Posts: 90 Member
    The other day I was singing with a choir I'm apart of and just plain passed out.I woke up in the middle of everyone, with them all staring at me......
  • SomebodyWakeUpHIcks
    SomebodyWakeUpHIcks Posts: 3,836 Member
    The other day I was singing with a choir I'm apart of and just plain passed out.I woke up in the middle of everyone, with them all staring at me......

    Good reminder to always wear clean underwear.
  • ChiChiDoesStuff
    ChiChiDoesStuff Posts: 90 Member
    The other day I was singing with a choir I'm apart of and just plain passed out.I woke up in the middle of everyone, with them all staring at me......

    Good reminder to always wear clean underwear.

    I was also wearing a fairly short skirt that day....glad I chose cute underwear that day. Lol.
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    I work as FSR for a Toxicology lab, so I sent out Fed-Ex shipments daily to the main lab for processing. You get to know your delivery/pick-up drivers pretty well day-by-day.

    I was told my usual Monday man would be replaced as he was moving.

    I was sad, but I got to wish him farewell and that was that.

    Flash forward to the next week. I can regularly expect pick-up between 3:45-4:45. It was about 2:50 or so and I was fighting an upset tummy all day so I was staying in my office more often than not. One of the girls I work with had emailed me and asked me for a physical document so I stood and was bent over my desk hitting "print" when a booming female voice sounded behind me, "Hello there! They told me I could come on back!"-- Completely caught off guard, I shrieked and jumped, and machine-gun farted in the process. Loud. Think someone dropping a book in a silent library.

    The shock from my own shriek set off a secondary after-shock fart as I swiveled to make eye contact.

    Bless her, she didn't miss a beat... "Well, I'm excited to meet you too but you win."

    I handed off the day's package, laughed, and ran.

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    edited October 2017
    A guy I worked with used to come in the bathroom when I was taking a dump. He would go to the urinal, do his thing and then wash his hands. As he passed by my stall he would toss the wet paper towel over the door at me. One day I walked into the bathroom and saw his shoes under the door, so I walked over, picked up the trash can and dumped it over the door onto him. On my way back to my office I passed his office and he was behind his desk. A little later, my boss came out of the bathroom, looking for who dumped a trashcan full of paper towels on him. Luckily, he never found out.