
I am pretty new to MFP. I have added some wonderful friends over this past week, but I am looking for some additional friends to help me in my journey.

I am a 30 yr old SAHM of 2 amazing kiddos. I am 5'2 and 125 lbs. I know this is a healthy weight, however, I am very small framed and very pear shaped. (Hubby said he isn't complaining about that though! lol) I always have felt my best at around 115 lbs - so that is my goal. But honestly, I don't care about the number. I just want my bottom half to tone up again.

I am super active. I workout 6 days a week with both cardio and strength. I am trying to reduce the amount of cardio (I am a cardio addict) and increase strength. It appears that I have not been fueling my body and workouts properly. I have consistently netted under 1200 for a really long time (give or take a few days a month). I am trying to increase to a steady 1400 initially and try this out for a few weeks.

Anyway - looking for more friends who are interested in fitness and who can help keep me on track!


  • dominijean
    dominijean Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there! I'm the same height as you, only quite a bit heavier. :-) Unfortunately, I'm not sure there is much you can do about the pear shape thing. I've always heard that spot training doesn't work; but maybe squats and lunges? I really don't know and I don't want to give you the wrong advice! I'm responding because I LOVE cardio, too! I have to force myself to do strength training. Ugh.....
  • MommyisFit
    MommyisFit Posts: 139 Member
    Hi there! I'm the same height as you, only quite a bit heavier. :-) Unfortunately, I'm not sure there is much you can do about the pear shape thing. I've always heard that spot training doesn't work; but maybe squats and lunges? I really don't know and I don't want to give you the wrong advice! I'm responding because I LOVE cardio, too! I have to force myself to do strength training. Ugh.....

    If I do anymore squats and lunges... haha! I am trying. I am hoping this eat more thing works! I have to admit it is a little scary! Sending a friend request if you don't mind....
  • dominijean
    dominijean Posts: 12 Member
    I don't mind! Yeah, I figured you had tried the squat/lunges route. I'm kind of a mix of pear and apple. Ha! Does that make sense? I'm trying to find ways to tone my lower body, too. I'm trying to get down to 135 pounds. I've been doing okay with strength training this week. I'm finding that I like the strength training more when I do it at the end of my workout.
  • dominijean
    dominijean Posts: 12 Member
    My other problem is that I don't really look like I weigh what I do. At my old military weight of 115 people thought I was physically sick. And at my normal weight of 125, it was always hard for me to stay there. I always felt like I was starving myself. But, with my new way of clean eating and juicing, I'm hoping I may be able to surpass that 135 goal of mine and feel satisfied at 125. That would be great! I carry weight really well, so even at my heaviest, people always guess that I'm about 30 pounds lighter than I actually am. It's been my excuse for years to not lose weight.
  • MommyisFit
    MommyisFit Posts: 139 Member
    My other problem is that I don't really look like I weigh what I do. At my old military weight of 115 people thought I was physically sick. And at my normal weight of 125, it was always hard for me to stay there. I always felt like I was starving myself. But, with my new way of clean eating and juicing, I'm hoping I may be able to surpass that 135 goal of mine and feel satisfied at 125. That would be great! I carry weight really well, so even at my heaviest, people always guess that I'm about 30 pounds lighter than I actually am. It's been my excuse for years to not lose weight.

    I hear you. SInce I am sooooo super skinny up top, people think I am crazy for wanting to lose. Being pear shaped means it can hide well in clothes! I want to be able to feel completely comfortable in a bathing suit and for my hubby again! My body seems to like to sit between 125 and 130. I am fortunate that I don't really go over it, but it is hard as heck to get lower! What annoys me is that when I do lose weight, I end up being too skinny in my top. I mean now, at 125, you can see every single one of my ribs - yet I have a huge butt! wth is that about!?!?
  • dominijean
    dominijean Posts: 12 Member
    LOL. I know.

    I'm currently googling ways to slim down my thighs. I did the 30 day squat challenge in June and it did make a difference. I'm going to do it again in September.

    I guess we just have to thank God for the body we DO have, huh? :bigsmile:
  • laurabelle888
    laurabelle888 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello I'm also around the same height and carry my weight on my bottom half which makes ppl think I weigh a lot less than I do. Am fed up of the comments "you don't need to lose anymore or you'll look I'll" however I am still trying and have recently started running in hope of losing more weight off my legs :)
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    Sorry to inttereupt ladies in your conversation, but have any of you ever heard of Brazilian butt lift? it's a home fitness program that shapes your lower body. here is a video for it
  • l0l0p
    l0l0p Posts: 167 Member
    hey i got the same ht as u & a heavy bottom!! 38 inch:( making my body looks quite disproportionate.
    maybe due to sitting too much. so lunges and squats do help?how many u guys do?