How accurate is the FitBit Flex??

I just got a FItBit Flex bracelet and I feel like its telling me I've burned way more calories than I actually have. My daily allowance of calories has gone up because the FitBit is saying I'm burning mega calories. I'm just wondering anyone else with a FitBit has the same thing going on. Is the calories burned really accurate?

Also on a side note....I know I can wear it in the shower but should I take it off if I go in the pool?



  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    I think its fairly accurate as long as you input your stats correctly. If anything I think Fitbit underestimates some things. I know my HRM says I burn a lot more on runs than Fitbit does. You can adjust the sensitivity of the device by changing the setting saying you wear it on your dominant hand (even if you don't).

    I wear mine when I swim laps. Fitbit says its safe to 5 feet, so if you are going to do any diving or plan on being in the water for extended times (more than 30 minutes submerged) then I would take it off.
  • eaglefish
    eaglefish Posts: 130 Member
    I'm thinking of getting the FB Flex for the waterproofing it offers... just swimming or kayaking for me but I don't want to toast my gps watch like I did the last time I fell out of the yak.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I don't have the flex, I have the one, it's not accurate at all. I use it mainly to track my sleep. My running miles are always off and the calories make NO sense at all.
  • I have the flex and I think as long as you put in the correct information it is accurate. I did research on it and three other activity monitors before I bought it and the flex came out on top due to being the most accurate (I know they compared the flex, the Nike one, the Jawbone up and one more).
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I have a flex and I think it's accurate for maintaining my weight but I find its not very good for me personally trying to lose weight which for me is fine as I'm almost at maintenance
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I don't have the flex, I have the one, it's not accurate at all. I use it mainly to track my sleep. My running miles are always off and the calories make NO sense at all.

    It's my understanding that FitBits aren't designed to accruately measure steady state cardio..... that's what HRM's specialize in. I have a FitBit One on order ... not here yet.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    I don't have the flex, I have the one, it's not accurate at all. I use it mainly to track my sleep. My running miles are always off and the calories make NO sense at all.

    For the mileage you might need to adjust your gait settings. I did and made it much closer. Not exact, but closer.
  • Thanks for the input. Should I not log my exercise then since the fitbit is already logging my calories burned for me?
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Thanks for the input. Should I not log my exercise then since the fitbit is already logging my calories burned for me?

    I log anything that is intentional exercise (e.g. running, biking, etc.). MFP is smart enough to ignore step data that Fitbit logs while you are exercising as long as you are careful with the start times.
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    Well, I read LOTS of reviews on both the Flex the the Fitbit One, and I went with the Fitbit One in the end.

    After using it for a month, I discovered that even though it was more accurate than the Flex, it was still wayyyyy off with the calorie count, so I bought a HRM, and it's one of the best gadgets I've ever bought when it comes to fitness.

    Check out the Polar FT4 - HRM's are the best things you can get for a dead accurate calorie burn count.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Well, I read LOTS of reviews on both the Flex the the Fitbit One, and I went with the Fitbit One in the end.

    After using it for a month, I discovered that even though it was more accurate than the Flex, it was still wayyyyy off with the calorie count, so I bought a HRM, and it's one of the best gadgets I've ever bought when it comes to fitness.

    Check out the Polar FT4 - HRM's are the best things you can get for a dead accurate calorie burn count.

    Absolutely. If you have to choose between the two the HRM is the way to go. However, HRM's are not well suited for full day tracking, whereas the Fitbits are.
  • FitFoodieMomBillie
    FitFoodieMomBillie Posts: 227 Member
    Log your exercise, use a HRM if you have one for the calorie count. The fitbit is for everything else. I leave it on all day - even when I strap on the HRM... MFP and fitbit talk well to one another. I also like the option that you can allow negative numbers; when I have an all day sit-a-thon, there's nothing like seeing NEGATIVE exercise for getting you to move a bit, lol!
  • Ok, thanks so much everyone. I was just getting confused cause it was saying I was burning more calories than I was taking in and then adjusting my calories saying I could eat many numbers! I like that the FitBit keeps track of my daily activity...I was getting frustrated when I'd log my entire workout and only get "credit" for cardio. I'm pretty new to this entire game so I'm learning as I go.
  • dietcokeg
    dietcokeg Posts: 68 Member
    I think my fitbit is accurate to a good extent but definitely not 100% it probably underestimates some times - for instance when i am doing a class like spin it doesn't count it as active minutes and i would get a minimal calorie burn as if i am just sitting at a desk - but when i do a class like step which involves a lot of movement my active minutes is spot on as its the exact duration of the class. i think its pretty accurate on the calorie burn for sleep and day to day activities for sure. i have my daily calorie burn setting to 2600 - i only reach it if im doing something like running or step.

    definitely not 100% as nothing really is but i like it!

  • I log anything that is intentional exercise (e.g. running, biking, etc.). MFP is smart enough to ignore step data that Fitbit logs while you are exercising as long as you are careful with the start times.

    I'm wondering if you had an example. In my case, I did a bootcamp class at noon. Fitbit flex originally counted 12 very active minutes. When I got to a computer, I logged (30 minutes circuit training). I made sure to put the start time for MFP at noon, but all the sudden, I ended up with 45 minutes very active on the Fitbit. Only 30 of those are probably real. Would you just log 15 additional for exercise (subtracting what the fitbit already picked up), or am I maybe not linking MFP and fitbit right yet?
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I think its fairly accurate as long as you input your stats correctly. If anything I think Fitbit underestimates some things. I know my HRM says I burn a lot more on runs than Fitbit does. You can adjust the sensitivity of the device by changing the setting saying you wear it on your dominant hand (even if you don't).

    I wear mine when I swim laps. Fitbit says its safe to 5 feet, so if you are going to do any diving or plan on being in the water for extended times (more than 30 minutes submerged) then I would take it off.

    According to the Fitbit Flex manual: Device is water resistant, and can be submerged up to 10 meters. (which I believe is about 33 feet). I swam with mine all summer and it's still working.
  • LeslieN65
    LeslieN65 Posts: 127 Member
    I have the Flex too:-) Love it! I wear it on my non-dominant wrist and it seems to be pretty close to accurate, except that it seems to measure UNDER instead of over, which is fine by me:-) rather be under-compensating than over any day of the week:-) and as for anything that I do that doesn't have "steps" I just log it manually and that takes care of that:-) probably in a couple of years, the updated models will do everything needed to be absolutely perfect!
  • heatherannh23
    heatherannh23 Posts: 71 Member
    This has been driving me crazy! But I think I figured it out. It counts the calories you burn when you sleep too. do. Today I would've burned only 100ish calories so far but factoring in the 900 from sleep (amazing night of sleep for once) then it tells me 1,000 which is ridiculous otherwise.
  • Kas1m
    Kas1m Posts: 1
    I would like some help it. My left hand is non dominant but I wear a watch on it. I really want to wear Flex on my right (dominant). What setting do I have to change?
  • I got a FitBit Flex for Xmas and have stop wearing it on my wrist as I found that it was recording way more steps then I was actually doing. I determined this by comparing it to the Moves app on my phone. I now just have the FitBit Flex in my pocket and it is now more in line with the Moves app and what I would be expecting.

    So I am still trying to figure when I should wear it on my wrist and when I should not -