The Former Yo-Yo Prattylessfatty. 226-175......

I have been fat my entire adult life. Fat and funny. You know if you are going to be fat you gotta have funny. Well trust me; I played the part to a T. I have been “tired of it” and “gonna change it” many times in my 32 years. Enter yo-yo dieting. Losing weight is easy. (Don’t get all kooky, you know what I am saying. I KNOW losing weight is exhausting, hard, and all you want sometimes is to shove 4 brownies down your gullet…but bear with me….in the long run, the weight loss is the easy part) Keeping it off is dang near impossible. So…as you will see from my past year’s journey, I actually did decide that enough was enough, and taken control of my weight/health/fitness/life.
I was tired of being fat and funny. I say it is time for the fat funny girls to rise up and become hot & funny. Who’s with me?

August 2012:

226 lbs- I started OBSESSIVELY taking Zumba classes and read/followed Bob Harper's The Skinny Rules. I followed them exactly for 1 month. In that month I lost 20 lbs. However, once I “slipped on a few pizzas and cheeseburgers” the weight loss halted.

October 2012:

206 lbs- Zumba wasn’t cutting it for me anymore. I was tired of flopping around in neon pink and as much as I wanted to believe it, I knew I did not look like those sexy vavavoom girls on the fliers. Thus, I started Spin class. The workout was crazy sick and I was by far the fattiest fatty there…and I don’t know why, but that made me feel good. Like there was nowhere to go but up.

November 2012:

197 lbs-Oh spin class how I love you so! ONEDERLAND!!!!

January 2013:

206 lbs- I was so proud of how I was doing in Spin that I congratulated myself by skipping classes and eating cheeseburgers (I know I talk about them a lot but, man, I really love cheeseburgers) Any who, I needed motivation so I started my own weight loss competition with friends and killed it (hey...I really needed $200)

March 2013:

177 lbs- High on life and weight loss, I did what I have always done, "Gave myself a pat on the back and added fries with that please....slow decline for a few months

June 2013:

196 lbs - THAT WAS IT. I worked my butt off (literally) and it was all coming back. I decided enough was enough. No cheeseburger would stop missing Spin class would ruin was time to really change.
I started running.
I ran 1 mile in 16 minutes.
A week later, I ran two miles in 25 minutes.
The next day I ran a 5k (indoors, around a track 38 times, friends. OY VEY!
I ran my first 5k in 48minutes. I didn't care. I WAS RUNNING.

June 10, 2013:

194 lbs- I signed up for a half marathon and started training with my local running store, GoRun Wichita (shout out, Kevin!) and followed (am following) the training schedule to a T.
Yes, it sucks to get up at 6am. Yes, I am busy. Yes, I have kids and don't have a lot of time. Yes, I still want pizza. Yes, long runs scare me to death and sometimes I am really afraid that I might pee (or worse) myself. But, I don't care. I AM RUNNING.

July 2013:

183 lbs- Week 4 o half marathon training, I took advantage of my personal training sessions offered to me by my gym...that I will be leaving in November. The world is my gym now. The road is my guide. (Super cheesy, but totally true...think the Nike commercial from What Women Want....I ALWAYS run that in my head around about mile 3) Also, I am a naked runner (don't be a perv) I run with just the road, my phone in my super pocket (you girls know what I am talking about) and take in the air/nature/beauty/and sometimes manure (I am in Kansas after all) around me. I can't believe it took me 32 years to really appreciate a sunrise. (PS 5k 00:33)

July 27, 2013:

183-181 lbs I ran my first 10k. I did it for me. I did it for the fat girl who never thought she could do it. I did it for all the fat girls now who don’t think they can do it. I did it for the experience. Let’s be legit. I did it for the bumper sticker on my little car.  (10k 1:06)

August 23, 2013

175 lbs (Byah!!!!) Week 12 of half marathon training, I am running 2-3 miles every other day, a long run on the weekend, and strength training (using my own body weight) 3 times a week.

175 today.

160 in 60 days.

You can count on it.



226. She looks happy, right? Forever the funny fat girl.


Blarg. 220 still.


Fast forward a bit, this girl was tired of being fat. Funny I can handle. 188.... feelin' happy.


Last week. 177. 175 today. NEVER IN MY LIFE! If I can do it, you can...25 lbs to go.


  • RockClimber69
    RockClimber69 Posts: 82 Member
    Ok, that made me want to stand up & cheer! Way to go!!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Great story, can't wait to see the end result. You are going to be amazing! (actually, you are amazing right now!)
  • jennygeo1
    jennygeo1 Posts: 133 Member
    OMG - this is EXACTLY what i needed! I've been slipping this week and you seriously just SUPER motivated me.

    Bye-bye "thick" funny girl....
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    You gave me goose bumps! LOVE your story...what a journey!
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    You go! Good luck on the half-mary and keep up the good work!
  • prattylessfatty
    prattylessfatty Posts: 31 Member
    Jenny- Thanks so much! You too!!!! You are so close to your life goal!!!
  • prattylessfatty
    prattylessfatty Posts: 31 Member
    RockClimber- Yay! Thanks sincerely. Good luck to you as well!
  • prattylessfatty
    prattylessfatty Posts: 31 Member
    Great story, can't wait to see the end result. You are going to be amazing! (actually, you are amazing right now!)

    That about made me cry. Thank you!!!!!!
  • prattylessfatty
    prattylessfatty Posts: 31 Member
    You go! Good luck on the half-mary and keep up the good work!

    You too! 66 lbs?!?!?! WOOP WOOP
  • prattylessfatty
    prattylessfatty Posts: 31 Member
    You gave me goose bumps! LOVE your story...what a journey!

    Congrats on starting your journey as well!!!!
  • Ok, let me start by saying how awesome you are, both in your determination to not quit and your attitude about your weight and getting healthy! Slips ups and gains are an unfortunate part of anyone's weight loss journey, but being able to looks those challenges in the face and then run (literally!) all over those challenges is amazing!

    I see those little bumper stickers on peoples cars, and I am secretly jealous that they are the "type" of person who can run. And I always though I was definitely not that type! I've always figured that I would never succeed at running due to a knee injury I had back in the freshman year of high school where I dislocated my knee cap. The fear of re-injury or popping the knee out totally freaks me out. I hope one day (soon!) I will be able to brag about my first 5k, even if it take a hour to finish! Again, thanks for sharing your story, you are an inspiration and truly hilarious. Good luck with the rest of your journey!
  • heis4u2004
    heis4u2004 Posts: 176 Member
    Great job and I like your monthly reports. I too have an issue with pizza. I also started running as well.
    Don't let the cheeseburger get in the way of your success.
  • farniente8
    farniente8 Posts: 30 Member
    You look amazing! Way to go!
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
  • Xtinesky
    Xtinesky Posts: 127 Member
    This is inspiring. I'm one of those women who secretly want to run but don't think they can ever run. So I'm doing the whole zumba/dance workout stuff right now. I also love dancing! My weaknesses are savoury things too like chips and fried chicken. Thanks for monitoring and sharing your journey with us. Love the pictures. You go and continue to run, girl!
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    great story! I almost cried! I'm there with you, I've been a chub my whole I'm serious and I also took up running! Can we be friends?!!!
  • catdoc1
    catdoc1 Posts: 227 Member
    Congrats! So inspiring. Thank you for sharing. Please don't run with your phone in your bra, there have been cases of breast cancer in young women (with no other risk factors) associated with phones repeatedly placed against a breast.

    You will make that 160!
  • ziggypop93
    ziggypop93 Posts: 133 Member
    Amazing! I am inspired and needed some inspiration. Thank you. You are awesome!
  • ReneeReiser
    ReneeReiser Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you thank you! I really needed to read this. You are so inspirational! Congrats on your accomplishments, you look awesome!
  • prattylessfatty
    prattylessfatty Posts: 31 Member
    If you are ever having a rough day, just put up a post on mfp. You all are so encouraging. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for the words. xoxox all of you!!!!!
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    You're awesome. And still funny. :flowerforyou:
  • newatbritt
    newatbritt Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks for being my inspiration for tomorrow's run. I've only just started but I've signed up for my second (my first I walked the entire time) and hope to run it this time. P.S. You're a great writer.
  • prattylessfatty
    prattylessfatty Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks so much! I am actually working on a's only in my head right now but it is really good, trust me. :)
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    Oh wow! I laughed so hard with 'the world is my gym' statement. I keep putting the image of 'running releases more than sweat' in my brain every time I make myself begin, kudos on the 10miles!!!
  • Burlesque12
    Burlesque12 Posts: 177 Member
    That is SO awesome! I love it!! I needed the inspiration BADLY right now. I AM the fat girl that shoved 4 brownies down my throat TODAY! Ugh. But I know I can do it, once I get started. Thank you for sharing your story. You rock! Congrats!
  • scubabetty
    scubabetty Posts: 22 Member
    This made my day! Well done!

    PS, little wave from a fellow Kansas native :drinker:
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    That was the best story and I like many others can relate! I appreciate you putting it into perspective and how you continued on your journey in spite of yourself. It gives me hope that I too, will get my mojo back for more than a day or two at a time.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Congrats, job well done!!!!!!
  • ruth_tarts
    ruth_tarts Posts: 1 Member
    You are so stinkin' cute!!! I never comment on MFP forum posts but I just loved this. Congrats and good luck on your half marathon! :)
  • ecanales52
    ecanales52 Posts: 74 Member
    What a great story! I'm so proud of you! You look amazing! I look forward to more of your stories. :laugh:
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