I overate this entire week-what have you done to start over



    KMMRN Posts: 104 Member
    Sounds that you are doing an awesome job, balancing a lot of different needs...home, children, work, financial. I am so impressed with how responsible you are. Give yourself a little slack on the rough weeks......if you had a bad few days on the diet, you are making progress on the financial front, or providing a supportive home environment for your children.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,671 Member
    I used to always overeat when tired until I finally clicked that I simply should head to bed - easier said than done though. But fatigue is a big saboteur of healthy eating - because you're tired your body naturally craves high sugar and high fat food for energy, and because you're tired you don't have the energy or willpower to exercise. Sleep is the solution to your problem.

    Every time you start to overeat or reach for something high-sugar or high-fat over a healthier choice, remind yourself that you're tired and prone to bad choices, and find some time to catch up on sleep.

    Good luck.
  • lovelylela415
    lovelylela415 Posts: 91 Member
    I haven't experienced your exact same situation, but I do have experience with stress and emotional eating. I've found when I havent been able to get healthy sleep, my hunger levels change and so do my stress levels. And then the emotions are out of whack and......suddenly I'm eating cake.

    I've been there. I have done it many times. But eventually I got to a healthier place.

    I got back on the health wagon by 1) getting enough sleep 2) remembering that I can restart my day anytime I want

    Sounds cheesy I know. But it helped me learn to forgive myself and do well the following day.

    My suggestion: Forgive yourself and try to get some healthy sleep so that your body is rested. You haven't ruined anything, changing to healthy lifestyle means learning how to get there and we all learn in different ways. Part of my learning process has generally been through mistakes, trial and error.

    Great post.
  • tjthegreatone
    My first thought is that your calorie goal is too low and therefore you are setting yourself up for failure as you have virtually no leeway or room for error on that intake. This is controversial. But I am totally against 1200kcal diets unless you are 5 foot nothing and sitting around all day. Doesn't sound like you are. Maybe consider slowing your rate of loss so you can eat more. If you are not sleeping well you will eat more - it is a natural response and unless you can resolve the sleep situation somehow maybe you should allow for this.

    My second thought is that there is far too much fast food and too many sweets in your diet. Now these things are okay in moderation, but fast food generally isn't filling and is nutritionally bereft compared to fresh/home cooked meals. On 1200kcal you don't have a lot of leeway and you certainly won't get much satiety or your nutritional requirements from pizzas, burgers. You could eat a lot more for the same calorie count if you replaced some of those fast foods e.g. piece of pizza with say, a stir fry which takes 15-20min to prepare. If time is a big issue I find that cooking in advance at the weekend and refridgerating/freezing things, fresh frozen vegetables, even canned/partially cooked supermarket items can help (big problems with sodium content- but sometimes these evils have to be balanced).

    You're going through a very tough time and it may be prudent to 'write off' these two weeks (i.e. eat at maintenance) and once the dust settles, resume business. Others may disagree.
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    I used to always overeat when tired until I finally clicked that I simply should head to bed - easier said than done though. But fatigue is a big saboteur of healthy eating - because you're tired your body naturally craves high sugar and high fat food for energy, and because you're tired you don't have the energy or willpower to exercise. Sleep is the solution to your problem.

    Every time you start to overeat or reach for something high-sugar or high-fat over a healthier choice, remind yourself that you're tired and prone to bad choices, and find some time to catch up on sleep.

    Good luck.

    Very good point! Thanks! Most of the time when I'm tired, I'm at work tired, but when I'm home, trust me, I hit thesack. Thanks for your soln'
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    My thoughts, you didnt have anything in to nibble on that was healthy, to me shopping and having foods in that i can eat is crucial.....be prepared, then when you think oh ill have this you can stop and think nope it's not worth it ill have a piece of fruit instead.
    You ate bad last week, last week is gone and is never coming back leave the guilt there and get back in the saddle.

    You are right! I didn't have any nibble on. As a matter of fact, I didn't even think about it. I "use" to do this and for some reason I have stopped. Thanks :wink:
  • TemikaThompson
    TemikaThompson Posts: 222 Member
    Sounds that you are doing an awesome job, balancing a lot of different needs...home, children, work, financial. I am so impressed with how responsible you are. Give yourself a little slack on the rough weeks......if you had a bad few days on the diet, you are making progress on the financial front, or providing a supportive home environment for your children.

    Thanks good point :flowerforyou:
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    This happens to all of us, but get back on track, learn what triggered you to eat the food you really should not eat.
    For me eating the wrong foods just makes me want more, it is easier to not take that first bite.
    This is a new life process for you, don't beat yourself up, just know it is not what YOU want.
    Take care
  • mrsduke2924
    mrsduke2924 Posts: 104 Member

    just read this too - awesome!
    I struggle with "why did I eat that" guilt in a BIG way, too.

    You know where you went "wrong" - but this is about small, sustainable chnages towards a healthier you. And you'll get there - don't beat yourself up too much, sounds like you had a lot on and made some food choices you won't make next week.

    Good luck - you can do it :happy:
  • vinesdeb53
    vinesdeb53 Posts: 1 Member
    Can I just say...I feel your pain..I've had a horrible week and without the help of a friend on MFP i would have completely just given up! You are absolutely right about the lack of sleep...that is huge, from the numerous articles I have read about the correlation between lack of weight loss and the lack of sleep. I wish I had the answer for you on that one..because for sure we can't let our little ones needs be neglected. I'm sorry I'm not more helpful as far as solutions but do know that your MFP community is here for you. Maybe once you get back on a regular schedule at least the sleep will come back. Stress is a huge....did I say HUGE ....factor. My personal trainer believes that is what is causing me to hold on to my belly fat...when you are stressed your body produces cortisol which manifests itself in belly fat. Is there any way or time for you to go for a good walk...play with your baby or something to alleviate stress? That would help prevent the build up of cortisol as well as keep you from eating. Just a thought..I'm here for you!!!
