Lets help eachother along the way :)

Hi everyone!
My name is ilona and I'm a 22 year old mum to a beautiful 3 year old.
I am from Australia :)
I have been doing my fitness pal for a while now but i was on and off as i had no support as my ex was not a very supportive person because he wouldnt let me exercise and i had to eat everything he did so i found myself giving up a lot. After 6 years of being together I finally got out. I went through major depression thinking i was worthless and packed on the weight. It has been a year now and I have met an amazing person who I share my life with now that is so encouraging. I have decided I need to lose this weight for myself to be a happier person, a better mum and a better partner.

I am only 5"2(shorty haha) and my starting weight was 81.6kg.
I have been on my lifestyle change for a week now and am already down to 79.4kg.
My first goal was to get under 80kg, which I have done(yay haha). My second goal is to get under 75kg, third goal to get under 70kg, fourth goal to get under 65 and finally to get to 60kg. I would love to get to 55kg but I will think about that once I hit 60kg. I want to do this in small steps so It motivates me more.

I would love to get to know as many people that would want to get to know me and to encourage and motivate each other through this tough but worthy journey :)

Feel free to add me!


  • 03francime
    Feel free to add me, I'm 21 and have a goal of 65, then 60 :) I'm chatty, very determined and friendly :D