Why would you do that to yourself?



  • AstroRocket
    AstroRocket Posts: 119 Member
    Bloody hell, what's with people these days. She would hate me too then, I also have tattoos and my hair is green, well currently anyway ;)
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Nicely handled, maidofmer!

    When I was a little younger (still young now, hence, younger :P) I had a lot of different colours and most piercings, and I was bullied for it in school.

    Why did I do it? Cos I loved it, and it looked pretty cool!! You look brilliant, and I would rather look at people with crazy hair and piercings/tattoos/whatever the hell you want than a cookie cutter image of someone.

    People are RUDE, I put up with a lot of comments on the street and in school over it, but I came out a better person for it aswell. People are disgusting, and they probably won't ever change so we might aswell have fun when dealing with hate and tell them where to go!

    You're the best!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    People give me dirty looks all the time because of my hair style(long mohawk) and my piercings. Some mothers even pull their kids closer to them, like they're scared I'm going to infect them or eat them. That's THEIR problem though, not mine. I like how I look and that's all that matters. The only bad part is that my fiance and I often get followed by security because of how we look.....meanwhile while they're focused on us, there are people shop-lifting off to the side, or some terrible mother man-handling her kid or some brats running amuck.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    You're a class act! Well done for the smile at the end, Queen of the impervious untouchables! We should all take a lesson from you, well done!


    PS I've been looking at your photos, and I think you look gorgeous!

    why thank you. that's an ego boost I need, especially after her :blushing:
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I am not going to lie... I am totally the person who would approach you to tell you I love your hair, or your tattoo is amazing. I think people generally like to be complimented, even by strangers. But obviously, NEVER while they're working out!!! ugh. I have tattoos myself, but am afraid I am "too old" at this point to rock the colored hair that I secretly wish for :) Luckily for me, my daughter LOVES it too... so she has been rocking a color stripe in her hair since 3rd grade!

    thank you, and you're never too old to dye your hair. I had a teacher in high school, pink, blue, green. she was one of the favorites. my daughter, 3, love everything. I have a pumpkin on my ankle and she goes "mommy, its the pumpkin patch with jack!" She also calls my hair "mermaid hair" and she get streaks in her hair. (the kind from the can that last a day you get at the dollar store)

    great job mom
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    Good for you for standing up for yourself. People are so unbelievably rude. The reality is, it doesn't make one bit of difference in her life what you look like. People should learn when to mind their own business. We really don't make the world a better place by judging one another and it makes me sad that people have to be so ridiculous over something that just doesn't matter.
  • FigMagician
    That was nicely played. You gave her every option to quit her BS and in the end she walked away in a huff. Sorry you had to deal with such a rude person. Glad you were able to finish your workout!
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    I think it's cute when people think I need their validation to feel good about my body mods. I am happy with what I chose to do, that's what really matters. You handled that situation brilliantly!
  • james6998
    james6998 Posts: 743 Member
    Great responses! People need to mind their own business!
    I have my tongue split, i love it, my wife loves it and i dont care who doesn't. Why would you do that to yourself? Because i wanted to.
  • Shan790
    Shan790 Posts: 280 Member
    I am not going to lie... I am totally the person who would approach you to tell you I love your hair, or your tattoo is amazing. I think people generally like to be complimented, even by strangers. But obviously, NEVER while they're working out!!! ugh. I have tattoos myself, but am afraid I am "too old" at this point to rock the colored hair that I secretly wish for :) Luckily for me, my daughter LOVES it too... so she has been rocking a color stripe in her hair since 3rd grade!

    there is a girl in my yoga class with bright pink hair tattoos and she always has her hair up in a retro pin up girl style. I freaking love it. And I told her so, just not while we were in downward dog :) I wish I could rock the look too.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Some people are just so fulla themselves. Good job on putting her in her place! You're gorgeous and your daughter's a little cutie :)
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    @ kolekiss, green hair rules! I've been looking everywhere for it. no luck.
    @emmalouc93, Thank you. as a kid, I would always get, "do you know your hair's blue?" "You're weird" "That's gross" etc. I loved being weird, and at that time, it meant focusing on being a kid than having a boyfriend and being a Barbie.
    @ladymiseryali, yay, another ali. As a teen, I got my first tattoo about 9 years ago, and my friend and I went to the mall. I had purple 8" liberty spikes, dark make up, and a ****-ton of piercings. Security would follow us everywhere, "Finding everything ladies? Need any assistance?" Even while sitting at the food court having lunch. So, let everyone shoplift. Their own damn fault.
    @ mrs_bones, I agree. It's sad that it's like that. I can handle criticism, or natural curiosity. "how long have you done that? what do you use? aren't you scared something will happen?" but that was just someone that wanted an easy target. That's my guess cause there were about 7 or 8 guys with sleeve tattoos, legs, chest.
    @FigMagician, Thanks. I tried. I knew if I just said F you, I'd be in a bad mood and not want to work out.
    @kittenful, Yup. it's like, I'm glad I asked how you felt before I did everything. I love how I look (well, mod wise) Still feel awful about my body, being able to dye my hair, and get tattoos and piercins are about the only thing that makes me feel good about myself.
    @james6998. Awesome. I seen where they do that on a show Taboo. Love it. Wouldn't do it myself, no pain tolerance there. Got my tongue pierced and I was such a baby. But after I lose all this weight, I want to do suspension.

    high five to all you awesome people
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I am not going to lie... I am totally the person who would approach you to tell you I love your hair, or your tattoo is amazing. I think people generally like to be complimented, even by strangers. But obviously, NEVER while they're working out!!! ugh. I have tattoos myself, but am afraid I am "too old" at this point to rock the colored hair that I secretly wish for :) Luckily for me, my daughter LOVES it too... so she has been rocking a color stripe in her hair since 3rd grade!

    there is a girl in my yoga class with bright pink hair tattoos and she always has her hair up in a retro pin up girl style. I freaking love it. And I told her so, just not while we were in downward dog :) I wish I could rock the look too.

    i'm sure you could! at walmart, there's a brand SPLAT I use, love it! about as good as manic panic, and it comes with its own bleaching kit as well as color. I got the crimson obsession on my head now, as well as some other hair dye.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Some people are just so fulla themselves. Good job on putting her in her place! You're gorgeous and your daughter's a little cutie :)

    thank you. another ego boost :) shes cute, but shes a brat, just like her momma lol
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    That's really bizarre... I can't imagine anyone saying something like that.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    i cant stand it when people are rude to me. The OP story is pretty familiar to me it happens... im not a fan of people moving my clothes either to get a better look at my tattoos.. STRANGER DANGER. what the eff people? I dont love feeling like i have to explain myself to others. thats the worst part.
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    That's the reaction I get from my family. I haven't dyed my hair in a while though, it's just jet black now. But, it always makes me laugh when they ask why I do it. Um, the same reason you pluck your eyebrows, shave your legs, cut your hair, wear jewelry. I like it, and it makes ME feel beautiful. Meh.

    Oh, and I stalked your profile pictures. I LOVE that purple.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    +5 interwebs for you!
  • fatgulegule
    fatgulegule Posts: 43 Member
    I can't believe anyone would even be that insensitive and that rude to ask. What you do to your body is no business of hers. I like your witty comeback though!
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    My hair is a dark plum color. I've had it that way for years. I'm a construction analyst in a professional office, so I get comments all the time from contractors who come in and don't like being told what to do by a woman. When they ask me why I dye my hair like that, I say, "Same reason you ask rude personal questions: our moms didn't teach us any different."

    Glad you told her to go pound sand. :flowerforyou: Some people are just ugly through and through.