College starting. Time to exercise

Hey! I start college monday and I live at home but how am I gonna have time to exercise??? Im basically at class all day MWF and a couple hours on tuesday/thursday. When I get home I have tons of homework and studying. How am I gonna exercise?? I usually exercise atleast a hour a day so im kinda depressed and feel im gonna gain weight. Advice?


  • bfinup
    bfinup Posts: 47
    Watch your calorie intake.
    Make time to exercise. You'll have more free time than you think, but you might have to be creative. I took 21 credits, worked full time and still had time to workout for 1.5 hours a day. You can make it work, if you want it to
  • grentea
    grentea Posts: 96 Member
    You can get up earlier and exercise in the morning. Or you can walk around campus or go to the gym right after your classes are over. If you have the extra money, you could sign up for a dance class or yoga.
  • summerfly413
    summerfly413 Posts: 12 Member
    Does your college have a gym you can use? My school included a membership at our gym included in our fees. I brought my gym clothes to class, and immediately after my last class I'd go straight to the gym(even if I didn't feel like it) for at least an hour. Otherwise there was NO WAY I'd ever go back out to work out once I got home.

    Alternatively you can go earlier before class. The earliest I've seen a college class start was 7 or 8am. That's plenty of time to work out in the morning! More gyms tend to open from 5-6am. And that's the best time to go! It's not crowded! And I know at my school once the semester started the gym was packed in the afternoons for at least a month and a half until people stopped going as frequently.
  • rahzel20
    You have to plan. Know when all of your uni work is due and set aside regular time to study. Once you have all your school commitments in your diary or wherever you keep them (I have them in my diary, on my wall and in my phone) you'll be able to see what time you've got left over to fit your exercise in and you won't feel so overwhelmed. You could also try walking to class instead of driving or parking far from your classes. I choose classes that I know are up stairs and walk up them fast (not just because despite all that planning I'm almost always late). If I have a break between classes I use it to go for a little walk since my campus is pretty hilly. You've just go to find what works best for you and your time frame. Good luck with college.