*sheepishly peaks in*

So... I decided to do a thing, and that thing was sign up for to this website to get help with losing weight.
I'm doing it mainly to gain confidence in myself, feel better all round and stop looking so round! Plus it will also help with a few health problems, that aren't so bad right now but if I don't start changing my lifestyle now it will become a problem later on.
So my name is Lauren-Eva, I am currently studying nursing full time and work part time. I spend a lot of time at the computer as a result from studying. I love reading books and listening to music.
I've found that I lack a lot of motivation and discipline within myself and that the thing that works best for me is encouragement from others.


  • Welcome! It's not so bad around here, is it! :happy: feel free to add me as a friend.
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    Welcome to mfp Lauren-Eva!! I'm a student as well, so I totally know the feeling of being stuck behind a desk for a lot longer than you'd like. Mfp is super helpful though, and I'm sure you'll do great! Feel free to add me if you'd like! :)
  • Heartmyjrt
    Heartmyjrt Posts: 10 Member
    Me too!!! Ditto on everything you said. We can do this!