Advice/Help needed PLEASE!

I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while, I am also sorry for not sticking to this either. To tell you the truth I suffer with depression and anxiety so haven't been in the best place lately, so I could not concentrate on losing weight, I hope you understand! I have missed speaking to you all, seeing your progress, your wonderful comments and I have also missed feeling healthier and happier for doing this. I promise I will be returning soon, im not sure when.

I don't know if this has happened to you before, but today I saw a photo of myself and I felt like crying- I didn't recognise the girl in the photo! I thought is that how i look like! I was mortified! It would really help to know if anyone else has had this experience?! I wish you all the luck in the world and I hope everyone stays strong! Xxxxx


  • please?
  • Baila518
    Baila518 Posts: 63 Member
    I have had the same experience. You can't get anxious about it. You have to grieve the sadness and accept with love to change.
  • Hi yes I have seen old pictures of myself and not had great feelings about it. I'm sure there are many others that share similar thoughts.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    It's easy for you to stay depressed if you don't care about yourself and the way you look. How but you get back into mfp exercise eat Right and maybe your depression will lessen.
  • thankyou xxx
  • forexer
    forexer Posts: 2 Member
    Hope it gets better.
    If depression increases when you think about your weight etc,
    It's worth making extra effort to plan out your food + exercise.

    I'm trying to plan out tomorrow's food today.
    I can see what is higher in calories + choose now for tomorrow :>)
    ( Just put in whatever alternatives you can have
    + choose what you like that is good.)

    I notice it is easy to eat bigger portions if you don't weigh / measure all the time,
    estimates can be erroneous.

    If you can choose higher protein foods & reduce sugars, grains ( carbs )
    you might feel better & support your muscles more.

    Once again, Good Luck
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I've always been a positive, upbeat type of person, so I can't relate to depression, but no need to apologize... you are choosing to log in on MFP for yourself & no one else. There are plenty of others here to motivate you, if that's what you need, and don't feel bad if you can't reciprocate. I agree that you might feel better if you try to come back and log your food. Don't do too much at once if it's overwhelming, just to a little something, like try to meet your calories. Or don't even worry about logging your food, just log some kind of exercise every day... Best of luck to you!
  • Thankyou so much everyone, your words have really helped me, i hope to return soon in a better mind set and be able to have a positive journey! xxxxx
  • JDMarlowe
    JDMarlowe Posts: 327 Member
    Yep. I think most people who tackle a lifestyle change like weight loss and fitness struggle with depression and anxiety at some point. I, personally, have stuggled with it since i was about 14 years old. I honestly thought it would get better after weight loss, and it has to an extent. But even after 3 years of healthy living and loosing the weight I wanted to loose, I still see the "fat guy" in the mirror sometimes. Depression is no joke and it is a hard road to live on. I dont think it ever really goes away. There are parts you can control and work on though. When I find myself in one of "those moods" I try to channel my focus on to something that I am proud of myself for or setting a short term goal to reach to move my mind set away from the negative and give me something to work towards to keep me motivated, and not just in weight loss or exercising areas of life. But the BEST thing to remember is NEVER GIVE UP and NEVER GIVE IN!!
    Best of luck!!!