Eating back exercise calories?

Hi! I'm pretty new, and I was wondering do I eat back my exercise calories, or stick to 1200 calories a day? Or is it really just to give you a little wiggle-room?


  • psimpson101
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Eat the calories so that the net is 1200 or whatever your daily goal is.
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Hey there. It really depends on how you feel after exercise, however if you are only on 1200 per day, I would. Like you say, it gives you wiggle room.

    Can I ask what your start weight is and how much weight you want to lose?
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Why are you only eating 1200?
  • psimpson101
    At the moment, I'm 185 and 5'8 1/2" (I was 228 back in January), and I'm hoping to go down to 140. Ideally I would like to lose 2 pounds a week.
  • psimpson101
    Because ideally I would like to lose 2 lbs a week, and over the summer I had developed anorexic tendencies, so I find it hard to eat even 1200, but I know now that I NEED to.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Definitely eat back your exercise calories. Since you're already eating at 1,200 (extremely low) you don't want your exercise to put you at an even scarier deficit. Enjoy the extra food! :drinker:
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    1200 is low... you actually will end up doing more harm than good by not eating enough. I'm sure with the Anorexia you've done some damage to your body and metabolism (not meant as an insult), so you really should try to do right by your body. It is the only one you've got. 1200 is not enough if you're exercising, and it's really not enough even if you're not exercising. Are you familiar with your BMR?
  • xapril77x
    xapril77x Posts: 248 Member
    1200 is low... you actually will end up doing more harm than good by not eating enough. I'm sure with the Anorexia you've done some damage to your body and metabolism (not meant as an insult), so you really should try to do right by your body. It is the only one you've got. 1200 is not enough if you're exercising, and it's really not enough even if you're not exercising. Are you familiar with your BMR?

    I used to be considered anorexic & I did horrible damage 2 my body (including my heart) & almost died... My metabolism is STILL all jacked up so hope u take this advice... It took years & my heart almost giving up on me 4 me 2 realize all the damage I did... I always thought it was fine & that it wouldn't hurt me 2 not eat & since I couldn't see or feel the damage then I thought I was super woman or something... It's NOT worth it!!! I promise!!!
  • angiemotto
    angiemotto Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks! I had the same exact question.
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    Of course you can eat into your exercise calories. Why not? I do :smile:
  • psimpson101
    1200 is low... you actually will end up doing more harm than good by not eating enough. I'm sure with the Anorexia you've done some damage to your body and metabolism (not meant as an insult), so you really should try to do right by your body. It is the only one you've got. 1200 is not enough if you're exercising, and it's really not enough even if you're not exercising. Are you familiar with your BMR?

    Yep, around 1700, and yes I know that if I hadn't had those tendencies it would be higher.
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    I would try for 1200 net for now, although you might be able to do 1500. Personally, I try it for a few weeks and change it up because I think your body loses weight more efficiently that way -- at least for me. I hit a plateau so I added calories and now I'm taking some away. I'll let you know after my weigh-in!
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    The Goal number (1200 for you) is what you should have eaten by the end of the day to lose the 2lbs a week you put in when you set your goals. That number is calculated to take into account your daily activity (except any intentional additional exercise you do), height, weight, age and sex. If you exercise and burn calories, the number rises.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    1200 is low... you actually will end up doing more harm than good by not eating enough. I'm sure with the Anorexia you've done some damage to your body and metabolism (not meant as an insult), so you really should try to do right by your body. It is the only one you've got. 1200 is not enough if you're exercising, and it's really not enough even if you're not exercising. Are you familiar with your BMR?

    Yep, around 1700, and yes I know that if I hadn't had those tendencies it would be higher.

    I would really try hard to reach 1700. I am sure it's a struggle for you, but if it's a lack of hunger thing, eat full-fat products to add calories and fat. It will really help your body...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    It's a rare day when I eat back all my calories. I usually have between 100 and 200 left at the end of the day. I exercise every single day (run 2-3 time a week, strength training 3 times a week, walk the rest of the time), so my total calories are generally 1450 on up. If I ate back all my calories I feel like I would be stuffing myself. I've lost 18 pounds so far (very slow, though, which is fine with me).

    If you don't exercise at all, I think you'd need to stick to the 1,200 calories a day to lose weight, but I do not recommend this. If you want to maintain, your calorie intake will be higher, which I believe is your basal metabolic rate (BMR). To figure out your BMR, the tool can be found here:

    When I started this weight loss journey with a trainer years ago, he told me that you have to eat enough to lose weight. Otherwise, you go into starvation mode. Please just make sure you are eating enough and exercising.
  • bob_day
    bob_day Posts: 87
    Because ideally I would like to lose 2 lbs a week, and over the summer I had developed anorexic tendencies, so I find it hard to eat even 1200, but I know now that I NEED to.

    I lost weight slowly over about 10 years, and during that time my
    weight losing diet became my natural diet. I think I also developed
    some anorexic tendencies. I drew the "battle line" at 125 pounds,
    and when I go below that, I make it a point to eat a little more.
  • xcmtnracer
    xcmtnracer Posts: 426 Member
    I try to eat it all back but there is not enough time in the day. I probably should eat more because my energy level is pretty low all day; that or burn less. I'm usually at a net of 700-1000 calories below daily even with a goal of 2220 a day. Non-exercise days I meet the daily goal, heavy cardio days I'm sometimes 2000 under.

    So yes, I eat it all back as much as possible.