Looking to make some buddies who can help keep me on track

I've been using the great site for years and am finally really willing to make an effort at losing the 125 lbs I need to. For now my goal is to get back to the 220 lbs i was just 7 months ago ( i'm 251 lbs now). So, I hope to lose at least 2 lbs a week (hopefully more, but i'm trying to be realistic here) and be back around 220 in 4 or so months. Then keep on losing the 2 lbs a week till i reach my next goal of 200, ect...

I have learned that I need to be accountable to someone other than myself when i comes to losing weight .So I am hoping that if i am able to find a few friends here that are on most days that i can do this with their help. Nothing motivates me like the fear of disappointing others, so i may as well use it right?

If we travel this path together we will succeed :D


  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    Such a good attitude - welcome to the journey :)
    Goodluck and I'll keep checkin' in on you!
  • passportpolly
    Yes, me too. I had a doctor in CA that made me send him my exercise, blood pressure and weight. Because of this I walked my first marathon at age 50 and sent him my picture crossing the finish line! It works to have people to share the journey. Happy to connect to keep accountable and motivated.
  • gonnasee33
    gonnasee33 Posts: 163
    You can do this ! You and i started at about the same weight . I'd recommend (worked for me so far) is using the c25k program and some form of strength training . I'm here everyday you (and anyone else for that matter) feel free to add me!
  • CharlotteBHK
    CharlotteBHK Posts: 1 Member
    I just signed up and need all the help and encouragement I can get. I would also like to be of help and support . I have learned it is not easy to do this on your own. :smile:
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Good luck on the adventure to a healthier you. Add me..
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Finish filling out your profile page Charlotte. Lots of people will not enlist you due to a blank page. There have been issues in the past people getting on here just to grabble about the way people were losing weight and the choices they made. It will help people to get to know you also.
    Add me if you like., I've been battling for awhile, lost close to 100 lbs and then let myself go and gained almost 40 back. I am back to working to get the weight back off. Most of the folks on here are great helps with good encouragement.
    Good Luck
  • mommaash6
    Good Luck , I just recently started using this app and really hope it helps me i like that you can motivate each other. i have 125 lbs to go. Add Me.
  • XXElmaXX
    XXElmaXX Posts: 34
    You can do this and I wish you all the best.

    Just one thing...I would change my gender on your profile if you want MFP to give you correct stats ;)
  • Leecardoza
    Leecardoza Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! members of myfitnesspal. I rejoined ww in May of this year. I gave up my membership because counting points is not for me and really the support was not really there. Support from others would help me stay on track I think. Extra weight is starting to effect my knees. I love to exercise but eating is one way I deal with stress. I need a team of people to support me through this journey I can be there for everyone as well.