hi! I'm new here!

Hello everyone,
I'm a little surprised I'm actually writing anything. I have done WW a few times and would just sit there. I have tried so many times to get to a healthy place in life. WW works so well for so many people and I can't put my head around it, why can't I stick to it with out getting bored? I still can't answer that question. :(
Well this morning I weighed my self and I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I cried and was so mad at myself for letting this happen. I have a sister in law who has been using this app/site for over a year and she is looking fantastic! Smarter choices and healthy living is what I need.
My weakness...I am a manager of a pizza franchise! I not only need friends on here but any ideas that would help me not feel the need to pick at things all day would be great! Thanks for reading :)


  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Hey that stinks no one replied!! Well you can do this and we are here to support you!! Wow, so you're around pizza a lot? Have you gotten sick of it yet? I'd say if its a hindrance to you to see if you can look into something else as that's pretty challenging!
    :) keep goin and don't look back.
  • lilacbreeze71
    lilacbreeze71 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't know if it is the amount of people on here or what..seems like posts get lost in the breeze!! I am new to the site as well and will encourage you the best that I can! Feel free to add me!!

  • haunstar
    haunstar Posts: 40 Member
    Just small steps will help! I'm sorry you cried when you weighed yourself... It is so hard. Do you like to workout? Do you have some activities you enjoy that are active-ish? I have found a workout that I actually look forward to... it has helped so much! However, I know being around pizza all he time would be hard for me!!!
    Good for you to try! Best of luck in your journey.
  • steviegreeks
    steviegreeks Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me :) I find active friends on here keep ya motivated and honest, good luck in your fitness pursuit.
  • S0nsh1ne
    S0nsh1ne Posts: 218 Member
    Hi, I began on 1/7/2013 after having reached a high (low) of 219. I am now at 185 having reduced my caloric intake and reducing the amount of processed foods I intake. I have a 10 year old and it's exciting to see how he is 'thinking' about his food choices now. I'm sorry we missed one another last month and hope you are still on here.
  • kravmark2
    kravmark2 Posts: 158 Member
    I love pizza :) lol ... We must be friends lol
  • dshopp1029
    dshopp1029 Posts: 1 Member
    hello welcome to mfp and i know how you feel about not being able to loose the weight you want I was just like that before till one day I went to the drs and he told me about this site and i joined it.. it does help alot and when i got home just sat down and wrote down my meals for a weeks at a time breakfast lunch and dinner and even my snacks for the days too i use to drink pepsi and coffee all day now i have maybe one cup of coffee a day and no pop at all i drink water all day long ..when i went to the drs that day i was at my heavyest i have ever been at and that was 244 i cryed like a baby and that was on march 6th 2013 just about 6 months ago and now im down 49lbs .. yay me .... and if you work take fruit with you everyday and when you feel yourself getting hungry snack on fruit or take fruits and veggies you can do it you just have have faith and give it time . good luck and hope you loose the weight you want ...
  • Gr8ChangesAhead
    Gr8ChangesAhead Posts: 836 Member
    you can add me also :)
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi, I work in a kitchen too and am around food all day. It can be tough not to graze. If you want any hints on how I handle this. We could be friends. :)
  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    Hi! We have the same cry fest in common! Mine was in June when my son took a picture of me for our anniversary. I started getting serious with MFP after that and lost 14 lbs as of today! I can not believe it really. If I can do this girl...you can too! What I needed was the community. I knew all the right stuff to do...just couldn't seem to do it on my own.

    You can totally do this. I also work in food service...a new job after being at home with kids for 15 years! I just started my job last Monday so learning to pack my lunch and eat only healthy choices at work...I'm also starting to set goals...instead of sliding heaving things to move them lift them etc. Get the most exercise out of what I can while I'm on the job and kinda getting paid for it!

    You can do this...it's a one day at a time thing.

    The tortoise wins the race!

    Feel free to friend me!
    Welcome and feel free to friend me!
