4'11" girls!



  • I'm 4'11", with a goal weight of 100 lbs.... is anyone this weight now, and if so how many calories do you eat a day?
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    I'm 4'11.5 I guess! haha... I'm sure I'm somewhere 4'11 - 4'11.5 .. lol... and I'm 137 pounds.. I wanna lose 15 pounds by october 2013... LOL!

    Feel free to add me my fellow shorties!

    Being short is cute! But, the excess weight is ugggh!

  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    I'm 4'11", with a goal weight of 100 lbs.... is anyone this weight now, and if so how many calories do you eat a day?

    Hi! I already added you.. :)

    I just wanna share I eat the same foods everyday. And normaly I only consume 1100-1250 calories a day. I find it hard to lose the weight with just diet alone. So I just added a simple cardio on my daily workout. I do cycling hiit( 10 sec pedal fast and 10 sec recovery) 3-5 days a week. I follow the nowloss.com calorie calculator and also ordered the free dvd workout which includes the indoor cycling hiit guide there. My goal is to lose ten pounds so that will make me go down to 127. My ultimate goal weight is to lose 20 pounds. I really wish I will lose that 20 pounds so that I will be back to my original size 120 pounds lol.. :DD
  • khgraves
    khgraves Posts: 54 Member
    I'm 4"10" and currently 127 pounds. A few weeks ago I started using myfitnesspal after a few years hiatus. Of course, the weight I had worked so hard to lose had crept back on. I'd love a few friends that are vertically challenged since my supportive husband is 6'1". I have to eat below the 1200 calorie threshold occasionally or I won't see the scale move. I don't think taller people understand that.
  • jenndesjarlais
    jenndesjarlais Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 4'10 with a goal weight of 125lbs! I'm currently 173.5. Feel free to add me!
  • origamixstarzz
    origamixstarzz Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 4'11'' and I'm currently 113.4 pounds. I want to be about 100-103 pounds. You can add me :)
  • virgin post on MFP!
    Hello ladies, I'm also 4'11''!
    Do feel free to add me! :D
    My goal now is to lose about 29-30lbs!
  • Star_1234
    Star_1234 Posts: 123 Member
    Hey Im new on mfp. Im 4ft 8.5 and 136lbs (need to lose 136lbs).

    I feel just at home here :)
  • b218w
    b218w Posts: 76 Member
    4 11(actually 4 10.75 so I round it up lol)
  • pandadiplomacy14
    pandadiplomacy14 Posts: 1 Member
    5' 0.5" according to my last medical check-up...but I'm happy with 5' :)

    SW: 135
    CW: 112
    GW: 105ish
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    5' right here! And on a very long weight-loss journey. I could definitely use motivation!
  • NaurielR
    NaurielR Posts: 429 Member
    I'm 4'11", with a goal weight of 100 lbs.... is anyone this weight now, and if so how many calories do you eat a day?
    I'm 4'11" as well, and I'm currently maintaining at 105lb. I'm eating about 1600 calories a day, not including my exercise calories. I'm actually planning on bumping it up a bit, because I want to build a little bit of muscle.
  • appifanie
    appifanie Posts: 95 Member
    I am 5'0" - I have tiny wrists and feet... wish my waist was the same- wanting to lose about 25 pounds.... looking for more friends/ support esp from felllow shorties - we understand each other... I look at food and can gain a few pounds...

    YES! I'm 5' (maybe 5' 1/2") and I have tiny wrists and cute small feet and when I lose weight, it goes from my feet and neck first. Hanging onto pregnancy weight and I'm 149 and my baby is almost 7. Whoops. I've actually worked pretty hard at losing weight over the last 3-4 years, but I haven't accomplished much. Boo.
  • Would love some petite friends! I have a 5'11" husband who has a ridiculous metabolism and can eat 3 times as much as me and not gain a pound (people are always telling him that he is too skinny!) It is tough to control portions especially desserts around him (he has quite a sweet tooth). I have been stuck on the last 10 lbs forever and it is very frustrating. Actually made it to my goal weight last Fall and bought a bunch of new clothes to celebrate. Then I put back on 10 lbs and so I can't wear any of my new things. :cry:
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    Would love some petite friends! I have a 5'11" husband who has a ridiculous metabolism and can eat 3 times as much as me and not gain a pound (people are always telling him that he is too skinny!) It is tough to control portions especially desserts around him (he has quite a sweet tooth). I have been stuck on the last 10 lbs forever and it is very frustrating. Actually made it to my goal weight last Fall and bought a bunch of new clothes to celebrate. Then I put back on 10 lbs and so I can't wear any of my new things. :cry:

    I feel like I just wrote this! I actually YELLED at my 5'11" boyfriend yesterday because he was eating MY frozen yogurt right in front of me, which was just plain rude because I was already over my calories AND I have food allergies so if he had to snack in front of me, he should have at least went for the regular ice cream and left my special dessert alone for me to enjoy at another time!

    I've made it to my goal weight TWICE and gained back both time. I started at nearly 150 in spring 2011, got to 113 in spring 2012, gained to 127 by summer 2012, down to 115 in fall 2012, gained back up to 127 after hurricane Sandy, and now I keep gaining and losing the same few pounds, stuck at 124-127ish. Every summer I tell myself "I'll be 115 by Halloween" and I get SO CLOSE but it never sticks around.

    I have my calorie goal at 1300 but I usually go over and I always eat back my exercise calories. I enjoy walking/jogging/running (intervals). I also dabble in yoga, pilates, and Zumba, but my favorite workout is walking because that's what made me lose most of the weight in the first place!
  • 5 feet! add me :)
  • Trapwolf
    Trapwolf Posts: 142 Member
    I am 4'11 :O)))))) Add me anyone if you want, Im almost to maintenance mode, 5more lbs to go. I would love some advice on flat abs and toning
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    I'm 4'10" is that close enough :)
  • sleepyotter
    sleepyotter Posts: 76 Member
    4'11" right here!

    I've joined like two short girl groups on MFP, and this thing keeps happening where one day the message board will be wiped out, and the name of the group has changed. I don't know if that's like, the group moderator messing around with the settings, or if MFP is glitching out on me and moving me to a completely different group. Has anyone else in a short group experienced this?
  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 437 Member