Calories and strength training

I notice that I get no calorie burn for doing strength training. Does this mean that really no calories are burnt? I had someone suggest that strength training does burn calories as well... Whats up with this? Next I would like a rule of thumb for how much weight is good for 25 reps. What if there are more reps done than 25, will this injure my muscles? Can one do strength training once a day? Lastly I notice some people doing 25 reps the first set, then 20 the second and finally 15 the third set,,,why is this done? Sorry for the Dennis the Menace questions but I'm new at this and want to do it right.:embarassed:


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You can find strength training under the cardio list and add your calories like that.

    You do burn calories strength training, just not as many as a cardio session. Not sure why MFP placed it under cardio, but that's the only way you can log calories burned on MFP is with cardio.
  • Glasspack
    Glasspack Posts: 105 Member
    If you use the strength training option under cardio it should list out the calories for you. How much weight for 25 reps is likely up to how strong you are right now, as far as I know there is no rule that you must do x amount of weight for 25 reps. You can do strength training several times a day but again it depends on what you are doing and how much stress you are putting on your body. Based on what I know the answer to your question about droping reps per set is either they are using what I call drop sets ( same weight for all sets but they want to fatigue their muscles early0 or pyramids which where they start with a ligther weight for the first set and then icnrease weight and decrease reps for each additioanl set.

    There are so many theories on what is the best way to lift. My opinion is start easy, try different exercises and different weights, if it's too heavy drop some weight, if it's too light add some on. I'm an old school type of guy I do 3 sets of 8 - 12 reps per set and when I can do 3 sets of 12 I add weight to the bar. I also lift 3 days a week ( M - W - F). Try some stuff, experiment a little see what works for you. It doesn't matter how much you lift the important thing is that you are working out, burning calories, and getting more fit.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    sorry double post
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    if you are doing >15 reps, it is not strength training anymore, it would be resisted endurance training.

    I suggest finding a weight or program that has you do anywhere in the range of 5-12 reps/set instead.
  • kf5ljp
    kf5ljp Posts: 31
    Wow Thanks everyone,,,,Here's my deal. I totally became a blob with no significant exercise since my Marine Corp Days in 1974 -1977. So I get really aggravated at myself and decide that this has to stop. So I get my stepper machine out and dust it off. I started doing 100 steps then increased until I got to a 1000 steps. Then after that, I started with time 15 minutes until now its 45 minutes. At the same time I go to the store and buy a short one handed barbell and slap 7.5 pounds on it. I start out doing 25 reps of curls (each hand), forward lift over my head(lying down), one handed bench presses 25 reps and two handed presses from behind the head and 20 sit ups 3 sets of all of this. Ok I know I'm a wimp but I noticed I got really tight and stepped on the scales and lost 6 pounds after a couple weeks of this,,,Then I joined MFP My cardio burn, I dont record these exercises and obviously I am in the dark. I want to wait until I get to the states in a couple of months to join a fitness club so all of your inputs are really appreciated. Now that you know where I have been,,,what would be your suggestions???