looking for strength training ladies for friends

Looking for some female crossfitters or lifters to add as friends. It would be nice to have some motivation and comparison with ladies who are doing similar things as me. I'm not really concerned about my calorie count now that the majority of the weight is off. I'm more focused on overall athletic health. I work out hard enough and frequently enough, that I do not need to restrict my calories as before.

5ft 9.5"
fluctuate between 180-184lbs
size 8

crossfit 4 times a week

Current lifting stats:
back squat - 198lbs
front squat - 132lbs
overhead squat - 77lbs
snatch - 88lbs
jerk - 121lbs
power clean - 130lbs

If this is your focus, please add me as a friend.


  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
  • ajhr
    ajhr Posts: 92 Member
    I'm newish to crossfit and aim to go at least 2-3 times a week. I eat mostly paleo and count kilojoules with a small deficit but am mainly interested in viewing my macros. New friends welcome!
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    I mix between distance running and lifting. I have done NROLFW and 5x5. Right now I am working with a mix of 5k run with 30 day shed and lifting with short cardio warm ups.
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
    I also run... well I am learning to run. I have been taking an endurance class for about 9 months now. I am currently trying to get my mile under 9min. I struggle with exercise induced asthma that really acts up when I am running longer distances.

    I did complete my first 5k mud run a few months back.
  • mrstravisjones
    mrstravisjones Posts: 104 Member
  • NatalieSkywalker
    NatalieSkywalker Posts: 231 Member
    I literally joined a gym this week and desperately want to get into lifting heavy and strength training but i'm totally new to it!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    been lifting for years- friend away.

  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I do StrongLifts 3x a week, struggling to get past shin injuries to run a sub 30 minute 5k 1-2x a week, and about to start a martial arts class (Krav Maga) 2x a week. I also walk a lot. I am 5'9 145-146 lbs and just starting my first bulk! Add me if you like!