Newbie :)

Hi. I've been signed up to this site for a while but can never get the motivation to do it. Finally decided to get my butt into gear and make the lifestyle change! My daily calorie intake is 1200 with 60 minutes of exercise a day for 5 days a week. If anyone has any tips for meals, recipes, any kind of advice or anything else then I'd be very appreciative :)


  • UncleBilly10
    That's highly motivated. :) We use Jillian Michael's cookbook in our house as one inspiration for meals. Changing out things like Mac & Cheese with cauliflour and cheese makes the finds of differences that are working for us. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • jdurrell013
    Feel free to add me as well.. I am not new but trying it agian. Working on a 1200 calorie diet is hard and I need all the tips and motivation that i can get. :)
  • JenS2586
    JenS2586 Posts: 85
    Hey, your welcome to add me if you like. I stick between 1200-1300 calories and have an open diary. I try to eat as healthy as possible and I log daily.
  • fishing4jc
    fishing4jc Posts: 11 Member
    I join the site a year ago, and never did anything with it. Please add me. I came back from a recent vacation weighing more that I have ever weighed in my life. It's time to get serious. . .so I too am striving for a 1,200 a day diet and at least 1/2 hour of cardio 5 to 6 times a week. So far so good. I am using Slim Fast shakes twice a day for the next couple weeks to give me a kick start. Other than that, here's my plan:

    ~at least 7 hours of sleep
    ~ a serving of fruit and a glass of water within 1/2 hour of waking up
    ~no more than 1,200 calories daily
    ~super sugar, grain, and salt conscience (I am a recovering sugarholic)
    ~8 glasses of water daily (1 when I wake up, 2 more before 10am, another before noon, 2 more before 3pm, and another 2 before
    ~some type of cardio 5 to 6 times weekly

    I am on day three of this plan and haven't been hungry, I feel great, and have lost 4 pounds so far. =)
  • kaymon25
    kaymon25 Posts: 17 Member

    I'm a fellow newbie just joined today... I'll FR you??