220lbs-need snack idea thats less filling than popcorn.

This 1200 diet is working for me but I noticed that I keep falling under the 1200 daily goal. I end up eating a candy bar to make up the difference...cant complain about that. I will never tire of popcorn...love it. Problem with popcorn is it fills me up to the point I dont feel like eating more thats needed to reach daily goal 1200. Anyone know of a low calorie snack that is filling but doesnt completely fill me up? Today I am under my goal by 326 calories and have no room to eat more...due to popcorn. :(

Recently added meat, milk, veggies. Note: Breakfast/dinner menu varies daily with equal calorie intake. Snacks occasionally mini wheat sub.

Breakfast - 2 wheat toast/w butter (2 tsp), 2 boiled eggs, garlic salt.

Snack - 1 medium nectarine.

Lunch - 2 bags of 110 calorie popcorn. 1 medium plum, 1 medium nectarine.

Snack - 1 medium plum.

Dinner - Small bowl of raisin bran/ or miniwheats w/ whole milk. I medium plum.

Drinks all day - Water and 3 cans of Pepsi Max (no calories)

Exercise - 3 1/2 miles walking daily. Home rower every 3 days - 1000 rows in 45 minutes,

My weight is dropping and progress looks very positive. Never hungry.

If I kept at this would I be down to at least 170lbs by November?


  • dupaboo
    dupaboo Posts: 174 Member
    Hey there - saw your other post and agree that you need to incorporate more protein, veggies and good fats. Since you're exercising a lot, why not try a protein shake? It won't leave you feeling extremely full and you'll get some added protein into your diet. I always keep almonds handy, too, for this purpose.
  • swingsintherain
    swingsintherain Posts: 121 Member
    I would maybe try eating something a little more "substantial" for lunch, such as a salad with a protein source (chicken, egg, etc) on it to get more vegetables and protein in, especially since I see a lot of fruit here but no vegetables. While fruit is better than candy, you're probably missing some important vitamins and minerals if you don't eat your veggies!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

    My weight is dropping and progress looks very positive. Never hungry.

    If I kept at this would I be down to at least 170lbs by November?

    No, you won't. Your metabolism will slow down and your weight loss will stall if you continue to eat under 1200 calories. You're not hungry because your metabolism has adjusted to a lower calorie intake. That doesn't mean you're getting everything you need, just because you don't feel hungry. My suggestion would be to ditch the popcorn altogether, except maybe as a treat every once in a while. I mean even if it's the 110 calorie popcorn, you're eating 2 bags. Plus you're replacing your lunch with this stuff. You're not going to get any good nutrients that way. Try eating lean proteins (chicken, turkey, pork, fish), full fat cheeses, greek yogurt, vegetables, nuts, etc. These will all help you get the PROPER nutrients for the day, they will bump up your calories to a healthy level, and they will help you feel fuller longer. If at the end of the day, you have a hankering for popcorn, and you have calories left over, then fit it in. But eat only 1 serving. It's all about portion control and fueling your body the right way. After you've fueled it properly, then you can start thinking about adding in the popcorn.
  • bubbliemae
    Vegies man where are the vegies, I was thinking if you added some raw vegies, like a small salad to you lunch and supper, that would add some calories.
  • CaptainAmerica1970
    May I suggest a protein?, WHEY protien, Greek yogurt, egg whites, cottage cheese, tuna, fish, chicken

    Also, green veggies, ie,. Baby spinach, ( you can blend into protein shake) add fruit or something to cover the taste. Go salads or broccoli.

    More water through out the day.
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    your lunch is popcorn and your dinner is cereal?

    I mean each to their own, but surely you could bump up the nutritional value of your meals?

    Get some vegetables, meat etc
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Where's the MEALS? You're having breakfast a couple times a day, and some snacks. That's a recipe to burn out.
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    You really ought to incorporate more protien and veggies. Maybe swap a snack you currently eat for veggies with hummos? Also more protien at lunch. Salad with meat, maybe lentils or beans. Something. You need to meet not just your calorie goal, but your nuterition goals as well. Good luck!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    What's your protein count? 30g a day or something? Ditch the popcorn and cereal and have a real meal, ie, some meat or fish or something.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    326 calorie deficit?

    5.6 oz of Tuna steak - 172 calories, 39 gm protein
    9 oz of grilled green veggie like zuchinni - 36 cal
    4 oz steamed fresh spinach - 25 cal
    1/2 cup Greek yogurt - 65cal, 12 gm protein
    2 oz of blueberries (for your yogurt) - 32 cal

    You can eat a lot more food when you choose choices wisely. I would suggest swapping one of your fruits and your popcorn for protein: tunafish, tilapia, chicken, turkey, lean ground beef, greek yogurt, soy, eggs, raw nuts.... if you really like popcorn, then eat a cup or two for a snack vs a meal. :flowerforyou:
  • harleylady2012
    I agree with everyone, unless you are vegetarian ( but they tend to eat better) you need nutrition or you will be a sick skinny person with no energy...try adding apples and a lean meat at lunch.
    To combat afternoon hungries I have lean protein and a small amount of fat at lunch ( usually olive oil)
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    You've been on the site since September 2012, lost 9#, log more Quick Calories than actual intake and think you will lose another 60 # by November??
    Popcorn and Reese's Cups are not a meal. Look at public diaries, eat meat, veggies, fruits in reasonable amounts, exercise and you will lose but not by November.
  • oddawa1974
    oddawa1974 Posts: 14 Member
    Replace popcorn with veggies. I work desk job (graveyard) by myself dealing with drug addict/alcoholic clients so I dont get a lunch break...eat while I work. So (finger food) veggies/bites of meat would be doable for lunch. Not much a meat eater. So nuts or protein of other source is ideal. I'm not big on dinner meals because I go to bed as soon as I get home. Wow...now I look at my eating habits...its all mainly quick stuff...barely any cooked meals. Just don't have time to cook. :(

    My eating schedule is backwards bfast is nighttime, lunch around 3am, dinner around 9am - most of the time too tired to eat dinner.
  • oddawa1974
    oddawa1974 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you everyone for the information. I got a lot of food adjusting to do.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Ok - the problem with your menu is that it's got no meals in it. It's a day-long graze of snacks, many of which have low nutritional value.

    As others have said - protein! Also, where are the veggies? You should really be filling up on them.

    For your lunches, try some lean protein (tuna, chicken, turkey, lean ham etc) with a green salad. Dinner time, a third of your plate should be veg - how about doing some stir-fries? They're a great way to get in lots of veg and some protein. You also need some dairy in there - how about yoghurt?

    ETA: You also need to log consistently, your diary is all over the place. Some days you're coming in around 600-800 calories, mostly on snacks and on other days you simply have 'Quick Add Calories' in there for 1,000-1,500. I think you could probably benefit from planning your day's menu ahead of time.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    Do you have a microwave near your desk at work? Meal prep at home. Reheat at work. Or eat it cold. (more satisfying heated, tho). Even Peanut Butter Sandwiches, chicken strips, raw broccoli/cauliflower, carrot sticks, celery, cherry tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, cheese sticks, ,the list is endless. When you grocery shop, skip the chip/popcorn isle and stick to the vegetable section along with your fruit. Choose your bright, beautiful vibrant colors of veggies in everything you love to eat and fill your basket and your belly. Even making a crockpot full of meat/veggies and reheating at work, eating it at your desk, is good.

    Look at your macros and hit those number every day. It doesn't matter if your meals are non-traditional in the time sense, just more balanced.

    Have fun shopping!

    (Edited to add: BTW, you can go in on your profile and change the titles to your meals to what fits your lifestyle. So if Breakfast is actually dinner to you, then change the first title to DINNER 7AM or whatever you like, get it?)
  • fatslayer93
    -Cut down sugar (fruit) intake
    - Increase protein
    - Increase complex carbs ( brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats etc)
    - Increase veges

    You need to start eating food that are good for you and will keep you full.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Recently added meat, milk, veggies.
    Well, I think that's your answer, although it isn't included in your sample day. You need protein. Drop the popcorn and eat something else for lunch.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    If I kept at this would I be down to at least 170lbs by November?

    Not a chance. I'd put my money on you stalling out long before then and plateauing.

    Oh, for your snack. Peanut butter.