Why am I not losing any weight?

Almost a year ago I moved in with my boyfriend and we started eating out a lot... And around 6-7 months ago I was diagnosed with Hormonal Imbalance which was causing me to not get my period... I went on birth control to try to regulate it, and it stopped about 2 months ago. Between all of these factors I gained 20 pounds in 10 months :(
Back in February when it was 10 pounds, I started going to the gym, and in 3 months I lost 3 pounds. I stopped going and put them back on, plus 7 :(

Now since August 1st I've gone back to the gym 5-6 times a week, I don't eat more than 1200 calories a day and today I'm starting week 2 of my Insanity Workout DVDs along with going to the gym at night. But I haven't lost a single pound! What's going on? Am I doing something wrong?! Help please :( I want to lose at least 10 pounds by December because I'm getting married :'(

I'm 22 years old, 5'3 tall and I now weigh 142 pounds :(


  • redskiednight
    redskiednight Posts: 32 Member
    You're not eating enough! 1200 calories is weight loss for someone with a sedentary lifestyle, not someone who works out nearly every day.

    Your body is not going to lose weight when you're netting only 2 or 300 calories - it will cling onto every bit of fat it can.

    Log all your calorie burns into MFP, and let it tell you how much to eat. Trust it and it will work, it's the way MFP has been designed to work!

    Also, if you open your diary we could take a look?
  • AbstractAsterism
    AbstractAsterism Posts: 153 Member
    It could be a lot of things, but you don't have your diary open (and since you just recently joined you probably don't have much in it). It could be you're not eating the right things, perhaps not eating enough (1200 calories is for a sedentary life, not an active one), not drinking enough water, building muscle since you're going to the gym a lot (muscle is more dense than fat)... What kind of food do you eat on a daily basis? Have you tried measurements alongside weighing yourself?
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I would imagine you aren't losing much because of the fact that you are barely eating. 1200 calories normally isn't enough for a person who does no activity but if you are going to the gym often and doing insanity you need to eat more. You have to fuel your body.

    When you run too high of a deficit you increase muscle loss along the way. Increase your calories and eat your exercise calories back

    According to your ticker you only have 22lbs to lose so your weekly goal should be no more than 1lb per week... once you hit 10-15lbs left to go change it to 0.5lbs. You don't have enough left to lose to lose it quickly.

    Also, ensure you are drinking enough water.. especially if you go out to eat often or eat a lot of prepared or processed foods. Also, ensure you weigh all food you eat on a kitchen scale. NEVER use measuring cups or spoons for food since they are not accurate. Only use them for liquids. Make sure you are tracking everything... every little bite, that bit of mayo on a sandwich, dressings, sauces, cooking oils, milk or cream in coffee or tea, etc.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    you're not eating enough.
  • dialysate
    dialysate Posts: 2 Member
    Have you had your thryoid checked? Are you on an antidepressant of any kind? Those are usually the big medical culprits...

    I don't know if you're doing this already, but try improving the quality of the food you're eating...In my experience, 1200 calories of junk or processed food translates very differently to your body than 1200 calories of high quality whole grains, fruits/veggies, and proteins. Cutting out artificial sweeteners (even though they're zero calorie!) has helped me in the past, too. It's a shame, because I do love my diet coke :/
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    It's really that you aren't eating enough. High intense workouts require more food.

    I know all you ever hear is to lose weight eat less and move more. Well, that's just not always the case. At a point, you have to add more food.

    Your car can't go far on $10 of gas...Neither can your body. Fuel up! It'll help.