naguilar210 Posts: 88
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay, so I had about a total of 700 calories today, worked out hard, work off that amount, and just really not hungry enough to eat anything else for dinner (too late for dinner anyway, but thats not my point) Whats the deal?
I don't feel tired or have a headache or feel like my body is missing something, but this seems just...WRONG.


  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    You're starving yourself....I'm certain I don't have to point that out, but I hope you listen to that inner self yelling inside you.
  • missmaya24
    missmaya24 Posts: 142 Member
    You are definitely starving! I would suggest taking a look at other people food diaries. You can get ideas for getting the calories you need.
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    You are not giving yourself enough calories. If you are not hungry try something that won't make you feel full. Nuts might be an option or popcorn. But you need to get more calories in are sooner or later you will start to feel the effects.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    It is true it a little low, but for now, I wouldn't worry about it. I have found that listening to your body over the numbers is always a good thing.
  • The bad part is if you eat so little then what you do eat sticks (trust me) i used to it one meal a day thinking i'd get thin and it just stuck on my *kitten* when i did eat lol. Force yourself to eat even if you aren't hungry :) Also you will see the effects give it a bit that's what happened to me if i would work out and then get super dizzy and just feel yucky. EAT EAT EAT! eat something small every 2 hours it keeps your metabolism going and if you need to get some cliff bars they are good and will help you meet your calorie needs. Good Luck!
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    You're starving yourself....I'm certain I don't have to point that out, but I hope you listen to that inner self yelling inside you.

    I agree! You need to make sure you are giving yourself enough nutrition. Most people that starve themselves (and I'm not saying that you are doing it purposely) after the hunger cravings are gone and the body starts breaking down. your body will naturally create endorphins.,, Its actually how about 90% of elderly people in nursing home die when they just give up. And they say that it isnt painful for them because of the endorphins... And you will already have them from exercising!
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Can't see your food diary. Hard to say what's going on.
  • Okay waittttttttttttttttttt! I know this is a PROBLEM, but this is the first time its happened. LOL
    To make things clear, Im not doing this on purpose, I'm truly NOT HUNGRY!
    Believe me, I love food TOO MUCH Hehe.
    Just wondered if anyone else ever experienced this?
    While planning out my 'food' I planned on having a wholesome dinner, but after working out, just didnt feel hungry at all...when I clearly should be. WHYYY
  • My guess is that your body is in shock. If you only gave your body 700 calories (aka fuel) to get through the day and then burned off that amount at the gym then it has nothing to function properly. If you go into the tools tab and go to the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and have it calculate your number of calories needed for a day then you'll know what your body needs for a minimum calorie intake. I just ran mine and it says 1,511 calories per if I did NOTHING ALL DAY then my body would burn roughly 1,500 calories. Let me break it down for you..I'm going to guess that you have the same BMR as me just for the example....

    You need 1,500 calories to function for the day. Then you only eat 700 calories all day...that puts you at -800 your body is already going on nothing. Then you go workout and burn another 700 calories and now your at -1,600 calories for the day! That's kinda like putting $20 in your gas tank and expecting your car to drive 1,500 miles.

    Your BMR number should be like a goal. Everyone on hear has different opinions on the best range to go for but I'll tell you what has been working for me. I'll aim for between 1,200 and 1,500 calories for the day and I workout roughly 3-5 times a week and burn an average of 300-500 calories when I workout. Now, when you workout and burn those calories off, your subtracting that from your intake for the day. Some people say to eat those calories, some people say don't. I never have two days that are the same so I play it by ear. One thing I don't do is go below 1,200 total calories consumed for the day. I may burn some off working out but I always eat at least 1,200 cals. The reason that is so important is because if you don't give your body the energy (calories) that it needs then it will kick into survival mode and will retain as much fat as possible. So you think that your going to loose weight fast but your body is going to do the complete opposite.

    As far as your hunger (I know it took me a while to get to this :blushing: ). Some days when I've been good and I've only eaten 1,300 calories and I hit the gym hard, I won't feel like eating either. It feels like your defeating the purpose doesn't it? One thing you can do is eat something that is high in calories (but also health for you) like nuts or seeds ( I like pumpkin seeds) and have a very light or even a healthy snack dinner.

    I'm sorry I was long winded and I hope that this helps! :flowerforyou: If anyone sees anything that I've got wrong please jump in!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    If it is a one time occurrance, there is not much you can do about it. Try and get in something, but if you absolutely can't don't force the issue. Take the opportunity to up the calories on your meals for a few days (if you're given 1300, eat 1500 for 6 days). You'll even yourself out over time. You won't go into starvation mode after a single day.

    I get that way every now and then - but I don't exercise those days because I don't want to go into a negative net calories. Exercise has been known to have appetite suppressent properties and if you exercised at a time that wasn't normal for you, it's not surprising.
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    Okay waittttttttttttttttttt! I know this is a PROBLEM, but this is the first time its happened. LOL
    To make things clear, Im not doing this on purpose, I'm truly NOT HUNGRY!
    Believe me, I love food TOO MUCH Hehe.
    Just wondered if anyone else ever experienced this?
    While planning out my 'food' I planned on having a wholesome dinner, but after working out, just didnt feel hungry at all...when I clearly should be. WHYYY

    As you said you have worked out... Your body is raging with endorphins. I am usually NEVER hungry after working out. I dont think anyone was trying to offend you just we get a true concern when people arent eating. Try adding a protein shake or chocolate milk to your diet after working out. It will add calories and benefit your workout!
  • I appreciate your responses.
    I love the support :)
  • BTW: I wrote this thinking that you are new to MFP, if you aren't then I'm sure you know all of this...:tongue:
  • As you said you have worked out... Your body is raging with endorphins. I am usually NEVER hungry after working out. I dont think anyone was trying to offend you just we get a true concern when people arent eating. Try adding a protein shake or chocolate milk to your diet after working out. It will add calories and benefit your workout!

    Thats a great idea. If this continues, I plan on taking a protein shake or some sort of DRINK, a mind thing I guess...
  • BTW: I wrote this thinking that you are new to MFP, if you aren't then I'm sure you know all of this...:tongue:

    Im VERY new to MFP, but have been on a weight loss journey since February 1.
    Iv lost 85 pounds since then, but still learning as I try to reach my goal of losing 100 POUNDS!

    Thank you for your advice!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I run into this same problem from time to time. I think if it happens once in awhile your not going to go into starvation mode but if it happens often then your body will think it is starving. Maybe you could make a smoothie, or have a yogurt. these are good for you without making you feel really full. Good luck on your journey and congrats on your weight loss so far
  • I run into this same problem from time to time. I think if it happens once in awhile your not going to go into starvation mode but if it happens often then your body will think it is starving. Maybe you could make a smoothie, or have a yogurt. these are good for you without making you feel really full. Good luck on your journey and congrats on your weight loss so far

    THANK YOU, the mommie!
    I plan on buying a few packs of yogurt JUST IN CASE this happens again :)
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    No judgement here, I have low cal days too in the 1100 region.
    But I'm wondering if you posted this in order to get this reaction?
    Are you needing a 'come to the light' smackdown and outed yourself
    to the community?
    Stay safe and namaste. =)
  • No judgement here, I have low cal days too in the 1100 region.
    But I'm wondering if you posted this in order to get this reaction?
    Are you needing a 'come to the light' smackdown and outed yourself
    to the community?
    Stay safe and namaste. =)

    I posted (and have been posting all day) because this is the FIRST TIME, during my weight loss journey that I have met such wonderful people who show unlimited support to help me with the questions that I've always had!
    I cant imagine how much more weight I could have lost if I had MFP by my side. (although, I must say I did quite well-losing 85 pounds and all lol)

    thanks for your response though...i think??
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    I find the same thing when I work out. On the days I don't work out, I seem to be hungrier.

    How about some nuts? Very high cal and packed with good fats. Do you like apples and peanut butter? Yummm.

    You'll be fine. Probably tomorrow you'll be really hungry and wonder why. :wink:
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