Microsoft Excel Trackers!

MandyyyB Posts: 16
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hey everyone,
I hope the link I post with this works.
I found this really awesome Microsoft excel chart that you can download.
They make ones for men and for women.
Once a week you put in your height, weight, and measurements of your Chest, waist, hips, wrist, and forearm.
Then it automatically has equations build into it to measure your estimated lean body weight, estimated body fat weight, estimated body fat percentage, and estimated Body Mass Index (BMI)!
Then it automatically takes the information you entered and puts it into line graphs of measurements, weight & BMI, and Weight & body fat.

I thought it was really neat and FREE!

Now I know that this website does all of the same things, but if you find yourself without internet, these could maybe be a good back up! :)

Good luck, and I hope everyone is doing a great job reaching their goals. :)

Mandy! <3


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