What was your excuse before "getting serious"?



  • scubabetty
    scubabetty Posts: 22 Member
    I'm tall so I wear my weight well :huh:
    I did 5 workouts and tracked for a week and "only" lost 1 pound.
    This is just part of getting older
    It's fine, I'll probably get pregnant in a couple years, so why bother getting skinny to get fat again?

    When I write them down, they seem even more pathetic.
  • bbzgrl110
    bbzgrl110 Posts: 45 Member
    I had just resigned myself to the fact that I was going to be overweight and nothing was going to change that.

    My biggest excuse for not exercising, was that I hurt too much. The realization hit me that I hurt because I was overweight and it was putting a strain on my body. I still hurt, but not as much, and I see improvement in the way I feel almost daily.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    "Life is too short to worry about calorie counting and not enjoying your favourite foods."

    when in fact:

    "Life is too short to not spend it in a slim, healthy. energized body...and to never realize what it's like to feel HOT!"
  • Galloping4God
    Galloping4God Posts: 46 Member
    "Life is too short to worry about calorie counting and not enjoying your favorite foods."
    and-- "I don't look that fat". When in fact, I REALLY DID!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    My # 1 excuse was smoking...couldn't even take a flight of stairs without getting winded. So, I quit smoking and started walking and eventually worked up to other things...amazing how you can actually work out if you can BREATHE!
  • amirahdaboss
    amirahdaboss Posts: 921 Member
    "I know I'm going to always fail at it, like I always do, why bother"

  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm 40-something, I'm supposed to be frumpy.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    'I can still get in my favourite jeans so that means noone can't tell I've gained weight. I look the same. Weight doesn't show on me.'

    The button popped on those jeans. :(
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Here are a few of my excuses that I held on to for years before telling myself I really needed to get serious about getting healthy. They are all true, but just as devastating to my health:

    - I don't really LOOK like I weigh what I do

    - My blood pressure is normal and always has been. It will stay that way

    - Good health and longevity runs in my family even though some are overweight. It's no big deal.

    - It could be worse

    What are some of your excuses?

    I'm tall, so I don't look like I'm as heavy as I am

    I'm still under 200 lbs, so I can lose it when I decide to

    Age slows down metabolism and stuff, so maybe this is how I'm supposed to be now

    I can always lose it later, what's the rush now? (shortly after that, I had to spend lots of money to buy clothes that didn't look super tight on me :tongue: )
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    No excuses. I was just really uneducated about the calories in what I eat, what I need to maintain, and how many calories I actually burn during exercise.

    My own fault...

    Education in those three areas was all it took to get me on the right path.
  • zombiesalad
    zombiesalad Posts: 123 Member
    I blamed it on my medication causing weight gain and making me unable to lose weight. I will give a nod that it does make it a bit slower, but certainly not impossible like I always made it sound.

    Lack of motivation. I hated being overweight, but never had the drive to do anything about it.

    Lack of education. Didn't know how many calories I needed to be eating to lose at a healthy rate, rather than a starving myself rate.
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    There are other fat moms, its the norm.
  • angeeishere
    angeeishere Posts: 89 Member
    I didn't have one, I was lazy.

  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member

    -Don't have the time right now I'll start tomorrow (don't know how many tomorrows I went thru)

    -I'll start at the beginning of the month (don't know how many beginnings I passed)

    and every other excuse in the book :/

    Finally hit my breaking point Mothers day this year and actually got serious on June 1st.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    I'm not vain!
    I love food!
    "Bad" people (murderers, criminals, etc.) should be fat, not "good" people like me.
    I'm not one of "those people" who forget to eat or are naturally athletic!
    I wanna do/eat what I want!
    (All said in my head, of course!!)
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I'm busy.

    I'm young and relatively healthy, so it doesn't matter.

    I work out so I can eat how I please.

  • fedgal
    fedgal Posts: 17 Member
    1. I already have trouble sleeping and can't exercise until 9PM so I'll have more difficulty sleeping.

    2. My hair will get messed up.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I didn't have an excuse, I just didn't feel like eating right and working out. #truth
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I never really had any excuses. For the most part, I didn't really pay too much attention. I never weighed myself and I always just figured that putting a little fat on was just what happend as you got older. The only reason I even started paying attention was because of some bad blood work at my 38 year birthday physical.
  • souzan651
    souzan651 Posts: 42 Member
    My feeble excuse was "I'm happy the way I am, it's just me"
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