fitbit - extra usb dongle??

Anyone know how I can obtain an extra USB dongle (:laugh: ) for the Fitbit One (I think it's the same device as the Ultra uses). I'd love to be able to Sync the fitbit both at work and at home.
I can't seem to find anything online about how to get one.


  • ralevin
    ralevin Posts: 131 Member
    Or, will the USB charging cable work the same way?
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    As far as I know, you can't get one-unless you want to spend over 30 bucks on eBay. I asked customer service once and they don't sell them. I have heard of them sending people an extra one but it didn't work for me. It's annoying but I just bring my charging station back and forth for work and home
  • tainony
    tainony Posts: 2 Member
    It's $14.95 in the store
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    It was worth the cost for me to have a FitBit USB dongle at work and one at home. With ground shipping, it comes to $18 and change and is supposed to be delivered within 3-5 business days. If you have to have it tomorrow, you can pay $14.xx for the USB dongle and $14.xx for shipping. But hey, then you can have it overnight. :laugh: :yawn:

    By the way, if you and your mate both use a FitBit One, you can keep one USB dongle at home and one of you can use a dongle at work and you can both sync using the same dongle at home. The dongle's wireless receiver will detect more than one FitBit One and will prompt you to log in to sync up your dashboard. It flawlessly syncs to the right account even if there are multiple FitBit One trackers detected.
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    It's $14.95 in the store

    Its pretty straight-forward to get a second USB dongle. You can also get a second charging cable if you are so inclined for $9.95 plus shipping. Here is the link.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Bump! Good idea! Frustrating to have to wait till i get home to sync since it doesn't ' work with my Ipad version and i don't have a smart phone :sad: Thanks!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I wish they sold extras for the Ultra :(. That's new for the Zip and the One. My original docking cord for my Ultra crapped out, and they very kindly sent me a new one for free, and now that one is dicey at best. (I have to sit and jiggle the cord around in my computer and unplug and re-plug for about 5 minutes to get it to recognize that it's attached. It's 100% certainly the cord itself.) I really really hate to request a third cord (especially since it does work eventually), I've only had the Fitbit for 7 months and I feel ridiculous, I'd much rather just be able to buy one (and not for $40 on eBay). Same goes for the clip - I've already broken my original and gotten it replaced, and I'd love to just buy a backup because I hate to be without one.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Also, be warned - take your home cord to work and try it before you spend the money. I'm not sure if it's different with the newer models, but when I was setting up my Ultra I couldn't get it to sync at work, and I read on their website that most companies' firewalls block the syncing software.
  • MeauxBetta
    I'm buying one for work as well...good thing I'm the Systems Administrator :D
  • jesterca15
    jesterca15 Posts: 1 Member
    Can you buy an off brand one? I can't see spending $14 on this? I wonder if one of the $4 ones at Amazon would work.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    Also, be warned - take your home cord to work and try it before you spend the money. I'm not sure if it's different with the newer models, but when I was setting up my Ultra I couldn't get it to sync at work, and I read on their website that most companies' firewalls block the syncing software.

    So true! I can only sync mine at home because of this. I have the old one though, so I can see my progress. Love FitBit; hate that the app is pretty useless (at least for me).
  • ajc123work
    ajc123work Posts: 2 Member
    Anyone know if this is proprietary or can we use a cheap Chinese Bluetooth v4 dongle?

    I don't fancy paying $20 + shipping for something I can get for less than $10 -

    edit: I'll mail fitbit (though I'll be surprised if they say yes even if it can be used).
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have the Fitbit One and started syncing it to the computer but just found it little cumbersome, and I found that I didn't check it during the day anyway. So now, I just sync it to my iPhone. It will sync automatically in the background, but I find myself syncing it manually a few times during the day.

    It's a free app.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I was wondering if more than one Fitbit could sync to the same "dongle" ... we have three Fitbits in our family (two Ones and a Flex) and my folks have two Ones (one dongle on the upstairs computer, one on the downstairs laptop, that does help their syncing from anywhere in the house). Of course we all have the app on our mobile devices too, and I cannot tell you how MUCH I love that (after not having that with the Ultra). Love being able to sync anywhere.

    I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't really even use their dongle ... I know with the Flex, as it comes with two sizes of wristband, many Fitbitters are getting together and swapping (we mailed out our extra black large wristband in exchange for a slate small wristband with a Fitbit friend).

    I did have to order a new Flex charger though, as the 17-year old somehow misplaced his (during vacation ... I TOLD him not to bring it as it should have lasted for 7 days anyway, and the last couple days were hours in the car anyway ... why don't the kids listen to mommy?) I almost wondered if I should just buy a complete new Flex ($100) and sell out the parts and pieces rather than paying the $20 for a replacement charger. I probably could have come out ahead, but it sounded like too much work :)
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    I have the Fitbit One and started syncing it to the computer but just found it little cumbersome, and I found that I didn't check it during the day anyway. So now, I just sync it to my iPhone. It will sync automatically in the background, but I find myself syncing it manually a few times during the day.

    It's a free app.
    I do the same on my Android phone. Works great at syncing during the day, so I can see where I am at. I have a Samsung Galaxy X4, so the app works. I know it doesn't work for all Android phones though.
  • ajc123work
    ajc123work Posts: 2 Member
    FYI I contacted fitbit and apparently no, you can't use just any bluetooth v4 dongle, you have to use theirs. I can understand why, first of all it makes their app easier to write and secondly they make more money.

    Annoying though given it clearly is possible to sync to non fitbit manufactured devices when you can sync to phones.

    ...and to answer one of the questions, yes I believe you can sync through one dongle as the software has the option to add another device.
  • Jen_the_turtle
    Had to unplug the dongle for a flashdrive, and MY CAT took it and hid it... Have looked everywhere. DO I EVEN NEED IT? If I am syncing with my iphone, and participating with myfitnesspal and runtastic? Do those apps give my data to fitbit and vice versa?


    I have the iPhone 4 which is NOT Supported for the syncing... But I have an iPad mini which IS... so I will try (when I'm in a WiFi zone) to download the fitbit app and see if that suffices.
