
nic632 Posts: 295 Member
I saw an advert earlier for Insanity which showed amazing body transformations after 60 days, however it said that no weights were used. I was just wondering how they could've changed their bodies so much without using weights as many people advise to use them to help tone up?

Have many of you who use the dvds noticed a big difference after just 30 days and if so how many days a week did you do it - the advert says to do it 6 days a week?


  • adioschubs
    adioschubs Posts: 384 Member
    You do body weight exercises (lots of core work) in Insanity. I went from doing modified push ups to doing a few "real" pushups with this program. I saw a big difference in my measurements but I found it repetitive.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    The advertisements show amazing transformations to get you to buy the product...

    The people who had those amazing transformations had dieticians creating their daily intake which was carefully watched and monitored while exercising daily with the program and never missing anything...

    Just like any other program, you will lose fat on Insanity if you are eating a calorie deficit. I personally lost a lot of fat AND STRENGTH doing Insanity. I had to work my @$$ off later in the gym to regain the strength I had lost because I was dumb enough to not do any weight training for 60 days.
  • KMA220
    KMA220 Posts: 24 Member
    I just finished Insanity a few weeks ago. I didn't change what I was eating but stuck with the program and lost a total of 20 inches! The scale didn't really move much so it's definitely important to take measurements. Lots and Lots of body weight and core exercises. I loved the program and will do it again soon!
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Can't decide whether to buy it or not, as it's on special offer and also includes a book about nutrition, which I assume is a diet plan to follow along with the exercise programme.

    I measure myself all over within the first 3 days of every month, along with what exercise I've done that month and got records going back a few years to compare. So it'd be interesting to see what difference it might make - if do decide to buy it.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I noticed a huge change in body shape over insanity (I have pictures posted on my profile if you're interested). I didn't follow the nutrition plan, but I did use it as a guideline for how many calories I should be eating a day. I didn't lose any weight during the two months, but I lost 3 percentage points of body fat and 4" off my waist, so I don't care. I definitely think it was money well spent for me. The key is to figure out whether you can stick to it. It's intense. I had to give myself a pep talk each day to convince myself to hit play on the dvd each day, but I was always glad I did. I would literally end each workout lying in puddles of sweat on the floor. I use it as a cutting program to compliment my weightlifting bulking program.
  • shivles
    shivles Posts: 468 Member
    I've got it and I love it, I started a few months ago but give it up. However in the first 2 weeks last time I dropped a dress size! IMO it's totally worth it
  • shawnakrebs
    shawnakrebs Posts: 50 Member
    I just started week 4 and I have gone from a size 9 to a 5. My scale hasn't move a pound, but my cardio is killer and my upper body strength is better then it has been before. I don't follow their diets, I have been a calorie counter for a few years now, so I just watch those. I recommend it if you are wanting to really get your behind kicked in a workout. Love it!
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I am doing my fit test today! Starting it tomorrow, first time..... It will be awesome!
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    I saw the advertisement, 'you have to be insane to do this'. Pretty much up there with a marathon for me. Let's see, he died, you want run one to see if you die? Nope. And I'm not insane either. :bigsmile:

    I'm more of a slow and steady kinda gal. But I do admire those that go for it. So if you do, good wishes.
  • letmebangbro
    letmebangbro Posts: 213 Member
    Workout is hard for sure.
    More cardio centered. have to make sure your diet is top notch too.

    Just go lift ..
  • SpinCyn
    SpinCyn Posts: 94 Member
    Almost done! Day 54/63. I looove it. Ive never sweat so much in my life. Noweight loss but many inches lost and im suuuuper strong :D im doing T25 hour a day was alot of dedication
  • madtownjeremy
    The advertisements show amazing transformations to get you to buy the product...

    The people who had those amazing transformations had dieticians creating their daily intake which was carefully watched and monitored while exercising daily with the program and never missing anything...

    Just like any other program, you will lose fat on Insanity if you are eating a calorie deficit. I personally lost a lot of fat AND STRENGTH doing Insanity. I had to work my @$$ off later in the gym to regain the strength I had lost because I was dumb enough to not do any weight training for 60 days.

    ^^THIS. I've watched that infomercial a few times and always change the channel when they show that graph of intensity...that whole "go to 90% of your max HR for like 10 minutes, take a one minute break and go back to 90% for another 10 minutes" thing is generally a real good way to LOSE lean mass. I keep asking myself "how can anyone who does even the smallest amount of research actually want to be anaerobic for such a long time?!?!?"

    Then I remember the last spin instructor I walked out on. She had the shape of an avocado, her physique was, to put it kindly VERY soft and her goal was to spend as much time anaerobic as possible. And I guess that was okay for the other spinners in her class. Couldn't find a muscle on them to save their lives, but boy could they ride! :P

    I hopped off the bike and walked out; I work too hard to build lean mass to sweat it out on the floor after an hour straight of 170 bpm, thanks.
  • kwedman488
    kwedman488 Posts: 132 Member
    I just finished with insanity last Sunday, so I figured I'd throw in my two cents. I didn't get a ton of results from it; I lost maybe an inch or two here or there but I wasn't unfit to begin with, and I didn't eat super well while I was on it. However I do highly recommend it. For one, Shaun T is an excellent motivator and he really knows his stuff. Second, the videos don't take a lot of space, no equipment, and because of that, it makes it really easy to work it in with a strength training regimen or squeeze it in wherever you want basically. For example, I'm doing P90X now, just starting week 2, and I've decided to substitute the insanity videos for the cardio on my off days between weight days because I find the P90X videos too easy and I miss my Tman. It's really easy to substitute for stuff because it has most everything cardio wise: plyometrics, cardio circuits, kenpo-style workouts with punches and kicks and stuff, ab routines, and yoga/Pilates type workouts. I definitely don't regret having them.
  • bingefreeaubree
    bingefreeaubree Posts: 220 Member
    The muscle thing depends I guess. Like someone said she'd normally lifted weights and not doing so for 60 days harmed her. However, for me, I'd never done much lifting before Insanity so I noticed a difference in how muscular I was! Before Insanity I just did push-ups and sit-ups on my own but nothing vigorous. After the first month of Insanity I noticed a huge difference in my arms. I'm ripped compared to before! My friends call me the guns now haha and my father jokes telling me I should go into body building with my "new arms." My legs have also gotten more muscular. Which isn't always the greatest, since I was rocking a thigh gap and it's diminished since all the new muscle in my legs and having small hips to begin with. Oh well. My abs, particularly my obliques, have been rocking since completing Insanity too. My entire core looks a lot less flabby and more like a washboard. :smile: If there's a sale going on I think Insanity is well worth it. I'm in the best shape of my life and feel great. I've never been a runner but have the ability to run 5Ks with my friends now when before that was never possible. I can lift things when people need help moving boxes and such. My transformation wasn't as big as the ones they advertise, but my body has definitely transformed. :happy: (Only one pound lost though... I had only been trying to tone up at the time since I'm already at a healthy weight I'm fairly content with)
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    I loved Insanity and I lost 30 pounds the first time I did it but it took me the full length of days. I also couldn't do a push-up before Insanity and after doing it twice I can do push-ups now. I also used my weighted gloves as well.
  • NomadicFlame
    The advertisements show amazing transformations to get you to buy the product...

    The people who had those amazing transformations had dieticians creating their daily intake which was carefully watched and monitored while exercising daily with the program and never missing anything...

    Just like any other program, you will lose fat on Insanity if you are eating a calorie deficit. I personally lost a lot of fat AND STRENGTH doing Insanity. I had to work my @$$ off later in the gym to regain the strength I had lost because I was dumb enough to not do any weight training for 60 days.

    This is not accurate. I've been doing Insanity and have not changed anything at all that I ate. I have however had amazing results. I'm 46 and my body is in the best shape its ever been. I went from being a "mouse potato" (computer consultant) to someone whom my girlfriend says has an amazing body.

    What I did do and am doing is work as hard as I possibly can in every single session I do. If you do that for 60 days and eat what you need to eat, then you will have amazing results. You will be fitter and stronger and feel better about yourself. As a consequence of Insanity I can lift heavier weights (I lifted a dishwasher on my own a couple of weeks back) and I can run a couple of miles without thinking about it (and I have not done any other exercise in the last 2 months).

    I'm on day 41 and I am looking pretty good as a result of it. Shaun T is an excellent motivator and its great seeing all the youngsters dying behind him as you feel better about dying yourself. Its hard work. I never thought I would get this far and did not think I would be able to do it. 3 weeks to go and then I will see the finished result. But my profile picture is from 3 days ago and I did not have this definition 41 days ago.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I love Insanity!!! Take a look at my profile pictures. I did a combination of using p90x and Insanity to get where I am today
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    I'm basically thinking about buying it because I need some serious toning - especially my bingo wings, bum and thighs as I have no definition in any of them due to losing weight a few years ago and not exercising.

    I am a typical pear shape and already have big thighs, would they just stay big but toned, or would I be able to lose inches from there too? Although my arms are big and I hate having to have them on show (and avoid sleeveless at all costs) , I wouldn't mind so much if they were just toned.

    My tummy can sometimes look flat (ish) when I breathe in, but I still have a muffin top and it looks worse when I sit down - though my cat likes it because it feels like a cushion and likes to sit on it and go to sleep! :laugh: Again, this is all due to lack of exercise while losing weight!
  • NomadicFlame

    I forgot to mention, I bought my copy of Insanity on Gumtree. It cost me £33 brand new and unopened. The guy had been given it as a present and he'd no intention of ever doing it.

    You can find new and second hand versions on eBay and Gumtree. You miss out on the T-shirt, but that is all.

    My legs are much more toned and muscular.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    The Key to Insanity as with any fitness program is your diet. Insanity is crazy hard (the name says it all) but so worth it in more way than 1. I for example went from a 9 min mile to 7 1/2 minute mile and that wasn't even a goal of mine. I also got great results but if you don't eat clean nobody is going to see all the hard work. You do body weight resistance work and it's no joke. I would give it a try. You can also go to teambeachbody dot com and go to the forums and look at and interact with real people that have done the program. You can see real people before and after pictures for yourself. Shaun T is an awesome trainer. He will kick your but for sure.

    I've done every insanity program he's done and I'm now doing T25 and even though it's only 25 minutes it's a hard 25 minutes.