Tough Mudder Electric Shock Therapy...

MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
So I'm planning to participate in the Tough Mudder 2014 (in the fall-October I think). I've got over a year to prepare and have already started training. Physically, I know I can work hard over the next year and get myself there.

But anyone who has heard of Tough Mudder knows there's more than just the physical aspect of the training-there's the mental challenge of many of the obstacles.

I had a question for anyone who has been through Tough Mudder.

I have a fear of the "electric shock" therapy and "electric eel" and the others that involve live wires.

How bad is the shock? I've heard everything from "annoying stings" to "a baseball bat to the spine".

Was it really that bad? Is there even a way to prepare yourself for that?

Any advise on the mental challenges of the race would be appreciated. Feel free to add me if you're interested in these adventure obstacle courses. I've already signed up for the Ruckus Run next month...a very tame and shorter version of the Tough Mudder-just something to get me into the obstacle course race mindset...Thanks in advance!


  • Stephdornan84
    Stephdornan84 Posts: 6 Member
    I completed Tough Mudder in Scotlans on Saturday, the electric shock obstacles are nothing in comparison to some of the others. The shocks are sore, but the obstacles are over in seconds. They are not the worst obstacles, Arctic Enema is by far the worst, and nothing you do in training will prepare you for that (I hyperventilated and needed medical attention!).

    If you have a year to train you will be fine, make sure to work on your upper body strenght, and do LOTS of hill running, I'd say make sure you are comfortable running at least 10 miles!

    I worked my backside off for 8 months, and I still really struggled!

    Once my cuts and bruises and sprained ankle heal, I'm right back into training for next year!!

  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I did it yesterday.

    Experiences differ for a number of reasons. From my wife's description she was not as conductive as I was. It felt the same as using one of those electric stimulation machines for me, but my wife had more of a stinging sensation at the point of contact. She managed to not get hit in electroshock but I was shocked about 5 times and nearly went down.

    It sucks but it's over fast.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'm doing my first tough mudder at the end of October this year, so I have 9 weeks to get my training in order.
    I'm more concerned about the cardio side of it than the obstacles.
    About 2 weeks ago I did a 10km mud run with many similar obstacles, including the feared arctic enema type obstacle.

    The electric shock obstacles don't phase me as I'm used to getting shocked from working on various horse properties and manually testing electric fences LOL
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm doing my first tough mudder at the end of October this year, so I have 9 weeks to get my training in order.
    I'm more concerned about the cardio side of it than the obstacles.
    About 2 weeks ago I did a 10km mud run with many similar obstacles, including the feared arctic enema type obstacle.

    The electric shock obstacles don't phase me as I'm used to getting shocked from working on various horse properties and manually testing electric fences LOL

    That's reassuring...I was thinking about taking a taser class just to prepare myself.

    This morning I took a cold shower to start getting used to the cold water. Mind you, I'm not doing mine until next October (2014) so I'm giving myself time to get the running end of things in much as I hate running, I think that over a year is plenty of time to train (started yesterday. Working on more running and doing upper body work today).

    I think I can find a variety of ways to start working on running in mud, shock therapy, cold water, etc.

    Planning to start running in the morning and afternoons once the weather cools off...then have my hubby make a very cold bath in our Jacuzzi tub at home, then I can jump into the freezing water when I get home...

    Man, saying this stuff out loud makes me feel a little insane.

    Thanks so much for the friend add, by the way! I'll be looking to you for lots of advice :)
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    I wouldn't think about it as much as you are and just do it. None of the obstacles are THAT bad. Artic Enema is by far the worse. The electric shock goes by so fast. I would focus more on the physical aspect, especially if you are planning on running the whole thing. When you get to the obstacles you won't even think about it you will just go for it!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I just did Tough Mudder in Pittsburgh area on Saturday. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

    Electric eel was more like a pinch... didn't hurt too badly.

    The electric shock therapy was a little more intense.. I got hit twice on that one, and the 2nd hit caused me to fall down. It's just a temporary sting.. nothing too major. Another guy on my team said that there was some localized numbness where he got hit. We also heard of a guy that got knocked out by the shock and woke up face down in the mud without knowing what happened. I heard that the people working the area may be able to control the level of shock, but I'm not sure if that's true or not.

    I didn't think the electric shock ones were too bad... but that being said, I have a fairly high pain tolerance level. Like someone else said, I thought arctic enema was far worse.

    Edited to add... if I were you I wouldn't practice the ice bath stuff. It's pretty terrible, and I wouldn't want to do it more than I had to. I just stayed focused on getting out of arctic enema AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! Feel free to friend me or ask me any specific questions if you want! Good luck :)
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Almost all the obstacles are more mental than they are physical.

    But to your question... the electric eel I barely even felt, and the electroshock therapy I didn't get zapped by at all (at least not that I noticed).
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Almost all the obstacles are more mental than they are physical.

    But to your question... the electric eel I barely even felt, and the electroshock therapy I didn't get zapped by at all (at least not that I noticed).

    I'm also told it's usually the very last obstacle before the finish by then you're so done, you're not thinking as much about the obstacle as you are about what is just beyond it. LoL
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I wouldn't think about it as much as you are and just do it. None of the obstacles are THAT bad. Artic Enema is by far the worse. The electric shock goes by so fast. I would focus more on the physical aspect, especially if you are planning on running the whole thing. When you get to the obstacles you won't even think about it you will just go for it!

    I'm hoping to run most of it...I started running again yesterday (it's been since high school that I have run for endurance/distance-working on it again today and tomorrow as well as upper body).

    Any suggestions on preparing for the arctic enema? I cranked the shower water all the way to cold for half of my shower this morning...hoping to also fill the tub upstairs with cold water and do dunks after my runs in the morning...

    The bobbing under the barrels also worries me...but I'm from Montana and we used to go swimming in glacial lakes all the time as will just take some getting used to again.

    I'm so afraid...but so excited at the same time.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I just ran yesterday. The difficulty of the thing is highly over rated. If you are going to do anything to prepare, run (and include hills) and do upper body strength work, specifically working towards pull ups. Beyond that, nothing else is required.
    You would be insane to even think about trying to prepare for the arctic enema. Just jump in, go thru and get it done. Preparing to deal with an ice bath is just going to make you have to endure more discomfort in the long run.
    The electro shock things tend to be different for everyone. I dont think it was a big deal, instantaneous whacks of pain on the eels, and a big jolt on the other one that almost made me fall, but I kept my balance and didnt go down. It did feel like my muscles were tight for a godo while after wards.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, I ran through it and didn't get shocked at all. You can't prepare for these things - run like hell, get out of the ice ASAP and just keep going.
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    I wouldn't even try to prepare for the artic enema. As others have said, just jump in an do it. The more you think about it the worse it will make it
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I did the Buffalo tough mudder this year.

    Personally I didn't care for the shocking at all. Arctic enema was pretty intense, but it didn't hit me till after I was out of the water.

    The shocking for me felt like a punch. I just did my best to not get shocked in the head. This meant on the Eel, keeping my head low. When I ran though the wires I tried to keep my arms out in front of me.

    Not all the wires are electric, and they can turn the power off and on, so good luck.
  • HikerRR50
    HikerRR50 Posts: 144 Member
    I forget the name of the obstical at this moment but one where you are in a trench with just a few inches between the water level and the top fence grill thing....just lay on your back take a good breath then submerge your head all the way and pull yourself as fast as possible with your arms along the fence......everyone was going slow on this one - I fouind it could be done in just 2-3 breaths and way faster than stopping every few feet to try and swim it.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    A cold shower is nothing compared to the arctic enema. Don't even bother, it won't prepare you for your body going into complete shock! It took me a couple seconds to register where I was once I jumped in, my brain and my heart didn't seem to know what to do! Best thing is to have no fear, just jump in, and move as fast as you can. Make the decision to just go for it. It'll be over fast enough.

    I didn't get shocked at all by the Electroshock therapy, the Eel got me three times but it didn't 'hurt' per se. Definitely shocked, made my whole body stop a moment, but not actual pain, and was gone as quick as it hit. So don't worry about that. Just make sure your safety pins aren't touching your skin, because that does hurt, lol.

    Get your running up, and the upper body strength, and don't worry about the mental challenges, if you decide to just go for it you'll be fine :-) You will also LOVE the experience!
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I got knocked on my ace!!!! Others I seen did not:) I guess there are many varibles. Just run and go, don't think!
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Oh ya... the Artic Enema is way worse!!! I jumped in, swam at the bottom, calf cramped up, then I jumped up right into the board in the middle.......The only thing I could think of when I finally surfaced.......DAM ITS COLD!!!!
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    I am so scared of this event, lol. We are doing the TM in Charlotte in 2 months!! Sweet baby Jesus in his tuxedo shirt needs to come save me!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I am so scared of this event, lol. We are doing the TM in Charlotte in 2 months!! Sweet baby Jesus in his tuxedo shirt needs to come save me!

    LOL, you said Sweet Baby Jesus, and all I could think of is my favorite beer (that is actually what it's called...a chocolate peanut butter porter :) )

    Yeah...The arctic enema seems pretty horrible, but I keep thinking of those crazies that do the polar bear plunge and things like that...I'll gut my way through it.

    I'm so excited and terrified for this event.

    Working on my running and got the "mudderling" boot camp training printed so I can work on that today. I know I need to work on running, so I gave myself lots of time to train. And upper body is something I'm starting on today. My Pilates actually has a lot of videos that focus on upper body but I'll be adding some weights at the gym and ask for some guidance from a trainer as well.

  • mjm9003
    mjm9003 Posts: 30 Member
    I did the Chicago Tough Mudder this May with 8 other people. Definitely agree with the other folks that arctic enema was the worst among all the obstacles. I had to have one of my teammates help me out b/c I cramped up. None of us were affected by the electroshock therapy; however, one of the women felt like a baseball bat hit her in the electric eel. Upper body strength and functional training were key. We had a fabulous time :)

    Good luck!