Your biggest household temptation and how you resist

Hey Team -
I'm just wondering what the most tempting (and calorically dangerous) food product is for you to have in the house and how you resist?

For me, I've found that having honey around is really dangerous. I like to have it for tea etc but then I get in these weird situations where I binge and put it on EVERYTHING i can find. And those calories add up super fast.

How do other folks deal with having their most tempting food/condiment in the house but not going hog wild on it. Question from a girl with little to no concept of moderation :-P


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ice cream and chocolate. I honestly don't buy big chocolate bars anymore though... I'm not sure I have that much willpower. I might try at one point... but the Trader Joe's 100 calorie bars have been fine.

    Otherwise, well, if I want one, I just have one. Sometimes two if I really have a lot of calories left. I just tell myself I can have *one* and to enjoy it, but there'll be more tomorrow if I want more. For the ice cream I weigh some in a bowl and put it away. Honestly so far I haven't binged on it, and that's coming from someone who would eat 2-3 ice cream cones and demolish a big chocolate bar in one sitting. I don't really understand it myself, I guess the guilt I'd feel if I went over my goal is not worth it?
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Moderation takes practice. I've also found that when I am working towards a goal of getting healthy and not just losing weight, I fare better on the whole. When I decided to get healthy - my choices all revolve around that now.

    Most importantly, if you deny yourself everything you love in the name of losing weight, you probably will not succeed. Moderation takes practice. IT takes getting up every day and just doing it. No magic there.
  • gsgitu
    gsgitu Posts: 118 Member
    pretty much everything. i had to change my mindset. what food is and what it means to me. what it does for me and to me. not easy and not fun. but i like the results of self control. unless someone leaves a pan of brownies laying around, then self control is out the window.
  • ReadyToBeMeAt160
    ReadyToBeMeAt160 Posts: 149 Member
    FYI - I decided that I'll try replacing honey with agave in our house. same basic concept but not tasty enough to shovel into my mouth by itself :)
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    At first it was pretty simple. I didn't buy trigger foods in large quantities. So, no trigger foods in the house. I would buy a small bag of chips or something like that when I wasn't at home. Then I found just about any food can be a trigger food if I allow myself to get too hungry. So, now it's a combination of making sure I eat enough so I don't feel pressed to inhale everything in the kitchen and not buying foods that I tend to want to graze on all day or inhale in one sitting yum cheezits.
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    Moderation takes practice. I've also found that when I am working towards a goal of getting healthy and not just losing weight, I fare better on the whole. When I decided to get healthy - my choices all revolve around that now.

    Most importantly, if you deny yourself everything you love in the name of losing weight, you probably will not succeed. Moderation takes practice. IT takes getting up every day and just doing it. No magic there.

    I think this is accurate. Knowing your limits. If the kids are having chocolate milk as a snack, I'll have some too. But what I used to do what justify an "ADULT" serving which was the biggest glass I could find instead of 8 oz of milk and 2TBSP of chocolate as a normal serving. It wasn't WHAT I ate, so much as how much I ate.
  • JMann191
    JMann191 Posts: 121 Member
    Little treats here an there wont hurt. It works for me to only have 1-2 cookies. Because I found out the hard way when I was hell bent on NEVER eating sweets again, well it didn't work LOL!. Because if you give it up ALL TOGETHER then your body is gonna want it...Bad! an once you get a hold of something sweet, its no longer 1-2 cookies. More like 8-10 cookies lol
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    Ice cream is the devil! I have a hard time eating healthy portions so I just don't buy it anymore. Out of site, out of mind
  • Mamabear7809
    My biggest weakness is chips. I can't have them in the house at all. At first I couldn't even look at that aisle in the store (I would actually turn my head so I didn't make eye contact), but now I can at least look and not buy. I haven't had any for the last couple weeks since I started on MFP. Just looking at the calorie amount makes me a little sick.
  • mags726
    mags726 Posts: 6 Member
    Chocolate chips just call my name sometime! I just take a small handful to satisfy the craving and then put them on the top shelf. I need a chair to reach them there, so nothing like being fully conscious of what I'm doing to get to them!
  • sgdenton
    sgdenton Posts: 41 Member
    Salty snacks in general! I keep healthier versions in the house now though, and I always measure out my portions so once my dish is empty, I'm done!
    It has really helped me, I tried for a long time to just not eat the unhealthy treats I liked but that ALWAYS lead to a binge. Now I don't deny myself occasional treats, I just make sure to do it in moderation. I've had more steady weight loss since I started doing that, plus I am much happier and don't have the desire to binge. :smile:
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    Food in general. I love sweets and salties. I'll eat some IIFMM, but I measure it/weigh it out, then put it away. WHEN I'm tempted to eat until I can see the bottom of the container, I just ask myself how I will feel after I do. Usually, the answer is guilt and disgust, and that's enough to stop me.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Oh God. Vanilla and caramel Drumsticks.

    <img src="; ></a>

    And I don't resist them, unfortunately. I eat them until I am sick (~3 or so) and then add them to my food diary. :sad:

    Ack! How come I can't post images?
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    Homemade buttercream icing and fresh cookie dough. We have a local bake store that sells the icing and it is amazing, I could just have a tub of it at home to use for snacks. Since my whole family absolutely loves it, my mom will only buy the icing a day or two before we need it to decorate a cake and nobody is allowed to have any until the cake is finished, then the leftovers are divided up. I can also eat fresh cookie dough until I start to feel sick. To prevent this I only make it a few times a year (birthdays and parties) and I have gotten better at recognizing my limit before I start to feel full.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    A jar of Nutella. I deal with it by indulging every once in a while. And I don't mean a tablespoon or two. :embarassed: It's good to know that I can do that occasionally and still make progress because I can't do total deprivation and be successful. I just can't savage a jar of Nutella everyday.
  • WRXymama
    WRXymama Posts: 342 Member
    Options is futile
  • angelamary61
    angelamary61 Posts: 97 Member
    Wine, end of story, so dont keep it in the house. Have to buy it specially. :drinker:
  • Xenophonica
    Xenophonica Posts: 79 Member
    Cheese. Even though its a tad cheaper to buy it in blocks, I have to buy shredded because I won't just eat it out of the bag. Give me a block of cheese, though, I'll slice that sucker up and probably eat the whole thing.

    And I used to wonder how I got so big, haha.
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Salty crunchy chips..

    I just have to remind myself what I eat in private, shows in public.
  • AngieF1260
    I like your thoughts about eating in private! I'm the biggest closet eater ever! And it does show in public! hahahaha