Ways to Help Ensure I Drink Enough Water?

I am NOT a water drinker. Most people look at me like i'm crazy when i say that, but in all honesty... I just do not drink nearly as much water as i know i should. Any ways you guys have used to train yourself to drink more water? What kinds of fruits or substitutes can i mix with water to make it taste better? All suggestions are welcomed, I need ideas.


  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    I carry a 24 ounce chilled bottle with me everywhere. When I am hungry or thirsty, I drink before I have anything else. For me, a naturally lazy person, just keeping it at hand really helps.

    --Gone from a 2-3 cups a day to a minimum 10 cups of straight water. Still drinking a bit of diet soda and coffee too; turns out I need a lot more liquid than I used to think I did!
  • generallyme2
    generallyme2 Posts: 403 Member
    I agree with the above^ Carry it with you and you'll be more likely to drink it.

    Also, I like Mio flavouring but not all the time as it really doesn't quench my thirst. Frozen berries are yummy in it too. I just like water though, so that makes it easier. Just keep at it :)
  • hayleywalmsley
    i find it much more palatable when its cold. if you have a jug/pitcher or 2 you could do it with lemons/limes/oranges or cucumber or berries are good too.

    i am on a water challenge right now but i tend to feel groggy when i drink too much water so im building up tolerance.

    for my size ive been told i should be drinking 4l instead of 2 but much like you i stall at about 3-4. Carrying a water bottle with you will definately help. If youre at home i have also heard of someone getting out 8 glasses when she has a drink she washes the cup and puts it away.

    i think the trick is, as with anything to make it easy for yourself. so carry a bottle, and make sure to have a glass of water with each meal and youre on the right track :)

    good luck and dont forget to let us know how you go
  • letmebangbro
    letmebangbro Posts: 213 Member
    Get the jugs that can contain 2.2litres. Fill it up. Make sure you finish it. Profit?
  • Eli716
    Eli716 Posts: 262 Member
    I'm not much of a water drinker either, but after a while, I got into the habit of drinking bottled water, each bottle containing 2 cups.

    One bottle of water after you wake up, a cup of water before each meal and snack (I drink 2 cups/ a water bottle instead), and then a bottle of water before bed. My normal goal is, of course, to at least drink 8 cups (64 ounces), but I do not surpass 16 cups (128 cups/ 1 gallon) of water a day. Just don't surpass 2 cups at a time and take your time, it can be dangerous if you drink too much!
  • ladyoflb
    ladyoflb Posts: 73 Member
    If you want fruit with it, infuse it with strawberries and blue/blackberries! It is sooo good! Icy cold water that tastes like berries...yummy!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Herbal teas have virtually zero calories, I have a couple of those a day and I also bought a Soda stream because I find it easier to drink sparkling plain water. You can also get sugar-free mixes for it.
  • Karamel_Kay_
    Thank you all! I will definitely start carrying water with me to work, etc. I like the water bottle idea! I will look into Mio flavoring.
  • Karamel_Kay_
    Soda Stream? so basically its carbonated water? that would work so well for me.
  • donjessop
    donjessop Posts: 186
    I carry two thermos bottles on the outside of my backpack. Each one is filled with ice and water to make sure that it is cold all day long. That lasts me while I am at work and after dinner I finish another one off. I usually hit 9 - 10 cups a day. I used to drink that much soda so it was a big change but I stuck with it and it is now just part of a daily routine.
  • Karamel_Kay_
    i am currently a big soda and juice drinker myself. trying to break the habit. thanks for your suggestion.
  • zoodocgirl
    zoodocgirl Posts: 163 Member
    I am like you - not really into water AT ALL.

    The Soda Stream has saved me. I can easily put away 2 L of fizzy water a day. It's way cheaper than buying the bottles in the long run (plus no waste from all the trashed plastic). I did spring for the bottle that can go in the dishwasher bc I use it so often. The normal one can't go in the dishwasher and I felt like I could never get it clean enough and/or get all the soap taste out of it.
  • jovalleau
    jovalleau Posts: 127 Member
    I used to drink a little bit of water, and a lotta bit of soda.

    Since I started using those water enhancers (MIO, but the Kroger or other store brand), rarely drink any soda now. I probably drink about the equivalent of 8 16oz or more daily of water.
  • hayleywalmsley
    the best thing is that once youre no longer drinking the soda and juice the water actually does have a taste... cut down gradually if you really need to no shame in that
  • Swehl
    Swehl Posts: 138 Member
    I definitely agree that you need to have water with you at all times -- driving, working, school, grocery shopping, doctor appointments, anywhere!

    For me, it is helpful to set goals throughout the day. For instance, when I had an hour drive to work I would have to finish my first water bottle by the time I arrived to work. I would then have to finish my next water bottle by my lunch break, and my following water bottle by the time I was leaving work.
  • Karamel_Kay_
    my question for the soda stream and mio users... does the carbonation or artificial flavoring make the water any less useful to the purpose of drinking the water alone? aka is it worse than drinking the water minus these things or is there a difference at all?
  • Karamel_Kay_
    i love the idea of setting goals throughout the day. thanks for that idea! i set alarms on my phone for practically everything. why not add a water drinking alarm? awesome.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    went from drinking nothing but soda, I mean no water at all, to loving water and drinking alot and zero soda.

    they have an app called drinking water I had it for a bit but anyways it will remind you to drink water throughout the day. lol
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    my question for the soda stream and mio users... does the carbonation or artificial flavoring make the water any less useful to the purpose of drinking the water alone? aka is it worse than drinking the water minus these things or is there a difference at all?

    Carbonated water is just as good as water. Depending on who you ask, artificial flavouring (esp those with artificial sweeteners) can be either good or bad. Some people swear by them, others won't touch them. But your body is still getting the water it needs regardless. If you're comfortable with artificial sweeteners and have no bad reactions, it's a great way to introduce more water into your diet without the calorie count.
  • youngfool
    Like everyone has already said, carrying around a bottle all day helps immensely.

    I also put an empty glass on my nightstand before bed to remind myself to drink a big cup of water first thing in the morning. It really helps energize yourself in those wee hours, and sets a good, hydrated mood for the day!