What's the point in exercising?



  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member

    To get these!
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Aside from the health benefits,

    "Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. conducted a study in which 72 over weight individuals participated in an eight week exercise program. The participants were placed in two groups. The first group performed 30 minutes of endurance exercise on a stationary cycle. The second group performed only 15 minutes of exercise on the stationary cycle plus an additional 15 minutes on weight resistant exercises. At the conclusion of the study, the "endurance only" group lost a total of 3.5 lbs.; 3 lbs. of which was fat and a half pound was muscle loss. On the other hand, the "endurance and weight resistive" group lost 8 lbs. with an actual fat loss of 10 lbs. and an increase of 2 lbs. of lean body weight:

    (8 week program, 72 over weight individuals)

    Endurance Training (30 min)

    Weight Change (lbs) -3.5
    Fat Change (lbs) -3
    Lean mass Change (lbs) -0.5

    Endurance (15 min) & Weight Training (15 min)

    Weight Change (lbs) -8
    Fat Change (lbs) -10
    Lean mass Change (lbs) +2

    Westcott, W., Fitness Management. Nov., 1991. http://exrx.net/FatLoss/WT&End.html
  • janupshaw
    janupshaw Posts: 205 Member
    The point of exercising is: 1. You get to eat more and 2. It helps to maintain muscle mass instead of losing it.
  • morethanjustamomto4
    morethanjustamomto4 Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you everyone for the responses. I have ever only thought of exercise as a way to loose weight. And until I started having my kids I never needed to bother with that. A very different story now. :-) So, what I get is exercise can help you TONE the muscle which makes you look better and clothes fit better. It can also help with just feeling better about oneself. And I guess an added benefit for bicycling (my exercise of choice (running is NO fun for me)) is time away from the kids and house. SCORE! LOL Seriously, thank you for help and suggestions. Some very kind words from many of you. :-) I hope I can keep this going. This is my 6th week on MFP and the 5th week of riding for exercise.
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    If you don't value your own life, your looks, your human body, then there really is NO point in exercising. Its not like exercising will give you a sexy body, strong heart, make you live longer, make your life better in every way
  • PepeLPew
    PepeLPew Posts: 92 Member
    Why exercise?

    Apart from the obvious health benefits, going day to day being happy with the state of things may appeal to people but personally I find it boring and uninspiring.

    I have mad respect for the discipline, patience, knowledge and dedication that goes into people exercising, setting goals for themselves and then pushing themselves beyond their limits to achieve what they thought once what was maybe impossible.

    Working towards a stronger version of yourself - wether it be through work, exercise, finances, personal or emotional - build character and improves the human condition imo.
  • PepeLPew
    PepeLPew Posts: 92 Member
    Another reason is that there is some serious nutritional warfare that is going on these days.

    60% of Americans are apparently obese, with Canadians rapidly following them, along with most of the industrial world.

    People who eat whatever they want, when they want are slowly poisoning themselves, with healthcare costs easily into the tens of billions.

    The nature of food has changed as well - a chicken these days isn't the same as a chicken 50 years ago. Natural flavours mean something fake, and organic doesn't necessarily mean it's grown naturally.

    You need to be an advocate for your shopping and eating habits, and exercise is a way essentially to fight back.

    Besides, once you change your outlook regarding your health, weight and looks, doesn't your perspective of others change as well? After a month of changing my eating and exercise lifestyles, suddenly everyone around me is overweight....
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Good luck Morethanjusta. We all learn as we go through the process and work out what works for us. I like to exercise so I can eat more :-) and because I like feeling fitter and healthier. I don't run. I don't lift heavy weight. I found something I enjoy - I walk. I also use a cross trainer for those days I don't have time for a long walk, but predominantly I walk. A friend rides her bike because thats what she enjoys. Another does zumba and aerobics. Find something you enjoy (and that gives you some child free space) and you'll stick to it and enjoy the benefits.
  • wahelga
    wahelga Posts: 304 Member
    Besides, once you change your outlook regarding your health, weight and looks, doesn't your perspective of others change as well? After a month of changing my eating and exercise lifestyles, suddenly everyone around me is overweight....

    LOL, yes! There's an ad on TV here in Australia for a gas company and seriously, everyone in the ad now looks overweight to me. And I'm nowhere near my goal weight yet.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Another reason is that there is some serious nutritional warfare that is going on these days.

    60% of Americans are apparently obese, with Canadians rapidly following them, along with most of the industrial world.

    People who eat whatever they want, when they want are slowly poisoning themselves, with healthcare costs easily into the tens of billions.

    The nature of food has changed as well - a chicken these days isn't the same as a chicken 50 years ago. Natural flavours mean something fake, and organic doesn't necessarily mean it's grown naturally.

    You need to be an advocate for your shopping and eating habits, and exercise is a way essentially to fight back.

    Besides, once you change your outlook regarding your health, weight and looks, doesn't your perspective of others change as well? After a month of changing my eating and exercise lifestyles, suddenly everyone around me is overweight....
    The number of obese Americans is nowhere close to 60%. Please, don't make things up.

    35% for the United States, and 26% for Canada, and both numbers have leveled off and started moving downward.

    Again, please, stop making things up and spreading unsubstantiated facts as a fear tactic. It just makes you look bad.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    If all you care about is losing weight, just eat less. However, there plenty of additional benefits to exercise that others have already mentioned. Plus, I find it really hard to lower my calories enough to lose weight without exercising. If I exercise, I can eat more and not feel deprived, and still lose weight.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    This is a 'What did the romans do for us' conversation
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    You exercise to feel better in your own skin, and to live a full life.

    More and more research shows that a lot of the health issues we are all associating with overweight are actually diseases of inactivity. Move more, and even if it doesn't bring your weight down a whole lot, you improve your overall health status dramatically.

    With just moderate exercise -- basically, just getting up and moving around -- your blood profile improves, you handle insulin better, your heart is healthier, your cortisol levels are more normal. You learn better and remember better and sleep better.

    And all of that is independent of whether you lose any weight while doing it.
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    Seriously? Exercise makes you feel good! I hear people say they hate to exercise and I just don't get it. Find something you enjoy, and do it!
  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member

    ↑ Dieting..............................................................................↑Exercise
  • CarolElaine25
    You exercise to feel better in your own skin, and to live a full life.

    More and more research shows that a lot of the health issues we are all associating with overweight are actually diseases of inactivity. Move more, and even if it doesn't bring your weight down a whole lot, you improve your overall health status dramatically.

    With just moderate exercise -- basically, just getting up and moving around -- your blood profile improves, you handle insulin better, your heart is healthier, your cortisol levels are more normal. You learn better and remember better and sleep better.

    And all of that is independent of whether you lose any weight while doing it.
    This x1000.
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    You can lose weight by eating at a caloric deficit. But if you want to look good and not like a meat bag -- in a manner of terms -- you exercise. I need exercise to motivate me to keep on track with my healthy weight loss mission. Exercising just makes you feel good all over and you improve all your internal functions. Exercise is just good for you.

    Yeah you can lose weight without exercise, but why would you? At the caloric deficit MFP puts you at -- without exercise you will be quite hungry. MFP had me at 1370, with exercise days I was 1500-1700. I am now using the TDEE-20% method and I will never go back -- I eat more, lose weight, exercise and feel great.

    You might check out this past post if you want to learn more about calories and eating them back vs. just having them based on your fitness level:

    Good luck! This website has already changed my life in just two months!
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Maybe you should just rage quit then?

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: