100 pounds to goal...looking for friends with same life

I was not always "fat"...but I never appreciated being thin. I sometimes feel like my very overweight body is karma for all the years of taking advantage of what I had. I have been through all the depression and guilt...and even some of the acceptance of being the fat lady the kids look at funny. I hate going out to eat with my family because I judge myself so harshly...that I feel others do to. If I go out to eat at a buffet...I get so upset when I hear that random kid ask their parent "why is that lady so fat"...that actually happened at Golden Coral. So I have found new motivation to find myself under all this extra weight. My doctor would like me to weigh 115 pounds which just makes me feel awful because that is less than half of who I am right now. So I set my long term goal at losing 100 pounds to weigh 140...if I get to less than that...well that would be great. I have done the roller coaster of lose 10 pounds gain 10 pounds for the last 3 years. So using MFP is a new approach of tracking that is way more accurate. I still don't know what to think when I see at the end of the day that I am under my calorie goal. Some say to eat the calories you burn and others say not to...I am sure it depends on your own body. I think I will take that a day at a time and eat some of them "IF" I am feeling deprived or hungry. I would like those who either have a huge amount to lose or those who just have a little and are really alone to friend me so we can be supportive to eachother. I don't need negativity in any way shape or form...I live with enough of my own for everyone. I am learning to put my best foot forward and forgive myself for how I feel, so please do not give negative feedback.
I am starting my new adventure with this quote I found on facebook:


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member

    Welcome to MFP :)

    Feel free to add me if you like.

    I'm 5'4.5"
    Started losing weight @ 260lbs
    Started using MFP @ 218lbs
    CW: 176.2lbs
  • catbyrd
    catbyrd Posts: 87 Member
    Good morning,

    Feel free to add me if you like. I started last November at 269 lbs. Currently I am 216 lbs and my goals weight is 140. I understand what you are saying about not always having been fat, but this is the punishment for not appreciating you body.

    You can do it. It is slow going but now, 9 months later I laugh at myself for appreciating the lose of even .2 lbs.
  • My doctor would like me to weigh 115 pounds

    How tall are you?

    I'm trying to lose 90-100 pounds, probably more like 90 but I'll see when I get there. Feel free to add me, the more friends the merrier :)
    In regards to 'eating back your calories' my philosophy is eat if you're hungry. If you're really not hungry, there's no need to eat them back. I think that teaches the wrong lesson because you want this to be life long and you wont always count calories so you should start to become familiar with what amount of food your body needs. If you are hungry though, eat! And don't forget to treat yourself in moderation too, it keeps you sane!
  • Hi! I have a goal to lose 130 pounds. I've been falling off the bandwagon for far too long and if I would have stuck with it when I started, I would be at my goal weight by now. This is it for me.

    Feel free to add me!
  • I am 5'1"....with my shoes on...LOL

    When I started tracking for real last week...I weighed 238...this morning 236.6.
    Progress is Progress.
    I weighed 265 at my heaviest 4 years ago and have struggled with the ups and downs since.
    I had a doctor tell me that if I cared about my kids having a mother at graduation or their wedding I should get up and do something about it. I FOUND A NEW DOCTOR. This one is encouraging but he has my goal so so so very far from where I am at now.
  • ReturntoBJJ
    ReturntoBJJ Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning Jennifer! I have struggled with my weight my whole life - in the previous few years I have been very active training and competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.......that is until I hurt my back and gained 50 pounds :(

    My back is a big problem and I have now been told only walking or swimming.

    My goals are lose 70 pounds, get back to jiu jitsu, and compete at worlds.

    I lost 100 pounds in my 20's and know it's possible. Let's do this together.

    Starting weight = 210 Goal Weight = 140 Height = 5'7" Age = 33

  • Good morning Jennifer! I have struggled with my weight my whole life - in the previous few years I have been very active training and competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.......that is until I hurt my back and gained 50 pounds :(

    My back is a big problem and I have now been told only walking or swimming.

    My goals are lose 70 pounds, get back to jiu jitsu, and compete at worlds.

    I lost 100 pounds in my 20's and know it's possible. Let's do this together.

    Starting weight = 210 Goal Weight = 140 Height = 5'7" Age = 33


    I am with you!!!

    Starting weight = 236.6 Goal Weight = 140 Height = 5'1" Age 33
  • alpdexplorer
    alpdexplorer Posts: 251 Member
    I'm on the same boat.

    I'm around 5'3"

    SW: 260 lbs
    CW: 250 lbs

    Would like to get down to mid 100's [150-160 lbs]

    Feel free to add me - that includes anyone. :)
  • grahamsmomangel
    grahamsmomangel Posts: 1 Member
    My goal when I started was actually 110, but I still have about 90 to go. (for now anyway, that may eventually change, I keep thinking 140 sounds better than 160) I've never been thin, though. I remember being a size 12 and thinking how fat I was and now I'd do just about anything to get back to that size 12. :/

    Start 269
    Current: 257.2
    Goal: 160

    65.5 inches tall
    30 years of age.
  • Oh 115 makes sense then. Here in the UK doctors will usually give you mini goals so the first goal weight doesn't sound so unattainable that you just want to give up before you even start so it's not so overwhelming but some of them just say 'lose weight, go away' basically. Haha. Maybe you should split up your big goal into mini goals, for example my first goal is to get under 200 pounds, then 180, 160, then 140. It sounds much more attainable that way. Good luck :)
  • marleniap
    marleniap Posts: 120 Member
    I will gladly join you, I need to lose 120 lbs. I don't judge but I do call it like I see it as I would like for you to do for me. If I'm messing up please tell me and help me if you can, otherwise what's the point. We are all here for help and support but if all we do is compliment each other whether it's a good day or bad day then we don't see the problem and if we don't see the problem, we can't fix the problem. I personally need good supportive friends. If anyone read this and feel as I do please add me as a friend. I truly want to lose this weight, let's do it together.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I started my journey in late 2009, but didn't really get any real progress until 2010 (stress of separation and divorce). I started at 289 and am currently down to 240. I am 5'7" and my goal is to get to 165, then I will re-evaluate to see if I want to go any further. Feel free to add me, I love to encourage and be encouraged!