The Winter Blues, Whites and Fat Holidays

So its officially fall the leaves are turning colors football season is in full swing and you can buy pumpkins and get pumpkin drinks and ice-cream. I already have my winter workouts planned now to more pressing issues winter foods and holidays. This will be my first winter for my new weight loss lifestyle (diet living). With shoveling snow, work out dvds, and weights im set on half of my body now the caloric intake. Why does it seem like everything has more calories in the winter. You have the big 4 Fat Holidays coming up. If you dont know them you have Halloween (candy nightmare) where everyone is throwing parties and if you have kids you can forget it you have candy in your house. I mean come on 9 Hershey kisses are 1 serving and its 200 calories. Then Thanksgiving (Thanks for the extra inch and my buttons giving day) it seems like everyone has a Thanksgiving dinner and everyone wants you to show up. You get to bundle up eat up and then sit and watch football, i already know im going to be over that day im already planning that day as one of my guilt free days. Then we have Christmas ( all i want for Christmas is to still lose weight). Another family get together with tons of food. I also get the extra benefit of my Birthday smack dab in the middle between fat holiday 3 and 4. So for me its fat holiday 3.5 my Birthday ( which will put me 3 years before im 30). This year should be easier i find each year less eventful than the last so this shouldnt be that bad of a fat holiday for me. Then the grand finally of the Fat Holidays New Years ( Happy 2011 i still remember the huge Y2K scare lol) New Years is just an excuse to party and drink. Food isnt that bad we always ring in the New Year with Sauerkraut and Pork we will just have to watch the snacks leading into the New Year.

So Any ideas for Healthy Fat Holiday foods? OR Favorite Fat Holiday Memories?


  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I've been thinking about this, too. For me, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are the calorie holidays. New Year's is not a problem for me since I eat my black eyed peas and a nice dinner and be done with it.

    But....Halloween. Oh man. In the past, I'd buy at least 7 or 8 bags of candy to "have for the trick or treaters." lol The truth is that I would always wind up going to buy 4 or 5 more bags before Halloween. AND then after Halloween when it was all marked down, I'd buy even more! AND we have our own Halloween tradition here. We go out trick or treating, come back and have chili dogs and french fries for dinner and watch Hocus Pocus. It's been that way for years. We also eat a lot of candy of course! That's changing this year! Turkey dogs, low fat turkey chili, baked sweet potato fries maybe and I will steer clear of all the Snickers, M&Ms, Skittles, Hershey bars, etc. I plan on having a few pieces of sugar free candy. What's more important? My health? Or that gooey Snickers bar? (there's always SO many of them!)

    Thanksgiving....that is definitely my cheat meal for a couple of weeks! I plan on going easy on the mashed potatoes, and bringing my own fat free gravy. I will bring fat free whipped cream for my pie and take it easy on everything else. I love the cranberry relish I make. I can use a sugar substitute instead of sugar, and cut down on the walnuts. I have to look at this way, what's more important? My health? Or a walnut and fat gravy and lots of butter and a whole pumpkin pie?

    Christmas? Wow. I always order tons of chocolates and goodies from Swiss Colony. This year will be better. We always choose to have a dinner that can be anything, and then we spare no expense. (within reason!) Like one year we made homemade pizza, and we bought the fanciest ingredients and went total gourmet. I want to do that this year, but to make it healthier. What's more important? My health? Or a chocolate torte?

    So, I am also searching for healthier holiday recipes, too. So far all the cookbooks I've seen for holidays are NOT healthy. Anyone got a link to a good one?
  • zackhanmom
    I thought that this year for Halloween, I'd give out little bags of baby carrots! They sell them at Costco already packed and ready to go- but, I'm thinking that's probably a good way to get my house egged! So, I'll probably buy way fewer bags than I usually do, and wait to buy them till the week before Halloween. I'll also make sure I've got lots of gum handy- that really helps me out- when I've got gum in my mouth I'm not tempted to want to snack.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I love this post!

    Halloween! Candy corn (my weakness) - ONE candy corn has 7.5 calories! OMG! 10 would be 75 calories. Who only eats 10 candy corns? Wonder how many in a whole bag. So far I have resisted the temptation and there is huge dish of them sitting by the copy machine at work!

    Thankgsiving - I live in the south. Turkey - a perfectly healthy food that has turned evil. Once baked to perfection now FRIED in evil oil! Not to mention the Cornbread dressing, giblet gravy, sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie. Oh, did I forget the green beans? Got to have a veggie to make it all healthy! LOL :laugh:

    Christmas - All the cookies, cakes, pies and candy, EVERYWHERE you go. Work, home, shopping, family get-togethers,
    OH MY! :sad:

    And finally New Years - Peas - not so bad, Greens - not so bad, Cornbread - can be toned down a bit! So by far the easiest food wise for me. But don't forget about the alcoholic requirements for bringing in the New Year right! :drinker:

    Then to top it off there are 2 birthdays in January, One in February along with Valentines day!

    I think it's going to be a rough 5 months around my house. PLEASE SEND HELP ! :cry:
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Oooh. I forgot the birthdays. After Christmas, we have a one month reprieve. Then there is a birthday in February, March, April, AND May!!! One teeny piece of cake for me please, and scoop my ice cream out with 1/2 cup measuring cup. lol
  • Topbobdog
    Topbobdog Posts: 55 Member
    Birthdays can be just as bad it depends on the age young birthday parties are the worst. When they get to be like 12 you can usually ignore the cake and they dont care but before that its a huge scene.
  • StephieWheats
    StephieWheats Posts: 88 Member
    Birthdays are the WORST in our family!!

    January- besides new years we are good
    February- My younger brothers birthday and we cant forget my sister in laws the day after Valentines Day (and I swear if I get chocolate I am going to snap)
    March My nephew will be turning 1 (ugh why do we need to smash a cake in his face?)
    April my niece is turning 3
    May my baby brother and my dad have a birthday.
    June My birthday and my brothers high school graduation
    July My moms birthday! not to mention its a sin if you arent bbqing something on the 4th
    August my father in law and my brother in laws birthday
    September Labor Day, my anniversary, and my mom in laws birthday all in the same flipping week!!!
    October My mom and dads anniversary, the horror of halloween and dont forget sweetest day .
    November Thanksgiving.
    December Dont get me started Christmas, my husbands birthday

    Anyone want to trade me families?