Any 45-50 year olds having to lose 80 lbs or more?



  • Hey there...I am 50 and have lost about 85 pounds with around 38 roughly more to go to reach 102... It is harder but put that out of your mind...losing weight is a mind game more than anything else...if you start out the gate telling yourself or worse, believing that it will be an uphill battle you are setting yourself up...change your strategies often...when one thing doesn't work try something else...but you can and will do it if you do...hahaha!!!! Nuf said lol
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    I'm 55 and proof it can be done! I've been at this just a bit over a year and having some great results. Still more to go, but well on the way. Here is the story of my first year.

    Welcome to having more friends to share the journey.
  • dragonfly123321
    dragonfly123321 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi I'm 46 yrs old and have lost 40 lbs since end of March and want to lose another 30-40 lbs by next summer. feel free to add me
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    Hi, I'm 50 and started in March of last year. I'm still on my way to my goal, but yes it can be done. Sending a friend request.
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    So many success stories!! Yes, there are plenty of 50+ of us out there. My 90LB weight loss is best thing happen to me in the past 51 years.
  • lsamllr7
    lsamllr7 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me. I will be 45 in one week and have 75 to 80 lbs to lose. Always could use a new friend so we can encourage eachother.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Add me if you like. :flowerforyou:

    I'm 53 and have lost my age in weight (see ticker) since Sept 2012. Still have about 35 lbs to goal, but currently stuck in a wicked plateau for the last 12 weeks. Ugh. :sad:
  • charleyreedto175
    charleyreedto175 Posts: 60 Member
    feel free to add... My goal is over 100 lbs.... I am in my second month..:smile:
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Just wanted to let you know that you CAN do it! I started at 45 yrs old and have been at it for 15 months. I have lost 80 lbs and you can too!

    Dont give up....keep consistent and do the work. It will come off. Good luck to you!
  • LeesaHart47
    LeesaHart47 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I just turned 49. I also recently had the gastric sleeve in July.
    I am down 40 lbs from surgery in 6 weeks. Its not easy just because I had surgery, its only a tool.
    I would like to lose 100 lbs. I have lost and regained weight several times in the past. This will
    help me keep if off, I had to do it because of my health. I am on 3 blood pressure med's & 1 cholesterol med.
    I was starting to get out of breath doing simple house work, I knew it would not get better for me health wise.
    It was not a easy decision to have the surgery, my insurance did not pay for any of it. I had to pay for surgery so after 2 years of
    research I finally decided to have the surgery.
    I still have to watch what I eat and exercise. I focus on high protein and low carbs its working.........
    I just want to be healthy
  • hippie_spirit
    hippie_spirit Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 53. feel free to add me :-) i'm working on getting motivated after too much vacation and too much summer!
    i have 80lbs to lose.
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Hello evryone I'm soon to be 48 years old. This has been my battle most of my life. I take it off and I put it back on, As I have gotten older it doesn't come off as easy as it use to. I am in and please feel free to add me as a support.
  • Hi Im Jill and I need to lose another 60 pounds I have already lost 45 pounds but I got lazy and didn't watch what I ate but I am back on track I walk 5 days a week with my friend we start at 5am and walk for 1hr 10 minutes I love it and im very thankful I have my friend . I have started to lose weight again in the last 2 weeks I have lost 6 pounds .
  • sandramackenzie1
    sandramackenzie1 Posts: 4 Member
    Congrats on the loss!:happy:
  • Maureen214
    Maureen214 Posts: 40 Member
    This sounds like my thread. I'm 45, not menopause yet; actually still have bad cramps periods every 28 days that last about 7-8 days cause I'm on a blood thinner, Coumadin. I've done many diets over the years and have gotten down to 170 pounds a few times, but have gone back up to as high as 240 several times. I've had cancer and beat that. Two years ago they thought it came back and after a few different biopsies in three different areas and a PET scan it was blood clots which caused two blood vessels to burst and my legs to balloon up with the clots. I've had several bulging discs in my back which makes most exercise difficult. I've had shots in my back and then this Feb I was one in a million who got bacterial meningitis for my shot. I was on 4 antibiotics and lots of pain medicine and developed severe migraines which I never had. Sub consequently I had to start taking depacote for the migraines; a medicine known for weight gain. And was shocked in July when I went for my checkup and was 262 pounds.
    I tried as hard as I could to lose weight on my own and lost 5 pound in two months. But this week I started My Fitness Pal, Shakeology, Slim N Six at a VERY low speed and partnering with my husband on our meals and counting cals since he's running the NY marathon ( his 11 th) marathon and is watching his food closely and would still like to lose 10 more pounds while training.
    I'm also originally from NY; Staten Island and now live in St Louis so would be nice to Lise some weight before we go back home in Nov and see family.
    I'd like to lose 100 pounds in one year and overcome as many of my health issues so I can eliminate some of my medicines and work out without pain !!!
    Please feel free to offer any thoughts, tips, ideas you may have fir me!!!
    Thank you in advance!!!
    And good luck to everyone else.
  • carrieanthony
    carrieanthony Posts: 70 Member
    There are some seriously AMAZING success stories here!!!!!! I'll be 44 in December and I have recently lost 42lbs so far. I am in the process, after this week, of going to maintenance and focusing on toning and building muscle for 6 weeks and then I will go on Round 2 of overhauling my eating again and hopefully dropping another maybe 30 pounds or more before I have to cycle back into maintenance. This isn't drastic but it's a routine that is working for me for the first time in my life!!!!! I am STRICT on my eating and eat only what is on my eating plan at whatever phase I'm in. So after this 6 weeks of maintenance is over (around mid-October), I'll be back kicking butt and dropping weight again. :):) I should hopefully be in ONE-derland by Halloween (for the first time in 13 years) :)
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    44 yrs old, need to lose about 105 more pounds
  • LittleHungryGurl
    LittleHungryGurl Posts: 26 Member
    I will be 50 in October. I have over 100lbs to lose. I didn't realize how hard it would be but I keep struggling on. I like MFP ,this is the longest I've stayed with a weight loss site.
    Welcome,feel free to add me:happy:
  • nightdragon70
    nightdragon70 Posts: 94 Member
    Hey guys.

    I'm 43... so not quite at the 45 range yet, but I started out in January wanting to lose about 85 lbs. I've managed to lose about 70 so far. Anyone can feel free to add me or send a message with any questions, comments, etc. I have tried a lot of different things in getting this done

  • DonnaAnn64
    DonnaAnn64 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi There ,,., Im 50 years old next spring and I have 50lb more to lose ..hopefully by my Birthday!
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