5K - Did not go like I had planned

I was pysched for my 5k today I was trying to break the 39 minute mark. The first mile went well I was able to run the entire mile and ran the mile in under 12 minutes. The second mile was harder i walked 1x for a total 30 seconds. when i got to the 2 mile mark I was at 25.54 into the race. It all went down hill after that.:sad: that 3rd mile killed me it was up hill and it got hot. Once I started to walk in spurts I felt like I could not run any longer - I never should have taken a break.

I also should pick a hotel closer tot he race - I walked 1.5 miles from hotel just to get to the race. (it was a good warm up but it may have been another reason i was exhausted)

I finished around 40 minute mark, I was hoping to come in under 39. Here's to doing another race to 2 weeks and seeing if I can make it under 39.:drinker:


  • Just keep going...I did a 5K today too...I usually do it around 31 but today I was helping a friend do her first one and we did it in 36 which is still pretty good...Just keep running and working on it and if you have to walk a bit it's ok...just get your breath and take off again...Congrats on at least doing it!!!!! Yea for you!!!!
  • lmbihn
    You still did a great job!!!!! You should be proud of yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • clothes_of_sand
    Hey, at least you made it. I know some people who couldn't run a mile at all. I think this is pretty impressive. Just try again next time :smile:
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    It sounds like you still did good. I don't know how long ago you started this journey but ask yourself in that time frame if you every thought you would be running? And in a race. Even though you are racing for yourself you still have goals. Keep training and you will make your goal.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    And you will get better next time. Keep training. Keep at it.
  • KLaurean
    You did fantastic!
    I could only hope to do so well one day.
  • hammycat86
    Hey, you did a GREAT job! Keep it up and you'll get to your goal!
  • katschy
    You completed it, which is fantastic in any case - and you weren't too far off your goal. You'll do even better next time! Congrats!! :bigsmile:
  • crosedonahue
    crosedonahue Posts: 21 Member
    I just ran my first 5K too! I can relate. Be encouraged by your step by step successes. What helped me was following a 5K training program. I followed an 8 week program that made me more-than-ready for the 5K. Try that- It might help! Believe me, if I CAN do it, YOU CAN do it. Trust me. Good luck!!
  • rkdesmond
    OK, so it didn't go as planned. Do not let that worry you. My bet is that just a few short months ago, you were much slower and may not have even been able to go 5K. Don't beat yourself up! It will be better next time!
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    You finished!!! :D It's all about baby steps!! My first 5K was 41:36 - after I'd been running sub-40 minute ones in the gym for a week or so. My second was 39:14. You'll get there!!! Keep running!!!
  • debwilson
    debwilson Posts: 24 Member
    Great job on finishing the run!!! My first 5 K is in 6 weeks and I am just praying for a time of 45 minutes!!! You are making this old lady feel bad LOL
  • aar3
    aar3 Posts: 33 Member
    Give yourself credit for what you did do. Keep on, keepin' on!!!!! This was a learning experience. Good luck on your next race!
  • Ebth2306
    At the weight in your signature you burned 647 calories!! NICE WORK. Keep making those goals and you will push yourself and get there.

    Again, great job. Way to get out there an finish something.
  • DKWaggoner
    Hey I think you did great! You ran a 5k & you weigh 4 more lbs than me..My goal was to get to 220 then try to run a 5k..You motivate me to want to change my goal!
  • Jansapphire
    Wonderfully done - no worries - Don't be so caught up with time - you did a fantastic job :)
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    You did GREAT! Not only that, but you didn't really run a 5K, did you? A 5k is 3.1 miles (I think) and you did 3.1 + 1.5 = awesome!!!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    You did awesome!!! I wanna be that good eventually :smile: But chin up - it'll get better next time!
  • lkelley87
    You were so close to your goal, and you still made it all the way through! That's amazing. Good luck in your next race.
  • jbennett23
    Finishing the 5k is a great feat by itself. I would suggest not running so hard to begin with, and try pacing yourself at a slower rate.