Getting worried....

I am definitely not new to exercise, I have been doing it for over 15 years, but I am worried about these pains I have never had before and I'm looking for your thoughts......

I firmly believe I have pulled the hamstrings in both legs, but cannot be certain as I have never experienced this before, nor do I know the symptoms. The backs of my legs throb and ache, it often feels like a knife stabbing over and over. This feeling can come while I am just sitting, doing nothing, or it can be during my workout/stretching period. This particular problem has been going on for over a year....I had hoped over time it would heal or the pain would go away. It has not. I just deal with it.

I have since encountered another issue within the last few months, my calves feel as though they are ready to tear apart at the bone. They are in pain, but the pain is centered at the bone, especially the top and bottom of the muscle. Waiting for them to heal, but they just do not seem to be getting any better! I just wonder if anyone has any idea how, or why this happens. Perhaps any suggestions for relief? I realize soreness comes with exercise, but I have already run that course...working out or being active is definitely NOT new to me. I drink more than enough water, I take a mulitvitamin, and I eat healthy.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreicated!


  • jbennett23
    That sounds like the tendons. You need to take it easy and go get it looked at.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I agree; this is something you should talk to your doctor about and as soon as possible to prevent it from getting worse.
  • kimkimby9
    Hi, Brenda- GO SEE A DOCTOR!!!! By allowing your pain to continue for so long, you may very well have worsened what may have been a slight injury to begin with. Hopefully, there isn't permanent muscle, tendon, or nerve damage already by repeated use of your legs. Pain is a signal that something is wrong. The old adage, NO PAIN, NO GAIN, is archaic. The pain you describe as "knife-like" can be nerve damage or neuropathy. Once a nerve is damaged, it is done. Get to a doctor as soon as you can and make sure you tell him/her everything-including how long you have had the pain. It is very important in order to make a definitive diagnosis. Then, once you have begun to deal with this issue, you will be well on your way to a healthier you! Good luck! Kim
  • Iwillxceed
    Iwillxceed Posts: 20 Member
    OMG, it can be so many things from restless leg syndrome to sciatica to deep vein thrombosis. Please go to a doctor as soon as possible. If it's ischemia due to deep vein thrombosis then it could become life threatening. You can't ignore this cause if it hasn't gone away by now then it's more than just the pain you get after you exercise strenuosly. If it's a sharp pain and not just a burning pain than it may not be a nuerophathy, it may be something other than a malfunction of the nerves.
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    Thanks for you thoughts everyone, I appreciate it!
    I admit I am terrible at having myself taken care of, I never see a doctor unless absolutely neccessary and even then it will take me forever to do so. I guess I get that mentality from the females in my family, all basically the same way. I have always figured I pulled a hamstring or something that would heal eventually.....but this has been going on for over a year and now it's both legs. My calves have only been about a month and I figured it was from some new exercises I started, but I've never had muscles that have taken this long to recover.

    I will make a doctor's appointment Monday and HOPE I haven't done any serious or permanent damage. Thanks again for all your advice!
  • kimkimby9
    You Go Girl! Glad to see you're making an appointment with a doctor soon. Get it taken care of so you can LIVE your life!
  • Iwillxceed
    Iwillxceed Posts: 20 Member
    kep me posted on what the doctor says, I am studying to become a nurse and I still to this day kept trying to figure out what the pain could be. I love to watch shows like medical mysteries and HOUSE. I love to try and solve the mystery on what the pain could be related to. I wish you well girlfriend, and hopefully it's something you can recover quickly from. GOD BLESS!
  • CombatVet_Armywife
    Thanks for the well wishes! I will certainly check back & update what I find out from the docs!