Hey Everyone

jmkelly808 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Aloha or Hello,

I'm new to MFP and so far i'm definitely LOVING the site! I just wanted to know if anyone knew:

1. Exercises for obese people
2. Healthier snack alternatives
3. Any useful information =)

Thanks for reading, and hopefully I can make great supportive friends through MFP!

Mahalo or Thank You (i'm from Hawaii BTW) :bigsmile:


  • Hey good luck I am sure your going do well on here, I am not sure about the exercise for obese people, but maybe try just walking that could help.

    The things i learnt off here is that if you have a bad day thats okay dont beat yourself up, just refocus on the next day, log the food if you have a bad day so you can how much you were over, then add notes to the diary if there was any reason why you had a bad day, so you can see any patterns. Try and do at least 30 minutes a day and you will be fine!

    Good luck

  • 1) Excercise is excercise. There's nothing out there you should focus on just because of obesity. Instead, focus on how much of a certain thing you can do. If you can't run 4 miles due to lack of stamina, instead try a fairly fast pace 2 mile walk, daily. The best thing to do, if. You're serious is try to push yourself as far and hard as you can, and learn your limit. Eventually, if you keep it up, your limit will go from walking to jogging to running, and maybe even something more competitive than just doing it on your own.
    2) Granola bars are great. As are things like PopChips, rice cakes, etc. However having a bit of meat and cheese is always a better idea, for the proteins. Try not to go over about 300 calories for snacks, as roughly 400 calories makes your body go into digestion mode and puts more energy into breaking down the food (why many people feel tired after eating).
    3) Don't diet if you're doing it just to lose weight and think you'll be able to jump back to eating what you used to once you hit your goal. If you don't go into it planning to make this diet permanent, all the work you do to lose the wait will have been for nothing. And make sure to update your goals and settings here regularly, or you'll be selling yourself too short eventually.
  • Hey girly Aloha from Guam. You can do this and you are in the right place!!! Good luck to you!
  • cobyh
    cobyh Posts: 15
    Aloha :)

    Welcome, I'm a newbie myself! I downloaded the app on my iphone in March, looked at it once and then deleted it. It wasn't until I discovered the online community a few days ago that I realised I could do it. So I'm doing it!

    My first "MFP" weigh in is on Wednesday and I'm genuinely excited!

    Anyway babe here if you need support :)
  • Welcome! I'm new here too but eager to connect with the community here and give/receive some encouragement.

    There are lots of options for healthy snacks, but one thing I would recommend is having some raw almonds on hand. A small handful of those is a great compliment to some fruit and gives you a nice serving of healthy fats and protein. I personally enjoy them :)

    Good luck on your journey!
  • welcome, and you've taken the first important step so congrats. I have to agree don't focus on one exercise just try getting started with some cardio (walking, jogging) something that will get you moving for atleast 30 minutes. As for snacks granola bars, rice cakes (i prefer caramel, & apple cinnamon), or 100 calorie snack packs. try to not concentrate on the scale as much because the scale will have you feeling super excited one day, and super down the next. Go based on your progress in your workouts, your daily activities, the way you are feeling, and the loseness of your clothes. I live by the motto: "the only failure is not trying". Once again welcome, and feel free to add me for support.
  • lripans
    lripans Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined - need to stop feeling hungry all the time.. I think my hunger gene is broken! Any advice on how NOT to be hungry ? Laura in NJ
  • katelyn002
    katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
    Hi! Aloha! haha i wish i were from Hawaii, it seems awesome there!

    Anyways... Well, welcome to the site.
    Add me as a friend and id love to help you with some support throughout this journey... i need it too :)

    As for exercising, i think you cant look at it as its for "obese" people. However, the biggest loser dvds, are pretty good and they give you modified versions if the full version of each exercise is to tough.

    ttys! :)
  • crosedonahue
    crosedonahue Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome! I'm new too. I have healthy snack ideas!

    1. banana
    2. yogurt
    3. Quaker Rice Cakes- I like chocolate, caramel corn (both in Minis) and the regular size White Cheddar
    4. Watermelon or canteloupe with cinnamon (mmmm)
    5. Cut up red or orange peppers (they're sweet) and cucumbers
    6. A piece of whole wheat toast with a little peanut butter

    Hope this helps!
  • Welcome! I joined a couple of months ago and have just been concentrating on getting rid of bad food habits and getting myself to exercise. I have changed a few bad food habits and feel my energy level increasing so I am ready to start tackling the scale. With the exercise, I just committed to doing so many steps in a day and used my pedometer on my ipod. My goal was to reach up to 10,000 a day - and before long I found myself exceeding that. Now I am working on a 30 minute DVDs with a goal to increase that to 60 minutes. By the way, love Hawaii!! Hoping to save up to go for our 25th wedding anniversary in 2 years. :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • Some nice tips for curbing hunger:
    1. Drink lots of water! If you're taking in your 8 glasses per day, that can really help your stomach feel more full.
    2. Chew some fruit gum. Keeping sugar-free gum on hand always helps me when I'm hungry/craving.
    3. Include a lot of items in your diet that fill up tummy space but don't pack a ton of calories. Some examples would be salads, veggies and fruits. Some things with a few more calories that still fill you up quick are almonds and eggs--just to name a couple. Perhaps get creative and make an all natural fruit smoothie for a snack or along with your meal.
    4. Change up your meal pattern. Try eating 5-6 small meals/snacks per day instead of 3 large meals. This keeps you feeling satisfied without having to fast in between. It is also great because it keeps your metabolism working!

    Hope some of these things help :) Good luck and stick with it!
    Just joined - need to stop feeling hungry all the time.. I think my hunger gene is broken! Any advice on how NOT to be hungry ? Laura in NJ
  • Aloha! Welcome to MFP. You will find so much support here on your journey.

    To answer your questions...

    1. Exercises for obese people - like someone said before there is no such thing as different exercises for different people - I was borderline morbidly obese when I started out, I have exercised the same as anyone else would and been surprised at how fit I actually am and how being so overweight doesn't mean I need to be gentle or do less than some of my thinner friends! Also I think this link has been posted several times on the board but this guy just shows what is possible...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SbXgQqbOoU
    2. Healthier snack alternatives - I snack on nuts and berries!
    3. Any useful information - drink lots of water, never say never, push yourself every day and you will achieve your goal.

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