Bridge to 10k

Hey all, any C25k graduates out there? I want to know if you are using the B210K app and if it is worth getting. Ive looked at the different weeks and it looks pretty good, just wants some thoughts and opinions.

Im up to week 8 day 1 on the C25K. I ran for 28 minutes solid today and covered 3.18 miles, which I was really happy with. My lungs were burning because it was cold but I soldiered through where as before i would have given up. I find the app really good for keeping me going, so I dont really want to finish it and then have nothing to run against.

Please help!!!


  • IndyHannah
    IndyHannah Posts: 59 Member
    I'm at week 9 of C25K and I've downloaded the B210K to start once I'm finished. I had a look and noticed it goes back to 10 minute intervals (x4 but with only 1 minute walks inbetween) and thought that was like going backwards since we finish the 5k at running for 30 minutes. However after having a look through it I think it's worth using. I'm the same as you and I need it to keep me going - I need the structure otherwise I'd just stop when I wanted :D

    I'd recommend getting it if you've had success with the 5k app. Plus it's only a few pennies!
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    I finished C25K a couple weeks ago, and just started B210K this week. I was planning to wait until next summer, but I'm hoping I have another month of decent weather here in the midwest (U.S.). I don't do well with physical exertion in cold weather, if it comes to it I have a fitness center at work I can go use the treadmill to finish up, but I greatly prefer running outside!

    Anyways, I just used the Ullrey podcast for C25K, but I'm pretty slow so near the end I increased my time to hit the recommended distances. By the end I was running a 5K in 38 minutes. Since then I've had a couple 40 minute runs on my own, but I also need the structure. I've downloaded a B210K app for Android, not sure if you're looking at that or ipod, but I assume it's similar. After running 40 minutes straight for a couple weeks, I assumed 4 - 10 minute intervals would be a piece of cake, but I was wrong! Those 1 minute walks don't allow for much recovery, which is probably good because it can be hard to get running again after too much of a walk.

    I had a good group of people in a C25K thread here at mfp that really helped keep me accountable, if either of you or anyone else are interested in "checking in" here for the B210K, that would be great! I'm still checking in at the C25K thread because we weren't all on the same schedule and some of them are still finishing, but I don't think anyone there is going to do the B210K with me at this time.