I need friends who ACTUALLY read diaries !



  • JavaJuno
    JavaJuno Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me and I will totally support you. I don't think it's a bad thing at all to want some supportive motivation. I won't be rude or anything towards what you've eaten, but if you want my concern at eating too few or too many calories, I can do that. :) I don't generally add anyone (the proof is my only 1 friend, which is a support group just like your asking for), so I will definitely be able to check your stuff out and offer my opinion.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Today I ate very little. Only about 400 calories :( I woke up VERY late and wasn't hungry because I went to the fair this week. I ate calorie ridden foods (candy apple, bowl of nacho cheese, lemonade, ice cream, fried dough) and walked around a lot, chased my fitness instructors 4 year old around, climbed on suspended rides and in the consent G force gravitational pull from rides where you could barely move !

    Before I had a 600 calorie muffin, there were people saying "great job, good day" etc.
    I don't want that ! I want "hope you're okay ! Get something to eat before bed" etc.

    To everyone saying that OP is an adult and it's her responsibility blah blah blah... I think she knows that. I took her post as simply wanting people on her friends list who actually pay attention. There's nothing wrong with that.

    Feel free to friend me, OP. I do my best to actually look at diaries before commenting.
  • Tdacks
    Tdacks Posts: 136 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. It isn't really supportive to say "Great job!" when someone is drastically under their goal for the day. I think you are looking for someone who won't just do that automatically, without checking your diary. It makes sense.

    On the other hand, I've unfriended an otherwise nice person because he was Diary Stalking on a daily basis. If I went 80 cals over one day, "Oh darn, it was the cheese slice that put you over. Message me for food tips!" On the surface, it was very supportive, but it felt...off. I tried to let him know that I wasn't being strict with myself, and that being within 80 cals of my goal was just fine with me, that I was paying more attention to exercise and controlling my sodium intake, etc. But he kept at it.

    Now, most of my friends here are also friends in real life, or seem pretty grounded about what constitutes support. So, when my BFF said to me "Do you survive on nothing but Luna bars and breakfast sandwiches?!" I took it as support, not judgement. Turns out, her phone was only displaying my first 3 meals of the day, which was a pre-workout snack, breakfast, and a mid-morning snack. Lol, I'm eating just fine, really!
  • Shanmommy821
    Shanmommy821 Posts: 4 Member
    Personally for me...I too would love to have someone check out my diary. I am just starting my weightloss and am struggling getting in my calories. Today, I only have 600 calories. If I had someone to help suggest food to help bulk up my calories that would be helpful. Instead of getting a good job or you need more calories.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Youobviously know you didn't eat enough and what you should have done to correct it (eat), why do you need someone to tell you what you clearly already know. I'll generally only comment on someone's food intake or diary if they ask for specific feedback
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Personally for me...I too would love to have someone check out my diary. I am just starting my weightloss and am struggling getting in my calories. Today, I only have 600 calories. If I had someone to help suggest food to help bulk up my calories that would be helpful. Instead of getting a good job or you need more calories.

    Healthy fats: avocado, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil, butter, dark chocolate, peanut butter. Eat liquid calories if you need to.

    You can easily get this info from the forums or google. Perhaps if you want specific feedback from your friends then send them a message or ask a question by posting on your news feed
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member
    I read diaries but if you're going to sleep all day and eat stuff like you describe, how can anyone really help you? it is up to you at the end of the day. we can't make you do things.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I never read diaries, but if I knew you were only eating 400 calories frequently, as an ex anorexic, I'd probably delete you, because while I overcame it, I don't need triggers like that.
  • ReneeReiser
    ReneeReiser Posts: 28 Member
    For me, when I see a low calorie diary I assume you are doing some crazy diet where you eat low calorie one day and high on other days. I see that a lot. I can't judge them, it's their choice and their body. I usually am too focused on ME to worry about what "diet" people are on this week. If i see a consistent diary of low calorie crappy food and lack of exercise, it leads me to believe that you aren't ready to lose weight or just are not motivated and you are hoping to lose weight by not eating much. I'm blunt, i might call you out. But it's not my job to motivate you. If you really want this, then it's you that has to make the right choice.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    great day! you did awesome! Add me!
  • khalidax1
    Is there a way to see the details of a friends diary ? All
    I can see is when it updates their workout and whether or not they are within their daily
    Budget . Is it not possible to see what they filled in for lunch and how many calories of each type of food they had etx.