6th week of Insanity...now I have to stop :(

So, I just started the 6th week of Insanity (WOW, did it get harder!) and now I am having surgery on Thursday. I won't be able to work out for 1-2 weeks. What should I do when I start back up again? I was doing so well too :(


  • elvisff
    elvisff Posts: 3
    After any surgery, especially on your back, I would first talk to your doctor and get his/her opinion when to restart intense exercise. The last thing you want to do is start too quickly and aggravate your back.

    Secondly, it depends on how long you are out. If you are out two weeks or more I would probably start over. If you are only out a week or so I would probably go back to the fit test in week 3 and gauge my ability to complete the workouts from there. If you feel like you can move forward then restart month two, if not then maybe start at 3 week and go from there.

    The biggest thing is make sure you give your body ample time to heal. Good luck.
  • aschmidt48
    aschmidt48 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, I was kind of thinking along those lines. It's not my back...really, I think it will be kind of minor surgery. It's just that it is on my face, and I would hate to make the swelling worse, I will look bad enough as it is! They told me I would have to take a week off of work (personally I think that it is overkill...maybe it is because I will look so terrible that they don't want people seeing me :wink: ) Hoping that I will be able to just miss out on 1 week Insanity. I think I could get by with some less intense exercise while I'm recovering, maybe that way I won't be starting from scratch again.